I couldnt post this yesterday the forums went down but here it is.
Ok to start of i think it is important to understand that we are in an alpha, we are here to test the game and not to "play" as it were. I get it that everyone wants to MAXIMISE everything but i spend most of my time messing around with stuff trying to see if i can break it in some way. Or checking how things interact with each-other. With that in mind i think the current player experience is night and day of what I expect it to be in a released state.
Now to go over what you said. I actually dont think i misconstrued what you said rather im questioning what you define as progression and reaching end game. What people consider progress, and how they set goals is different from player to player. In fact i think that we can both agree that cities need to be more accessible to randoms and newcomers, and this is exactly what i wanted to highlight with the need for more permission options in cities.
Again i think that making work benches available to the public for a fee (some amount of gold or maybe a barter of some kind) would be a great way for towns to attract more people.
To look at the stuff you specifically highlighted:
A reasonable path to 80% of character abilities. Which may include access to most base abilities, outside of special mobs that are too difficult for a small group.
Im pretty sure you can already do this, unless you are determined to play a certain spec and never change your spells any creature can be countered at the current time. I can see some problems maybe with some tougher ones but 80% should be doable even then.
A reasonable path to 80% of possible knowledge points. This should be everything outside of special mobs that are too difficult for a small group, which includes city content.
Again much like the previouse point this is completely doable ... frankly i would say that at the moment anyone solo or otherwise can achieve both a 100% in skills and knowledge points. It will take you a while, and you will need to create setups to combat the different abilities the creatures have but its doable.
The thing everyone is concerned about here is the Legends, but i think things like this need to exist to keep everyone interested not just the solos/small groups.
Now for the part where i have to disagree.
The ability to craft every basic armor set in the game. Meaning, the base armor set of light, medium and heavy. Which would require the ability to craft work benches at your home.
The ability to harvest anything, outside of nodes. This would require !rare! high level harvest-able nodes in the open world. City nodes would still be incredibly important.
I do not think that an individual should be able to craft anything past the basics in their own home. The way the game is structured right now there are very few armor sets to craft, and the complexity comes down to the material you want to craft them out of. Thinking about it I would like to know what exactly you would want to be able to craft in your home in the current build. Where do you draw the line and why !? Should everyone be able to craft weapons and armor from some basic material (one that gives +0 bonuses) ... maybe but then the materials come in question.
When you speak about the harvesting outside of nodes I guess you are specifically speaking about the ore at the moment. Since there is not really any resource that you cant harvest outside a node apart from those at the moment. This is where I have to heavily disagree with you because if these "rare" were so rare that the big groups were not concerned about them it means that it would be an incredible grind to pile up enough of them as a solo, and on the other hand if they were not SO rare then the big companies would themselves camp those resources to pad their own numbers.
To finish of i would like to again say that there needs to be a focus on pulling everyone into cities, and in order for that to be a thing there needs to be more permission options (and probably a detailed log of what is going on in the city, who is taking things out of smelters/storage and who is crafting what etc).