Two Handed Melee build


    @Nyquil44 Dumb question do you attack with left or right mouse button? Since i noticed if i rightclick it seems to miss a lot more (not really miss, but don't hit the mobs at all)

  • Yes it is hopefully with yet to be implemented enchanting and combat techniques it will be more palatable


    @Nyquil44 I honestly don't understand what is happing in your case.

    As you can see in my video, even without dagger skills and no poison I rather easy kill those wolfs.

    Not as fast as with a 2 hander but still a big difference if you compare to what is seen in your video

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    @Yitra you prove my point even more with that video lol dagger is completely unplayable took you like 20 seconds to kill one wolf that’s really bad misses and dodges like crazy thanks for confirming dagger and melee in general is dead


    for real what do you expect for just autoattacking without any skill or buff involed, we just have to wait what we'll get down the road for the melees

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    @Shivashanti I do both tested it all misses and misses either way my friend thanks for trying to help but melee still DOA

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    @Shivashanti I expect to hit mob at minimum 50% of the time which isn’t unrealistic to expect but should be way more with max perception stat


    @Nyquil44 well thats true, but if i compare yours and yitra's vid something seems odd on your char i think

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    @Shivashanti they where missing just as much don’t know what you were watching but that long to kill a lone wolf in crap armor and resistance is super bad. dagger player should always be high damage since you have to catch the person in the first place imagine PvP 0 damage verses nuck every spell accuracy is the worst part of this game for any melee player. I will fight to no end to get fixed love you and appreciate every post you and all will give

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    @Yitra still had numerous 4 misses in a row that’s insane how is that even implemented as a weapon if they didn’t even test it at all which boggles my mind. Why even have melee if you don’t care at all to make it even a thing

  • Have either character finished off the wolves Knowledge at 100%? I do more damage it seems once they are 100%

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    Too painful to try and get to 100% on dagger build one my 2h staff build one I have most creatures at 100%. Still over abundant of misses for sure if we don’t raise our voice on it will never get fixed properly only reason I’m expressing myself love the input keep it rocking love you all nothing personal.

  • Im not in alpha but just watching videos is enough to see something is wrong 🙂 Just watch this 00:24:50 - 00:26:22 (one and half minute to kill monster in two people) and even better the following fight 00:26:22 - 00:30:30 (over 4 minutes to kill one monster). I know this is not Diablo where you slew the main boss in 10 seconds and regular mobs vaporize instantly, and most of the fight it was 1v1 and monster used healing few times, but 4 minutes ? If it was interesting fight with huge DMG numbers, where you had to dodge and time your attacks (which would take skill) and take 20% hp in one swing, why not. But standing 4 minutes and keep holding LMB knowing he cant even scratch me would probably make he go grind someone else.

    I hope they will keep bonuses on active melee skills like on Heavy blow with up to 250% increased dmg depending on strength, instead of +50% dmg no matter how strong you are like it was earlier (but question is if for example Hellfire demon with 25 str (massive melee dmg) and high perception hits someone cursed with Death mark (+50% dmg taken) with 2h axe (probably passive crit damage), while buffed with Strike wounds (+30% dmg per debuff on enemy) with skill Heavy blow (250% dmg) and luckily crits (with greywolf headdress +50% crit damage), will he one shot him?).
    Melees with 2h need nukes too, because if all weapons have same DPS, 2h guys will suck as 1h can have shield aka more defence while having same damage output - at least in pve, because you will not have to go camp as much... Or just give 2h weapons +50% dmg bonus from strength so with str 18 you would have melee dmg bonus 48% (should be +100%, you use both your hands :D)

    Could be solved by reducing damage if you go shield +1h, but then it would take eternity to kill something, rather increase 2H damage.

    Please, give monsters that heal themselves some kind of visible indicator that theyre going to heal themselves. Then It would take some skill and timing, to stop their heal (and in case of successfull disruption of heal, give them 5-10 s cooldown on their healing).

  • @Tero-Kaze Imo damage should grow with % - if i have knowledge of him 30%, then 30% more dmg up to double dmg on 100%. Would be less tiresome to grind resources from monsters.

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    @asspirin thanks for that well thought out post and agree with it all whole heartedly.

  • I do agree as well but i think that there is a loss of context here. In any game using the first "starter" weapon is a bit painful as you grow. Until we get up-gradable or better weapons this will be the norm. I remember working through Fire Fall from Early Alpha to final the systems and game changed drastically.

    This just the Alpha 2.1, the game has so much left to give and have implemented. To me in most true Testing phases i see it as a progression and adaption from concept to working game.

    Alpha 1 = Proof of Concept and debugging of core systems
    Alpha 2 = Implementation of the broader scope of working concept and development of
    Betas 1 = True Core game testing and system stability
    Open Beta = Stress testing final polishing

    We do not have Metal weapons, wood and stone make all current weapons. No Swords, Pikes, Halberds, Battle Axes, a bit of perspective is always good. Yes it is frustrating but keep in mind these are not our "Final" Characters.

    Unfortunately "Steam" and other services have spoiled gamers with "Early Access" to games that are 80%. They have this misconception of Alpha/Beta testing but it is more the Open Beta.

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    @Tero-Kaze another amazing post thanks for that and yes it could and will only get better for melee in its current state.
    Disparity between mage and melee was very glaring at the moment reason this post was made. We should all make sure it gets attention and change needed happy thanksgiving to all those celebrating. Battle axe or Halberd cannot wait to see those types of weapons.

  • @Tero-Kaze You sure are right, I was just sad seeing 4 minute staring contest instead of fight. See

    02:52 - 02:58. Two guys killing bear in 6 seconds. i know it´s pre alpha footage, but damage numbers aren´t too high, bear just has lower health. 03:23 - 03: 30 two boars, now its 7 seconds. This is nice looking combat and I wouldn´t mind learning less knowledge from these monsters, if there were more of them to make up for it. I´d rather kill 40 bears (240 seconds) than stare one goblin to death (240 seconds).

    So yes, it´s still alpha, but prealpha looked more entertaning imo (due to lower health, even if they had higher damage).

    P.S: Hope you can enchant 2h with twice strong enchants than 1h (as 1h will probably have advantage of choice from two enchants thanks to offhand).


    @Tero-Kaze said in Two Handed Melee build:

    We do not have Metal weapons, wood and stone make all current weapons. No Swords, Pikes, Halberds, Battle Axes, a bit of perspective is always good.

    Although this is true, I am very curious how this will develop in the perspective of horizontal progression.

    On one hand, the game advertises that you are battle-ready from day one, "Jump right into the fray from day one. Defeat your enemies through your own skill and cleverness, not equipment or level."

    on the other hand, if you start with real starter gear and weapons from wood and stone, and metal weapons would be far better? Time will tell 🙂 for now, we can only share our test results and experiences.

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    @Yitra please go on now and check it accuracy is working way better with that dagger fix for all melee weapons. I don’t miss 4 times in a row anymore feels so much better. I never expected to one shot mobs but consistent accuracy with high perception should be a thing. There is way more mobs now as well seems double at spawn points.

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