Locked posts
Seeing some posts being locked. It's nice to see that you guys are finally cleaning up the trash post
I am locking the threads that are being necro'd.
We're going to release the forum rules soon which will contain more information about the rules regarding necroing.
This will keep some less spam and more order in the Forum. Nice
@specter said in Locked posts:
I am locking the threads that are being necro'd.
We're going to release the forum rules soon which will contain more information about the rules regarding necroing.
Nice have you guys thought about adding a minimum X amount of words to earn points for what you post or reply to on the forums
@aries I don't really see how that would change anything. It's not the size of the post that matters, but the content within that post. If someone only posts "welcome" in an introduction thread, that post is still on-topic. On the other hand, if someone writes a whole wall of text filled with spam, that's off-topic regardless of the the size. Right now there are a few things we're focusing on:
1: Deal with the necros. We are going to release the rules soon and those will make clear what the rules are regarding necros. The current cut-off will be at 1 week for introduction threads, 1 month for discussion threads and no limit on official news threads. (Keep in mind this could change as we're still working on a few details).
2: Stop some multi-accounting power users from making low effort posts on their multiple accounts. There are a few users on this forum who are actively posting on multiple accounts to game the Foundation to the absolute maximum. While technically their posts tend to be on-topic still, I've noticed that these people are so obsessed with the Foundation that they will often try more "creative" and less desirable ways to gain their points. (For example by posting spam and then deleting their own comment, leaving a chain of "this comment has been deleted" spam in their wake). This is already annoying when one person does it, but when that person has 4-5 accounts, it gets really bad. While normally we remove these multi-accounting users from the Foundation in waves, I have decided to alert some of them in advance in order to stop their disruptive behaviour. As a result, you should have noticed a slight decrease in low effort posts during the last few days. I certainly have.
3: Get more updates out! Right now there isn't much to talk about, but that will obviously change as we get closer to alpha. We will most certainly see more discussions then and less "low effort" posts to desperately get the daily done.
@specter said in Locked posts:
3: Get more updates out! Right now there isn't much to talk about, but that will obviously change as we get closer to alpha. We will most certainly see more discussions then and less "low effort" posts to desperately get the daily done.
That would definitely help. I was finding it difficult to actually converse about anything game related, since most either already know of it, or there is lack of information. Usually, I'd set up camp in sub threads, such as class builds or races. Have to wait till then.
So let's say if I made a ghost account and always used a different IP address I could make multiple posts to official and non official topics that in reality you would never know it was me much less anyone else. There is always a way around this problem with the right knowledge. Hence when I said make it to where you can only get the rewards with the right amount of key strokes and just not tell anyone. Yes eventually it will be found out but at the same time you guys could change the key stroke range at any time or use a randomizer that you can set and not have to touch it yourself again. When I was apart of the design and testing team for diablo 3 the ones that worked from home we had a forum bassed report log. They tried to be slick and post random details till we randomly changed the key stroke minimum and maximum but also added a timer between the key strokes this way we knew if was just pure bull or not. You ones that couldn't comply with the settings was automatically removed and fired
@aries We have more than one way to discover which users are using multiple accounts. (I am not going to give away any details about those other methods). Using different IP adresses isn't going to guarantee that person will get away with it.
If we randomize everything it would just make it worse, because then spammers will have to keep making posts until it counts for their daily instead of just one. Frankly, is the situation really that bad that we need to resort to such measures?
If I may suggest, always add a comment to a locked thread so that the owner/poster understands a) that the thread was locked (i.e. get a notification if they follow the thread); b) why the thread was locked, so they don't do it again.
Also, looking at some of the threads locked in the "Welcome to Fractured" sub-forums, I'm not sure I understand why they were locked. None of these fit the definition that is usually understood for necro posting, and were really just nice posts saying hi:
https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/321/helloI understand what you're trying to do, and that's commendable, but I'd be careful not to alienate prospective players / community members at this point. Erring on the loose side is probably a safer approach in that regards, especially before the aforementioned forum rules are announced.
Just my 2 cents
@holyavengerone I generally inform the user(s) involved through PM why a thread got locked. In the case of the bumped threads in the welcome section, I contacted the person who bumped them. I generally don't add a post because it tends to lead to more arguments when other users disagree. In the case of necro'd posts, adding such post would also bump them again.
Why do we lock them? Because they're old and we don't want newer threads to be pushed to the bottom by old threads. The welcome section is very active, there are new introductions almost every day and it will get even busier once we start seeing a bigger influx of new users. Also, most of the users who introduced themselves in those locked threads haven't been active on the forum ever since. Most people just make an introduction thread for their Foundation points and that's it.
@specter I don't suppose you could name the people manually leveling 5+ accounts? I want to mock them.
@holya I won't name them, and you've given the reason why.
It took me 15 minutes to compare point totals/join dates to post counts. I feel I may have lost the right to mock them through virtue of showing my own autism though...
@holya I urge you to leave those users alone. Even if you've found the ones who have multiple accounts (something you can't know for sure), that still doesn't mean you should harass them. Prometheus and I will deal with them.
@specter said in Locked posts:
@aries We have more than one way to discover which users are using multiple accounts. (I am not going to give away any details about those other methods). Using different IP adresses isn't going to guarantee that person will get away with it.
If we randomize everything it would just make it worse, because then spammers will have to keep making posts until it counts for their daily instead of just one. Frankly, is the situation really that bad that we need to resort to such measures?
I'm thinking long term measures. It's easier to do it now with low player base then to do a huge lock down then have a lot of people quit when you need them the most
@specter said in Locked posts:
Why do we lock them? Because they're old and we don't want newer threads to be pushed to the bottom by old threads. The welcome section is very active, there are new introductions almost every day and it will get even busier once we start seeing a bigger influx of new users. Also, most of the users who introduced themselves in those locked threads haven't been active on the forum ever since. Most people just make an introduction thread for their Foundation points and that's it.
Can't you guys set it up to where the platform you use will just auto delete a post after so many days?
@specter said in Locked posts:
@holyavengerone I generally inform the user(s) involved through PM why a thread got locked. In the case of the bumped threads in the welcome section, I contacted the person who bumped them. I generally don't add a post because it tends to lead to more arguments when other users disagree. In the case of necro'd posts, adding such post would also bump them again.
Why do we lock them? Because they're old and we don't want newer threads to be pushed to the bottom by old threads. The welcome section is very active, there are new introductions almost every day and it will get even busier once we start seeing a bigger influx of new users. Also, most of the users who introduced themselves in those locked threads haven't been active on the forum ever since. Most people just make an introduction thread for their Foundation points and that's it.
But the threads I linked were just like 8 days without a post? That's necro?
Also, since they're already at the top, if you just add a post saying why you lock them, that doesn't bump them too much. Heck, you can even lock a bunch and then make 1 post in the last one. Otherwise people don't get why you lock the post, so you don't help to curb the behavior, and you might come across as repressive.
Just trying to give you a few tips/tricks/things to think of here, in terms of forum management. I've done that a bunch in previous lives
@holyavengerone said in Locked posts:
@specter said in Locked posts:
@holyavengerone I generally inform the user(s) involved through PM why a thread got locked. In the case of the bumped threads in the welcome section, I contacted the person who bumped them. I generally don't add a post because it tends to lead to more arguments when other users disagree. In the case of necro'd posts, adding such post would also bump them again.
Why do we lock them? Because they're old and we don't want newer threads to be pushed to the bottom by old threads. The welcome section is very active, there are new introductions almost every day and it will get even busier once we start seeing a bigger influx of new users. Also, most of the users who introduced themselves in those locked threads haven't been active on the forum ever since. Most people just make an introduction thread for their Foundation points and that's it.
But the threads I linked were just like 8 days without a post? That's necro?
Also, since they're already at the top, if you just add a post saying why you lock them, that doesn't bump them too much. Heck, you can even lock a bunch and then make 1 post in the last one. Otherwise people don't get why you lock the post, so you don't help to curb the behavior, and you might come across as repressive.
Just trying to give you a few tips/tricks/things to think of here, in terms of forum management. I've done that a bunch in previous lives
The original plan was to release the rules regarding necroing before enforcing them. The reason why I decided to deviate from that plan was because of a few really bad necros, and because some people on the forum wanted to see something done about them.
What is and isn't a necro depends on the thread. For introduction threads, the cut-off is pretty short because we simply want to keep it clean for newer introductions. Right now the forum isn't very active yet, but that will change in the future and then we're going to see a lot more introductions. When it comes to making rules, we obviously look at the future and not the current situation. This is why I am already moderating according to future standards. Right now it might look a bit overzealous, but in the future it certainly won't.
@aries said in Locked posts:
@specter said in Locked posts:
Why do we lock them? Because they're old and we don't want newer threads to be pushed to the bottom by old threads. The welcome section is very active, there are new introductions almost every day and it will get even busier once we start seeing a bigger influx of new users. Also, most of the users who introduced themselves in those locked threads haven't been active on the forum ever since. Most people just make an introduction thread for their Foundation points and that's it.
Can't you guys set it up to where the platform you use will just auto delete a post after so many days?
I don't believe this is the right solution. Sometimes the introduction threads contain useful information that we don't want deleted. For example, I believe Prometheus has answered a few questions there, not to mention the discussions that sometimes pop up in an introduction thread.
HolyAvengerOne TF#12 - PEOPLE'S HERALD Aug 28, 2017, 11:44 PM last edited by HolyAvengerOne Aug 28, 2017, 11:44 PM
@specter said in Locked posts:
@holyavengerone said in Locked posts:
@specter said in Locked posts:
@holyavengerone I generally inform the user(s) involved through PM why a thread got locked. In the case of the bumped threads in the welcome section, I contacted the person who bumped them. I generally don't add a post because it tends to lead to more arguments when other users disagree. In the case of necro'd posts, adding such post would also bump them again.
Why do we lock them? Because they're old and we don't want newer threads to be pushed to the bottom by old threads. The welcome section is very active, there are new introductions almost every day and it will get even busier once we start seeing a bigger influx of new users. Also, most of the users who introduced themselves in those locked threads haven't been active on the forum ever since. Most people just make an introduction thread for their Foundation points and that's it.
But the threads I linked were just like 8 days without a post? That's necro?
Also, since they're already at the top, if you just add a post saying why you lock them, that doesn't bump them too much. Heck, you can even lock a bunch and then make 1 post in the last one. Otherwise people don't get why you lock the post, so you don't help to curb the behavior, and you might come across as repressive.
Just trying to give you a few tips/tricks/things to think of here, in terms of forum management. I've done that a bunch in previous lives
The original plan was to release the rules regarding necroing before enforcing them. The reason why I decided to deviate from that plan was because of a few really bad necros, and because some people on the forum wanted to see something done about them.
What is and isn't a necro depends on the thread. For introduction threads, the cut-off is pretty short because we simply want to keep it clean for newer introductions. Right now the forum isn't very active yet, but that will change in the future and then we're going to see a lot more introductions. When it comes to making rules, we obviously look at the future and not the current situation. This is why I am already moderating according to future standards. Right now it might look a bit overzealous, but in the future it certainly won't.
Well 7 or 8 days between posts could be the timeframe between two visits on the forums for someone. That was way too short, I hope you guys can reconsider it.
I understand the rules aren't released yet but if you don't tell people when and why you moderate something people simply won't know because they won't see it, most of the time. Right there it's losing half of it's effectiveness, just on that basis.
I hope you guys are open to making some adjustments.