What's the information we have on these two? Links would be really helpful. Cheers in advance.
Posts made by WhoAteTheCat
Abominations and Angels.
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
"It seems that drink can wait." Glim says, scratching his chin in consideration. He looks to Ixuo who nods in agreement. The men had just finished a job, and knowing them they would have cold feet soon enough.
"I'm glad you think we're the company for you. I'll run it by the men. I'll start off by offering a 1,150 gold hire price. You're paying for me and my men, not some wet nosed bunch straight off their mothers teat. Think it over, I'll be inside with my crew. We've got time to spare, don't rush it." Glim says, sauntering towards the tavern doors, pushing them open and walking straight towards Phargought.
"Got a new job offer, get you gear in order. It's a few days in the making. But be ready to leave."
"Aye aye, captain." Pargought responds, thumping his closed fist into his chest in salute.
Glim heads back outside, removing his breastplate and locking it securely in his safe box chained to his wagon.
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
“Alright, say what you need. I’m due for a drink so make it quick.” Glim directs to the man in the feathered cap.
Glim stares dumbfounded at the Erwydra. ‘Another one!’
“Aye, you’re probably right but it needed to be said. Thanks for the warning.” Glim says dismissively. -
RE: Environment, and Magic
I doubt “earth manipulation” will be a thing because it would be too touchy and could be used by trolls to just be a nuisance
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
"Aye, it could've been. But I can't mill about listening to that horde talk about the nobles like that. Aye, I don't see eye to eye. (geez that's a lot of 'Ayes') with a lot of them, but a few I've done jobs for and they paid me fairly and it was honest work. That crew doesn't understand what they're getting into."
Glim looks back at the man he knows now as Vachan.
Vachan is already looking at him.
Glim gets a shiver, but figures it's just the cold of the approaching winter."Filthy beast!" One of the crowd cries and throws something of vegetable origin, it hits Glimheim in the back. He turns back with a growl that stays in his throat till he turns back around.
'They're brave in numbers. But hopefully there won't be as many of them if they've listened to reason.' -
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
"I will not step down till I've said my piece. If you follow this path, who will lead you? Him" Him says, pointing with his thumb at the man. "Do not go through with this, you will only find yourself awash in misery."
It is then that Glim steps down from the podium, not waiting to listen to how is words affected the crowd. He goes to follow Ixuo. -
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
"Aye. You seem to be mistaken. Friend." He says the last words ripping his paw from the man. "The lords here are fair and just. And they've treated me well. I'll not stand idly by while there is talk of treason." He swipes his eyes across the entire crowd.
"Go to your homes, this is dangerous business talking like this in the open." He roars.
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
Thinking the possibilities through, Glim pushes his way through the crowd and climbs the stairs to where He is standing. He then turns to face the crowd, waiting for the speaker to continue.
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
"What? Do I smell that bad?" Glim asks, no amusement in his voice, thought he smiles his toothy smile. Eyes narrowing on the preacher.
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
Noticing the large crowd, Glim heads towards the wagon his men were pulling. Equipping his steel breastplate. He heads towards the crowd. 'Can never be too careful' He thinks to himself. ''specially with these types, bloody fanatics.'
He listens in on the preaching. -
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
Realising he hadn't eaten since his apples. Glim realises he needs a more varied mid day meal than just fruits, eyeing the food stalls he sees one packed with meats of all types. 'Dark meat, light meat. It's all the same!' He thinks to himself hungrily.
"Hallo." Glim says, approaching the stall. "Do you sell venison?"
"Aye, ah daunt sell mooch alse." The seller replies.
"Good good." Glim says as he reaches into his gambeson to retrieve his coin pouch.Glim and the merchant haggle for a bit before settling on the price that appeals to both the consumer and provider.
"Many thanks!" Glim says, turning away from the stall to eat his meat red and raw.
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
@malyvern (his name is Telwath.)
"Aye, already ahead of you." Glim rises from his seat, steadily and strolls towards the doors as if he hadn't just downed 5 mugs of mead.
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
Glim grabs a hold of his mug in his large paw. Staring his opponent in the eyes.
"Drink!" Malyvern commands suddenly. The beastmen bring the mugs to their snouts, drinking deeply. Telwath slams down his mug a moment before Glim.Glim wipes the back of his paw across his mouth. "Aye, good game, Mate." He says, reaching out to clasp Telwaths forearm. They shake hands as they share mutual respect.
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
"fastest beast to finish a drink, the loser has to buy the winner a drink?" Glim explains his terms. "what do you say, lad?"
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
"Well, Telwath. As you probably know, human drinks could never hold up to Chadra liquor or Udoadra mead. But this human cider, this is something else." Glim responded, clasping the Udoadra's hand.
"Speaking of Nheedra endurance, what do you say to a contest friend? I've already had a bit to drink, so that should make it fair." He laughs heartily, realising his grip on his new acquaintance to down his drink. -
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
"Aye, welcome to our table" Glim beams, waving his hand across the table.
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
Smelling a new beast man, Glim looks up from the doodle he is scratching into the table top to see an Udoadra. 'Another one, where are they all coming from? Mimi may not be confident in a fight, but this one looks calm and level headed. I'll have to test his mettle' He thinks to himself, going back to his drawing of himself cleaving a demon in two.
RE: Custom dictates
You seem like the role playing type. If you’re interested, look up The Acarnist’s Mill.
We’d love to have you join in on the role play. We also have a discord group! -
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
"Ahaaa!" Glim roars with laughter. "Little point in telling the twins not to let her drink anymore. Poor little lass. Can't hold her drink." Glim chuckles with genuine sympathy. He removes his cloak and places over Mimi's shoulders.
"It's been a long day, and the confrontation with that spider didn't help. She's a right to be tired." Glim says running his hands over his face. "Though we've still work to do Maly." He chuckles slapping Malyvern on the shoulder, if anything a little too roughly.
"Best we'd head to the town hall now. Hopefully he hasn't started preaching yet." Glim begins laughing again, downing his cider in between bouts.
RE: Seeing the stumbling releases lately like Crowfall and Shroud of the Avatar making me nervous
It's to people people updated and excited but okay.