Neutral demons able to stay on Syndesia indefinitely?
Pwnstar TF#12 - PEOPLE'S HERALD Jan 24, 2019, 11:31 AM last edited by Pwnstar Jan 24, 2019, 11:32 AM
@Thwunk said in Neutral demons able to stay on Syndesia indefinitely?:
@esher Can't really get my head around becoming an Angel, not sure what advantages it will give to compensate for the locked to good.
Agreed, we need more information here. I really wanted to PvE with an Angel but if there's no real reason to do that, I'll just make a Beastman.
(I don't consider looks a valid reason)
@Pwnstar Yes, if you're an angel, you can stay all the time you want on Syndesia. Demons have a hard time because they are far from Babilis, but Angels doesn't worship Babilis anymore, so there is no problem for them.
What about going to Arboreus?
@Pwnstar said in Neutral demons able to stay on Syndesia indefinitely?:
What about going to Arboreus?
We don´t really know yet, but I think we can assume that if Angels can´t "forever" stay on Arboreus they will at least be able to stay longer than a Human with Good Alignment (which is according to current info 20 / 40 real time hours).
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@Meiki said in Neutral demons able to stay on Syndesia indefinitely?:
@Eurav Well as for me, if Abominations are to be treated as demons gameplay wise, angels should be treated as beastfolk, as what would be the point of redeeming oneself if not to be accepted by Elysium again?
Well Abominations get treated "like demons" becasue they "share the same alignment". I think there might be a few exceptions where Abominations get treated worse than a Human with evil alignment, but not sure there (I am not really well informed in that area (abomintaions in general)
). Now a Human with Good Alignment is only allowed to stay limited time on Arboreus, so why would you allow Angels to stay "forever"?
There are a few points one can make, which I understand, that Angels are "better" than Humans with Good Alignment, but I like to get back to the lore there, where it kind of says Beastmen are only allowed to stay on Arboreus because they are accepet by the primal energy.
In the end we will need to wait on how the devs decide, but seeing with how everything makes decent sense up to know I think we can expect them to make a reasonable descision and shape the lore according to that (e.g. somehow explaining that the Angels as well can use the primal energy on Arboreus which allows them to stay there)
The only kinda downside I see is Angels being able to freely access Syndesia and Arboreus (allowing them to freely access the resources of 2 planets and so on...), which might be fine because one has to go through a lot to achieve that, but Abominations don´t really have any advantage like that.
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planets are karma locked. race doesnt matter.
demon/beast/human with good karma can be on the beast planet but will have negative stats on tartaros.
@Gothix While I can see the appeal of playing a race that is rarely seen, as both a badge of honour and the personal challenge it will be to achieve such an accolade, I would hope there is also a tangible reward, perhaps being empowered by vital energy or some reciprocal counter when they can crusade for good in direct opposition to counter balance the Tartaros influence on Syndesia during eclipse etc. or even having "all saints days " or similar events.
if they scarce, then such counter balanced power when used against evil on Syndesai would not create unbalance but would recognise and reward past effort.
What about the reverse? Does a Beastman "leak" on Syndesia?
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