PvE & PvP Balancing Feedback Thread
Alot of the mage stuff seems rather UP atm
Elemental staffs the stacks drop of way to fast in pvp not sure of there something to do with willpower/accuracy in play here but you realy cant stack your elemental buff up fast enough to get someone to hit by it unless you have like 4 people using that one element
Any kind of channeled mage skill seems bad since you just open up to being murdered or CC when you use them especialy since most of them are around you. these would be better if it was a ground target AOE you channel (like WoW blizzard/rain of fire) for example they can atleast be used to zone people out without basicly getting urself killed.
cobweb (I think thats the one the bolt spell that roots) this skill can literaly perma lock somone down till they die also forces everyone to max evasion top try and resist the thing especialy if your ranged since ull just get rooted then stabbed in the face constantly while u cant do much about it. (Think there should be some natural diminishing returns on consecutive CC after 3 roots for example u become immune for a short amount of time)
Willpower/fortitude/evasions seems a little strong although i dont have the best grasp on this system yet but seem like if you get these high enough u resist everything thats a debuff even when i get all the accuracy talents/high perception.
Heavy armor seems a little OP
all other spells that are not cantrips for mages kinda do wet noodle dmg compared to cantrips, not only they get lower base dmg they dont get bonus dmg like catrip mastery gives to cantrips.
So my firebolt hits for 1.2k crits where everything that is 2point or above does like 450 crits tops this is agaist 0% resistance mobs so that doesnt get taken into account
This was true before the last update, now a few mage critical spells were buffed, and the new staffs have really empowered the mages. I would say that right now mages are mostly fine. Some skills may for sure see some improvements, but it is currently possible and viable to run mages as fire, frost and shock with a decent skill selection. Corrosion mages are still not viable... but we have like 5 corrosion skills right now, so we need wait a bit for that (there is one possible corrosion build though, which has some niche applications).
If anyting, it has now probably come the time of nerfs for a few of their skills.
Raids in particular have shown how powerful and oppressive totems can be in a big fight.
Totems completely disregard the usual fortitude/evasion check on stack application and always apply 10 stacks per second, which can be a bit too much. They either get the stacks reduced similarly to most other skills, or their effect must be changed.
@spoletta said in PvE & PvP Balancing Feedback Thread:
This was true before the last update, now a few mage critical spells were buffed, and the new staffs have really empowered the mages. I would say that right now mages are mostly fine. Some skills may for sure see some improvements, but it is currently possible and viable to run mages as fire, frost and shock with a decent skill selection. Corrosion mages are still not viable... but we have like 5 corrosion skills right now, so we need wait a bit for that (there is one possible corrosion build though, which has some niche applications).
If anyting, it has now probably come the time of nerfs for a few of their skills.
Raids in particular have shown how powerful and oppressive totems can be in a big fight.
Totems completely disregard the usual fortitude/evasion check on stack application and always apply 10 stacks per second, which can be a bit too much. They either get the stacks reduced similarly to most other skills, or their effect must be changed.one problem with totems if they can be friendly fired by allies and block allied projectiles
and you cant tell which one is "friendly" and which one is enemy totems
The Ability "Assassinate" seems pretty weak compared "word of Power:Kill and a couple other abilities and even regular critical hits and some normal hits from some of the weapons in the game. Even with high dex and low hp of the enemy, this three point ability that is designed to be used at the end of a fight is kind of useless when it deal only about 700 to 950 flat damage at 85% 90% target health. Which at that point why bother any when you can have an ability that you can use through the fight? when say a crit hit gets 1200 at any hp level and word of power:Kill is all hp under 20% no matter how much that is and it is ranged, lower mp cost and faster cool down I Think. I am sure they do not want it to be "OP" butaaa..
I Love the game and wish I could fuse it with Mortal online 2. Sorry for the bad grammar and scatteredness. I just wanted to be heard. Keep up the great work.
Not being able to go stealth in Rogue armor is a bit baffling How does a Rogue NOT be able to go stealth? I just stole these people shit, I need to hide and Rogue out.
I think the armor set bonuses are too strong. I feel like to be something, you have to wear certain armor. Which goes against the free form of this game. I think armor sets should boost or promote play styles but not define them. I might be cool to add traits that people can equip that would define what they are.
@Cellticlink said in PvE & PvP Balancing Feedback Thread:
The Ability "Assassinate" seems pretty weak compared "word of Power:Kill and a couple other abilities and even regular critical hits and some normal hits from some of the weapons in the game. Even with high dex and low hp of the enemy, this three point ability that is designed to be used at the end of a fight is kind of useless when it deal only about 700 to 950 flat damage at 85% 90% target health. Which at that point why bother any when you can have an ability that you can use through the fight? when say a crit hit gets 1200 at any hp level and word of power:Kill is all hp under 20% no matter how much that is and it is ranged, lower mp cost and faster cool down I Think. I am sure they do not want it to be "OP" butaaa..
I Love the game and wish I could fuse it with Mortal online 2. Sorry for the bad grammar and scatteredness. I just wanted to be heard. Keep up the great work.This is true.
The assassinate skill feels quite lacking for 3 memory points and that mana and CD, but it is also a skill to be wary of. It is very easy to make game breaking OP with just small changes.Right now, assuming a DEX value of 20, it inflicts 600 pure damage on a target with 50% health. In pvp it becomes lethal on targets around 25% HP (900 pure damage), if the target does not have health enchants. Indeed it doesn't feel worth it.
Assume though that the DEX modifier is increased to 0.8.
It would now inflicts 800 pure damage on targets with 50% health, and be lethal around 33% HP. Now, this would be a powerful but acceptable skill if it was specific to some builds that have to sacrifice something in order to get it.
The problem is that assassinate is a very easy skill to "Soup" into other builds, since it requires only one commonly used attribute (DEX) and is quite relaxed in other requirements (Light/Medium weapon and Light/Medium armor).
Adding to so many builds the possibility to right out kill a 33% health target would be an issue for balance.IMO, the solution here is to indeed buff Assassinate, but make it also more restricted to "Assassin" builds. So I would make it depend on 2 attributes and have its modifiers be (DEX+PER)*0.45. This would result in a slight assassinate buff for those with an high DEX value and average PER value (assuming 20 DEX, 12 PER it would be equivalent to a DEX modifier of around 0.7), but would allow the assassinate skill of someone with the dedicated build for it to truly be build defining.
@spoletta I remember that is how it was in an earlier build of the game DEX+PER divided by something, times a percent of hp. Your sentiment about it being very easy to become OP is exactly why they have it so week. I can tell they are afraid of it being too strong, so they keep it held back. It is just, you spend three points for a move that should have a long cool down to keep it a one-time use per target, but it feels very lack luster. OH! What about giving it a nice boost if used from stealth, since one has to be in light armor to use stealth? The game is in test phase so I do not see why they could not try it. yeah, a juicy damage boost if stealth. Hey, add stealth bonus to damage if used in stealth. That way it is still fair in a fight, but it is unfair when you are fighting someone else, and someone comes and assassinate you in the back. That would suck but it is supposed to. That would also give stealth play more meaning and make detection more appealing also. As is, who is going to waste TP on detection slots?
Detection and stealth surely need something.
They are currently used just for ONE skill.
@spoletta Hey! spontaneous idea I have not thought about ATALL, it just poped in my head. What if a higher detection stat plus luck of course increased gold and treasure found in chest and other loot able containers? Oh and maybe to stretch it even more, make detection be the primary stat for lockpicking instead of just an auto bonus. That way It matters in a build. Always getting a bit more loot. BC right now it is all about mana regen and cap and HP cap, then damage.
Ok... the game does not have a ton of PVE content to keep peoples attention for long! Please focus more on PVP, since that is the best option for a new game lacking PVE content! If you listen to all the people wanting to only PVE, the game WILL fail! Yes, we need PVE, a lot more of it; however, it should be secondary! This isn't unreal 5, there is barely any content, be realistic if you want the game to last! UO lasted a long time but had it all! PVP is where the focus should be with what this game has to currently offer! Also, do not make people spend significant time in jail because they are wanting to PVP! You will ruin the game! What will we have to do without PVP in this game, answer that, and for how long?
The trouble with that advice is the PvP World isn't actually in the game yet, and is set to be the last planet.
Syndesia, the mixed world, is based around having both PvE and PvP, but the PvP is supposed to be discouraged and punitively punished, which is why Jail time is a huge part of that.
Also realize that although they are the loudest, PvP is actually the smallest overall percentage of the gaming populace. Yes, they bring their own content, and yes they are generally the loudest and most noticable (because in a lot of ways the PvEers keep mostly to themselves) but PvEers are a big part of the game, and more importantly, the PvE world is currently being introduced on the 15th, and Syndesia needs to be at least 50% PvE focused.
This is a niche game, so you don't worry about trying to draw 10,000 pop. Each Continent can only really handle maybe 1000 at most, more like 500 or so
@GamerSeuss said in PvE & PvP Balancing Feedback Thread:
The trouble with that advice is the PvP World isn't actually in the game yet, and is set to be the last planet.
Syndesia, the mixed world, is based around having both PvE and PvP, but the PvP is supposed to be discouraged and punitively punished, which is why Jail time is a huge part of that.
Also realize that although they are the loudest, PvP is actually the smallest overall percentage of the gaming populace. Yes, they bring their own content, and yes they are generally the loudest and most noticable (because in a lot of ways the PvEers keep mostly to themselves) but PvEers are a big part of the game, and more importantly, the PvE world is currently being introduced on the 15th, and Syndesia needs to be at least 50% PvE focused.
This is a niche game, so you don't worry about trying to draw 10,000 pop. Each Continent can only really handle maybe 1000 at most, more like 500 or so
I understand your point; however, it does not have to be that way, that was decided by someone. Market it as PVE and yeah, you will have more people here anticipating PVE, but the game as I stated, lacks PVE content. Since it lacks PVE content, why not market it as PVP with PVE as secondary? We all have our opinions and that is mine. Having a UO feeling game that discourages full PVP with a jail system is imo, not good, you may as well get rid of all PVP then. UO still had CHAOS towns/shrines for RED players and it WORKED great! I know, becauise I was there!
This game has CHAOS towns too, it is just that no one bothered to found them.
@Vultar The thing is, they have already marketed, and made the Kickstarter and got their pledges based on that marketing. Changing now could lose you a lot of those you initially got as your backers.
Changing gears sometimes happens, but you have to be judicious in how you do it. The game is absolutely playable and enjoyable as PvE right now, bugs and lack of end game content and all, there is still plenty as far as PvE to keep most PvEers happy.
@GamerSeuss said in PvE & PvP Balancing Feedback Thread:
@Vultar The thing is, they have already marketed, and made the Kickstarter and got their pledges based on that marketing. Changing now could lose you a lot of those you initially got as your backers.
Changing gears sometimes happens, but you have to be judicious in how you do it. The game is absolutely playable and enjoyable as PvE right now, bugs and lack of end game content and all, there is still plenty as far as PvE to keep most PvEers happy.
I just re-watched the early access trailer and it markets PVP very well; the game should be ready to support it, don't you think?
The Early Access Trailer isn't fully limited to advertising what will be available just during EA. One of the first races it shows is Demons, and they don't' show up until Fall (probably about 3 months away, as it is usually near the end of the season, and Wild Folk just now are releasing).
PvP is to be supported, but the PvP world that focuses on it isn't there yet.
Well, the EA trailer is actually just limited to EA features.
Demons are in EA, just not at the start of it.
That said, no matter where the game is promoted, the sale pitch is always based on pursuing the playstyle you prefer, be it pvp or pve, so the game has to offer both in equal measure.
@spoletta said in PvE & PvP Balancing Feedback Thread:
Well, the EA trailer is actually just limited to EA features.
Demons are in EA, just not at the start of it.
That said, no matter where the game is promoted, the sale pitch is always based on pursuing the playstyle you prefer, be it pvp or pve, so the game has to offer both in equal measure.Thank you, I agree 100%! I do not understand why some people are trying so hard to push away the idea of PVP!