We need changes on the loot system
I want to start a discussion about the actual looting system.
As of now forming a random adventure group (makes a lot of fun) are not much rewarding because of the click it first get it first loot system. That in my eyes comes even worser when playing on a ranged skilled character.
That will, in my point of view, lead to issues when it comes to get people outside of guilds playing with each others. (Also i like to meantioning the drama that will be about that system when facing loot ninjas)
Therefore we need a system to strenghten the playing with each other, i think a easy solution could be to make a dice roll after picking up the item in a group.What you think about the actual system outside of organised guilds?
Well, the most important loot is already directly put into the player's inventory.
At most I could see an automatic gold sharing option.
Not only gold sharing also the mats droping from highest monsters are importent for imbuing high tier stuff.
For that you have to kill these monsters mostly with a group of players.
That brings me again to my first post
A lottery need/greed system would be the way to go. Worked well for the past 25 years...