Just wondering what everyones preference on background so far?
Im swapping between Street Rat and Arcanist
I started as a street rat (which btw is a lot easier than whatever the warrior class is called), but I mostly have spells unlocked because I fought spiders. All in all, melee seems a lot weaker than spellcasters.
@Razvan Yeah Im enjoying my Arcanist the most I think especially now I've made the full scholar set
i like the shield and mace guy, being a paladin style and healing my friends is kinda nice
@Xzoviac What skills other than the stun from bears and the buffs from goblins do you use? As I said in this thread, at this point you can make a caster that is a better tank than a melee character while also hitting hard with spells.
@Xzoviac What skills other than the stun from bears and the buffs from goblins do you use? As I said in this thread, at this point you can make a caster that is a better tank than a melee character while also hitting hard with spells.
im just using the base build along with the bleed that you get from wolves, with a axe , so i can actually kill things lol
I tried an Arcanist and a tiny bit of the Commander. I didn't like the Commander as much but next test, I'm going to try a full tank. I hope they add a taunt in this game to make tanks better. But that Fireball
! Fantastic!!!
All in all, melee seems a lot weaker than spellcasters.
which might change with better equipment as warriors / equpment dependant guys are that - equipment dependant guys
However having "more magical damage" enchantment on equipment in game with invisibility makes me little nervous.
And Im curious, whether the game will also favour pet masters in that regard like it has been seen in many arpgs - in Diablo II, Grim Dawn and to lesser extend also in Path of Exile one could finish the game almost naked if pets took the beating