[Feedback]: Did content pills get killed by the virus?

  • I miss these; they were a great way to keep up to date when I couldn't make time to watch videos through, search forums, etc.

    Will they be making a comeback, or has the whole virus thing kind of messed it up?


    pills and spotlights were both killed by it.

  • Hm. I'd be willing to compile for delivery (deliver to @Prometheus for review/use) if that would help them continue. 30 minutes a week Zoom call and delivery by PM or email or whatever.


  • Moderator

    @Ekadzati They might come back. I've discussed it with Prometheus but right now they're focused on the tests. Once that's over though, we'll see. 🙂

  • @Specter Understood. I know it's a small team, that's why I offered to help. Money where the mouth is and all. 🙂


    @Specter said in [Feedback]: Did content pills get killed by the virus?:

    @Ekadzati They might come back. I've discussed it with Prometheus but right now they're focused on the tests. Once that's over though, we'll see. 🙂

    so focused the open test wasn't announced to the Kickstarter backers... like nearly every time before.

    Ive backed Crowfall in KS and Star Citizen outside KS and they are both submitting updates to kickstarter backers. they haven't forgotten those that put in the most public risk to get their project going.

  • @Jetah said in [Feedback]: Did content pills get killed by the virus?:

    @Specter said in [Feedback]: Did content pills get killed by the virus?:

    @Ekadzati They might come back. I've discussed it with Prometheus but right now they're focused on the tests. Once that's over though, we'll see. 🙂

    so focused the open test wasn't announced to the Kickstarter backers... like nearly every time before.

    Ive backed Crowfall in KS and Star Citizen outside KS and they are both submitting updates to kickstarter backers. they haven't forgotten those that put in the most public risk to get their project going.

    I hear your sense of dislike. I am not certain that I agree with you that it is reasonable to expect enterprise level communication from an 8-9 person team known to be neck-deep in crunch mode.

    It is unfortunate that they do not update their Kickstarter project first and let that be the content for everywhere else (then you could just link to it).... but humans tend not to think about efficiency when in crunch mode, which is why feedback like this matters.... so thanks for posting.

    I'm taking the liberty of mentioning @Prometheus for you, since we both know that it's likely the only way he will see it.

    Try not to take it too personally. I promise you it's not intentional, let alone deliberate.


    @Ekadzati said in [Feedback]: Did content pills get killed by the virus?:

    @Jetah said in [Feedback]: Did content pills get killed by the virus?:

    @Specter said in [Feedback]: Did content pills get killed by the virus?:

    @Ekadzati They might come back. I've discussed it with Prometheus but right now they're focused on the tests. Once that's over though, we'll see. 🙂

    so focused the open test wasn't announced to the Kickstarter backers... like nearly every time before.

    Ive backed Crowfall in KS and Star Citizen outside KS and they are both submitting updates to kickstarter backers. they haven't forgotten those that put in the most public risk to get their project going.

    I hear your sense of dislike. I am not certain that I agree with you that it is reasonable to expect enterprise level communication from an 8-9 person team known to be neck-deep in crunch mode.

    It is unfortunate that they do not update their Kickstarter project first and let that be the content for everywhere else (then you could just link to it).... but humans tend not to think about efficiency when in crunch mode, which is why feedback like this matters.... so thanks for posting.

    I'm taking the liberty of mentioning @Prometheus for you, since we both know that it's likely the only way he will see it.

    Try not to take it too personally. I promise you it's not intentional, let alone deliberate.

    if there's enough time to write up the post for the forums and email then there's enough time to send it to Kickstarter to update those backers.
    DS forgetting about Kickstarter isn't something new.

  • @Jetah I did not say it was new, nor did I imply that being new was some manner of free pass. Frankly, I don't think about things that way because I get they don't really OWE me anything; end of day, this is a donation type investment and if/when an offering doesn't live up to my expectations, I've no one to blame but myself for backing them. (Believe me, I have a string of those to look back on, so that's how/why I get what you mean).

    I suppose if you want to think it's sloppy or deliberately or whatever else, that's up to you. I was just trying to give you a different set of possibilities and constructs to help you offset your annoyance. It never occurred to me that you were being grudgeful.... thanks for letting me know. /salute


    I'm more annoyed that DS forgets about Kickstart as another means to update backers. it should be treated equally to their forums and news post. not everyone will come here because they backed on the Kickstarter platform.

    KS updates should be done either by every update, like the news section is, or notable updates. the FREE weekend/week/whatever was a pretty notable event that should have had an announcement.

    it seems as though KS was just a means to advertise the game during that month of the campaign. now that it's over, DS is tossing that aside. it's like the 'friend' who ask for some cash, you give them some and you don't hear from them again until they need more money.

  • @Jetah I hear how you feel. I understand your feelings. I think where we part ways in common thinking is that, even with being flat out told "you will get X", I don't expect "X" until "X" arrives at my feet.

    Keeps me from wasting my time on feeling resentment or my energy on "that which is not" as if spending my energy on it will make it "that which is".

    No worries, it takes everyone to make the world interesting. /salute



    I'm just getting tired of having to remind DS that the KS people and updates exist.

    you'd think an important event like the free test would be a great time to do a KS update but they didn't.

  • @Jetah said in [Feedback]: Did content pills get killed by the virus?:


    I'm just getting tired of having to remind DS that the KS people and updates exist.

    you'd think an important event like the free test would be a great time to do a KS update but they didn't.

    You don't have to remind them, that's a choice... and every time you make that choice after getting no response from the previous one is wasting your time.

    Don't waste your time. Ever. That's all I'm saying.


    @Ekadzati said in [Feedback]: Did content pills get killed by the virus?:

    @Jetah said in [Feedback]: Did content pills get killed by the virus?:


    I'm just getting tired of having to remind DS that the KS people and updates exist.

    you'd think an important event like the free test would be a great time to do a KS update but they didn't.

    You don't have to remind them, that's a choice... and every time you make that choice after getting no response from the previous one is wasting your time.

    Don't waste your time. Ever. That's all I'm saying.

    then no one would play games.

    i attempt to remind them so Kickstarter doesn't get a bad reputation (but in the video game segment that may already be tarnished).

  • @Jetah said in [Feedback]: Did content pills get killed by the virus?:

    @Ekadzati said in [Feedback]: Did content pills get killed by the virus?:

    @Jetah said in [Feedback]: Did content pills get killed by the virus?:


    I'm just getting tired of having to remind DS that the KS people and updates exist.

    you'd think an important event like the free test would be a great time to do a KS update but they didn't.

    You don't have to remind them, that's a choice... and every time you make that choice after getting no response from the previous one is wasting your time.

    Don't waste your time. Ever. That's all I'm saying.

    then no one would play games.

    i attempt to remind them so Kickstarter doesn't get a bad reputation (but in the video game segment that may already be tarnished).

    If I had as much influence as you seem to expect you will, I'd be doing more than trying to convince gaming developers to communicate with me. (sly grin)

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