Changing character alignment
It seems to me that alignment is something you choose in character creation.
Guilds can only have members of the same alignment. The gods you can worship are determent by your alignment.
So can you change your alignment on a character? It would be a shame if you can't join a great community that has a guild, just because you picked a different alignment when you joined the game.
The guild is limited by a range of alignment
not just one
@benseine It's possible to change your allignment, and depending on the direction you're taking your character in, it will have consequences. For example, you could get exiled from your home planet.
Think of each planet as a faction: Beastkin, Human and Demon. Guilds will be limited to alignment so Beastkin/Human, Human/Demon and vary rarely Beastkin/Demon.
I read a post that said it would be complicated to switch alignment, doable but difficult. We're able to have alts (I'd assume 3 characters max per account) so you could join said great community guild with an alt.
@specter Good, as long as you have the option