Dedicated Town Sections
I think this game or some of the Governor towns will need dedicated sections for production. For Example: Nova Scotia is known for Fishing while others are known for Lumber. I know we have real time tanning/leatherworking mechanics here so some areas would also be dedicated just towards producing Hides in a Cured State.
I also wonder about Guard Towers and Traps and such as well. To defend these resources as our main military forces may be a lengthy distance away. It just makes me wonder what set of buildings will be available.. guild banks and so forth. One main powerful bank? with several other smaller branches in other towns? Will there be NPC hireling contracts to move goods from one location or another or entirely dependant on players to do such transitions?
I hear we can have/get npc guards but any other functioning npcs available who can perform tasks once given Gold?
I definitely want to see the ability to designate or even name "quarters" within towns: Merchant's Quarter, Craftsmen's Quarter, Upper Quarter, etc.
Would be even cooler if we could construct interior walls with gates to physically separate the sections, and then set individual permissions per gate.
But yes, I definitely want to see NPC guard patrols and towers. I'd also love to be able to outfit NPC guards and towers with gear I've crafted.
SWG left town planning to the players. Some towns were nicely laid out and organized. Others were sprawling mazes of disaster lol. We had a hand full of people who were allowed to place building deeds and there was a planned style of where buildings went. Even then everything didn't lay out nice and perfect sometimes lol.
If towns were left to the wills of the players, it would be a tug-of-war between highly competitive people playing for efficiency and the roleplayers who want nicer layouts I suppose.
@Roccandil Totally awesome. You took my idea and expanded it a hundred fold...
That is why you are the Great Governor of the Beastlands M'Lord......... Bows
idea nice!!! ooh, excite much very!!!
Thanks, Vyr!
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