Glim listens in on Malyvern and Mimi's conversation. He too, it interested in why the Erywdra came to Syndesia.

Posts made by WhoAteTheCat
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
RE: Necromancy
@unreal1985 Sorry to burst your bubble.. But it's already being implemented for the base game.
RE: Selfie Thread - Show Off Those Faces
@malyvern You based the dog off of you real dog, that's adorable. My sisters name is maisy.
RE: Selfie Thread - Show Off Those Faces
@muker You're right. I didn't think of that lmao.
RE: Mega Update - Cheaper Packs, Pre-Alpha Keys & More
@coolburn I completely agree, there are so many games I would love to play that don't implement servers for oceania/Australia.
RE: Favourite beastman
Definitely the Nheedra. Bears are natural tanks.
RE: Are you looking for a group of mercenaries to do your dirty work? would you like to be a mercenary? Look no further than Glims Mercenaries!
The guild is growing, make sure you're a part of it!
RE: PSA: The Kickstarter has been postponed.
It's no rush, take your time. The more sure you are about what you're doing the better it will be.
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
Glim is clearly furious. Huffing through his nostrils, clenching and unclenching his claws..
Glim calms, his breathing becoming more controlled and slowing down. He relaxes. Claws unclenching and shoulders loosening. "Your words are feeble and twisted as an old woman. Stay to your table and stay out of my mens way, lest you lose an eye or worse. Keep your fighting words to yourself, or keep them coming if a fight is what you're looking for. My men are happy to oblige." Glim spreads his thick arms out around him. chairs scrape against the floor of the tavern as one, then three chairs are pushed back. The twins stand, silent as always. Phargought stands, downs his drink and slams the cup onto the table and snickers.
The patrons quieten, even Alexander tops his playing.
"I'll have two more ciders.." Glim says, placing coins down on the bar and retrieving his drinks. His men sit back down in their seats and once again start drinking. The tavern folk go back to their business of talking, laughing and drinking as if nothing happened.
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
-To Malyvern- "To our scars!" Glim downs his cider with relish, licking his snout. Almost as an afterthought, he places his now empty mug down and asks. "You never got to telling me about.. Olgee? was it?"
-To Ixuo- Glim stands up from his chair and saunters over to the Chadra. "I don't want you causing trouble here Ixuo, though as long as you don't start anything. And it seems you aren't" Glimheim growls the last part, letting the growl sit in the back of his throat for a moment, looking at the men enclosing around his companion. "Then I have no problem with you defending yourself. As is your right."
Glim never takes his eyes off the men once. "We came here to drink and enjoy a bit of rest. I imagine you came here to do the same.."The twins watch the exchange carefully, the one by the door turning his head this way then cocking his right ear that way. His brother shakes his head in disagreement. The first twin acknowledges.
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
"Olgier. Was he a bad man? Or just misguided?" Gloom looks upon the Magister's scars.
"Your scars are not something to hide, friend." Glim smiles saying this. Removing his gambeson he shows all of his scars, like streaks of nakedness across his otherwise grizzly form.
"I earned all of these."
He gestures to one running from his left collarbone to just below his pectoral.
"I earned this one saving the lives of a pair of young lasses on the road." Glim goes on to name tens of scars, ranging from large to small, deep to shallow across his body. Before coming to the only scar on his face. A deep, ugly, jagged scar running down his left cheek to under his jaw.
He pauses for a moment. "This scar.." He sighs. "This scar I received on my home world, Arboreus.. from a demon.. A demon on Arboreus.. The hell fiend that caused the death of my brother. No. I caused the death of my brother because I was selfish.." He sits down at that. sipping his cider.
"But that is a story for another time, when my tongue is more loose from drink! I do not mean to put a damper on the mood, friend. But my point still stands, scars are a symbol of honour, of survival. -
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
The two twins sit on either side of the room. Making face gestures at eachother every now and then, motioning to this person and that. They both perk up at once as a man in a black and grey coat walks through the door. Hood up, shadows masking his face he walks toward the centre of the room. The twins watch closely as the stranger reaches inside the folds of his cloak. The twins stand up at attention, chairs scraping at the floor.
The stranger pools out a wood pipe.
“Greetings all!” He calls out, making his voice he heard by all. “I am Alexander the talented. I have traveled far and wide across these lands. This day you had the honour and pleasure of being able to treat your ears to my music!”
Some of the patrons in the bar stop paying the man any kind of attention.Seeing the wooden pipe the twins sit down, relaxing.
The dark clothed stranger once again raises his voice and speaks as he pulls down his hood.
“Does anyone have any requests? I have quite a large repotoire.. among other things.” He winks at a women and she blushes.The stranger is attractive by anyone’s standards, sandy blonde hair with piercing blue eyes and a chiseled and even face.
((Feel free to play the bard. Just brought him in as an excuse to add something new.))
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
Noticing Malyvern enter, Glim stands from where he was previously seated with a grunt, and makes his way towards his new friend.
"Aye, Maly. You weren't wrong about this cider, quite the drink!" He claims, swigging from his mug.Glim looks at his shoulder, and rolls it once or twice. 'That girls healing magic sure is something. I wonder if there's still time for me to learn it.'
He sits down with Malyvern with a 'humpf.' Scooting his chair in closer, he leans in the table top with his elbows.
"Now that we're here friend. That large building, what is it?"((Glim still wears his gambeson, axe and cloak. Though he was able to wipe them clean of the green ichor from the beast that they had encountered along the way.))
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Singing Grotto Inn
Looking back at Mimi, Glim can't help but think about his home. Arboreus.. Though it isn't his home anymore, nor has it been for many moons.
"Mimi lass. Walk with me." Glim beckons her towards him.
"When did you take the leap to come here? did you come alone or were there others?" He questions. Glim always was curious, sometimes too curious for his own good. -
RE: Aussie guild
G'day to the both of you. Currently I am the proud Guild owner of Glims Mercenaries. I'm Australian as are a few of the members in the guild. Only requirement is you have to be a beast man. not my rules but the game's rules. Feel free to send through a request and it'd be my pleasure to accept.
Cheers; Glimheim. -
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Singing Grotto Inn
((Glim wouldn't talk about demon raids, but everything else you wrote for him was spot on))
Glim gets serious then. "But aye, little one, you're right. Home is peaceful, but this isn't home is it? Take this, lest you find yourself in a scrap unarmed." Glim hands her his dagger. A one sided steel blade with serration on the spine.
She reaches out tentatively to grab it and wraps her fingers around the worn wooden handle. "We haven't properly introduced ourselves, I'm Glimheim. What's yours, girly?"Phargoughts ears prick up at the sound of Glim's full name. 'Glimheim, he has a soft spot for young ones.'
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Singing Grotto Inn
Standing up after taking the final hit, he winces as his right shoulder gives out under his weight. "Is everyone alright?" He asks gritting his teeth.
The twins nod in silent affirmation and hurry over to help their captain up.
"Many thanks, you two." Glim says, allowing himself to be hoisted up.
"You!" He calls out to the Erwydra. "You said you were a healer? Can do you anything about this arm?"He looks at all of his men. The Chadra and the three Udoadra, nodding in silent, proud approval.
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Singing Grotto Inn
In the heat of battle, Glim becomes the beats he resembles. Swinging his axe this way and that with the movements only a veteran could keep up with. Cutting deeply into the legs of the monster, spraying green ichor all over him. Roaring he swings his axe two handed, it bites deeply and even though he heaves with all his might, it's stuck in the beast. The leg shoots out and sends him stumbling backwards.
Spot and Dot continue to pierce the monster from below, constantly evading its deadly pincers and crushing legs. The Spider slows as it loses its blood and energy.
Glim sits up and charges back into the fray. Grabbing, instead, onto a mandible of the creature. Ripping it clean off. Roaring once more, sending spit flying from his fangs he sticks it up into the jaw of the arachnid. 'Where the f#*^ is my axe' Glim thinks as he loses grip on the mandible slick with blood.