The "I got stuck and need help" thread.
Just a heads up, we admins can teleport players when they're stuck so if you need help, please post here and we'll come to rescue you as soon as possible.
Disclaimer: Abuse of teleports can result in very unorthodox punishments. For more information, ask @twitchjackyace how he got his unique forum title.
Unique forum title sounds more like an incentive than a punishment.
help please
@Wildone333 What's your character's name and when are you online?
My Character name is Mathilda and currently I’m launching the launcher
Update: I’ve been unstuck! Thx
Help.... Wasout hunting then decided to suicide .. I let a mob finish me then selected closest city ... It respawned me in Slithering Moors and I am currently stuck in game @ the respawn point .. Char name God
We are RP'n this out trying to start a fire, I relogged 2 times.. Hoping for death soon. Although I am enjoying seeing the community down to help bugshoot... Bless.. 5/6/2020
@DjBIGGZ What's your ingame name and when are you online?
Stuck at the millstones in the starting city near Slithering Woods. Name: Luci Parcel
I'm stuck at login. With the "Your character is still in the world".. I logged out more than 20 hours ago. Is there anything I need to do or is this a server-side issue? My Char ID is 709.
Stuck again, this time at a rock in the goblin camp. Luci Parcel -2559W -146N
@Ostaff Please log in when you're around so I can unstuck you.
im stuck in loading world screen recreating char doesnt work
Hi there. I'm stuck at login. With the "Your character is still in the world" since at least 7 or 8 hours now
Name Unurith, ID 1096. Thanks for helping
I'm stuck at login. With the "Your character is still in the world"..ID 711
@Unurith @Vagabund This thread is for people who got stuck somewhere in the world. I can't do anything to fix your login issues, sorry.
my character get stuck in game I need help BaLaBuBu ID 2150
PSA: If your character is stuck on "Your character with ID XXXX is already logged in the world", please send me a private message with your ingame username and the character ID of the character that is stuck in order to have your character freed.
im stuck underworld tryed loging out and back in now game wont even load that char in game stuck on loading screen
@Specter So i finished a bed for a guild mate now i am stuck on it :-D. id 142, 730 w, -2323 n (he is not online to move it)
So i died to starvation so now i am free.
i've gotten stuck in the mountains. character name 'Macks' 1665w 1795n please help