@spoletta yes, he did not block, he just gave all the rights to fools (maybe he will give it again) . And since we are talking about the fact that he said and what not , what about localization into Russian ? (prometheus or spectrum wrote directly about it that yes it will be) You have been offered help here before and now they can offer it again.

Posts made by ZagZag
RE: Greeting from an old-timer PROVOCATION
RE: Greeting from an old-timer PROVOCATION
@spoletta In general, does it make sense for us, the citizens of the Russian Federation, to continue to wait? or at some point we will find out again that Fractured is no longer available in our region ? We've already been abandoned once
RE: Greeting from an old-timer PROVOCATION
@spoletta In other words, Albion online, which was just released 6 years ago (and not 1 alpha test where people are afraid of something) look! do you think it 's like a game that no one fights ? yes , there the economy only keeps on full drop ! no one can take a step without a good fight ! 10x1 , 50x10 what 's the difference this game throws you into a cycle of events in which you have to find your niche! it turns out to fight fight ! it doesn 't work out , run away ! And what about you? you create conditions in which it will be easier for the player to lure someone to kill me so that he can then kill him himself or his friends who are hiding in advance, who again will not suffer any losses since they killed the PK... I don't understand what you're doing....
RE: Greeting from an old-timer PROVOCATION
@spoletta damaged items are destroyed ? or am I just losing my margin of safety , or are you slowly going to remote them ? I check the messages above my head "funny attempts to kill me" And again I don't care about the rewards for killing the boss , I've been waiting for 6 years! damn it , 6 years ! what would I be told later , we changed our minds , man . Now you won 't get anything for the murder , the man died - got up - fixed - ran to kill you with his friends ( and you will lose everything because you killed him and lost karma ) what is the meaning of open pvp for a solo player ?
RE: Greeting from an old-timer PROVOCATION
@spoletta If the stuff falls out depending on karma , then where is the full drop here ? I cried 6 years ago talking about competition with albion, but you decided by some kind of "magic" that KARMA would only work against the PC, and what's the point of me going to the PK if I don't get anything by killing a person who has positive karma but will lose everything in the event of my death? Then remove the pvp altogether , it does not make sense and logic . It does not complicate the game, but simplifies it by making it possible to always put on the best things and go to the boss with one thought in my head "I won't lose anything"
RE: Hello everyone - I'm back with some questions
@OlivePit ok, I'll rephrase. Where are the bare boobs of the demoness and the perfect waist of "blind justice"?
RE: A new Community Manager emerges from the shadows..
@Arcahem Questions .. yes I have 1. Where did the naked demoness go? because her art is something that still forced me to wait for the game! and now ... how can I live now ...
@BlueGoblin the fact is that this skill can be used by everyone. BUT, unlike wars among magicians, its use does not end with mana. And yes, magicians are the strongest
RE: PvP Fight Duration
@Nekrage who told you that? why are you lying ??? magicians are the strongest class !!! if you don’t understand anything in the game, don’t write better
RE: Why this game is not fun
@Shirax ... guy you ask developers to simplify the game? spent as much as 2 hours buying a house ... poor thing ... this is mmo your mother! this game for years! What is 2 hours from one year? this game is not for you, girls like you just spoil the right course of developers.
And you know what a girl. you're a damn noob. because now, at this stage of the game, magicians are the strongest class! -
RE: Spell casters are too weak in Pvp.
The fact is that because of the clothes of the magician, it is impossible to catch up. + Frenzy skill does not really take MP away from magicians, which means that it is always very fast. So it’s strange that you write about some skills and damage ...
RE: Что происходит с персонажем и его пожитками после смерти?
@Einhar ты быканул чи шо ? го 1х1 сейчас сервера работаю
RE: Англоязычная гильдия The Shadow Empire проводит набор
@Drey ты чел тоже фантазёр... будь ты более внимательным то ты бы заметил что текст твой меняется в зависимости от перевода страницы на Русский или Английский .
RE: Англоязычная гильдия The Shadow Empire проводит набор
@humerus чел , я хочу что бы понял , у меня нет ненависти , у меня есть только непонимание , вот ты гонишь за 200 человек..... спорим что из 200 человек если я попрошу вас зайти в дискорд игры , зайдёт максимум 20 ? ты вкурсе что твой клан из ноунеймов которые не светились в других проектах? ты говоришь что я что то удалял.... но я только добавлял через редакт. Вот даже ты , кто ты ваще такой ? ты же просто срёш на форуме своими МЫ МЫ МЫ покажи свои мы ! давай сегодня хотя бы половину своего клана в дискорде покажи , тебя же там уважают и послушают . Либо пруф с того что это не "мертвые души" либо умолкни уже ноунейм .
PvP 1x1Встретил настоящих воинов , не кучей на 1 как у многих а именно 1х1 ! уважение этим господам )posted in Creative Corner
Frenzy (you can learn by killing skeletons), a too strong skill which in attempts to change will be either useless or super useful. Leave one thing alone, either movement speed or attack speed, or simply remove from the game.
PvP car
I tried a lot, but settled on this one .... I made armor from leather "warg" the initial resistance to magic was negative. I also completely abandoned "luck" . Skills, order of use in video (
) would like to mention “Frenzy” too strong a skill that will never be balanced. The hero gains too high a speed of movement and attack.
build -
RE: Идеи по созданию гильдии некромантов ?
@humerus промитей то за лор зитирает.... то уже не важно.... прям представляю как лич ( напомню это нежить !) покупаяет в городе людей экип (у которых война с демонами + в данжах чистят скилетов) и поклоняется богине плодородия .
RE: Англоязычная гильдия The Shadow Empire проводит набор
@humerus как то так выглядит слив ) спасибо за демонстрацию жопализ)
RE: Идеи по созданию гильдии некромантов ?
@humerus а вот тут точно нужно в дискорд идти , ибо большая тема которую я что то теперь совсем не понимаю как с логики так и с механики . в 15 заходи в дискорд в войс обсуждение