Moving – New Land Parcel Not Allowed
I thought that if we already owned a land parcel and wanted to move that we could buy a new parcel and had 24 hours to move our items to the new lot. However, when I try to buy a new parcel of land I get a message stating that I already own a land parcel.
This is very frustrating as new land has opened up nearer the city I am a citizen of. I very much want to move but the game is not allowing me to do so. Help please!
Move your stuff into the local bank then remove your plot and grab another.
I have never seen that you have a 24h window to own 2 plots of land anywhere so this is a feature not a bug. They ofcourse might have changed something and I missed it but unless that is the case it is like I said a feature.
@MrBd I know about using the banks to move out of my house and then relinquishing my old house to get a new one. Thank you for mentioning it though.
I wish I could remember (or find) where I read/heard about the 24 hours to move to a new plot. Maybe I just dreamed it.
I know if it's not a thing it sure should be!
Found it!!! It was on the Wiki
That Wiki does specify another city or in the wilderness, which means you probably can't move plots within the same City region, which is what you wanted to do, I'm thinking.
@StormBug not sure how valid that wiki page is as it talks about a carpenter NPC and wood or stone house, no npc in the game at this point. Pictures on it is also from way before this and last alpha. Maybe someone can shed light on this that helps in the wiki? Maybe what is planned for future?