@stef0ra Ahhh the WT2 discord!

Posts made by Thordin
RE: Crafting questions
@stef0ra Your name looks familiar where have we met again?
RE: Crafting questions
@GamerSeuss i absolutely love that! I dont mind the IRL wait time for some things to be crafted cause in a sense it allows progression while offline and such. I did not know if it was all materials like leather and all of that or just the metal?
RE: Crafting questions
@PeachMcD so they are not gonna make us wait 4 hours for smelting?
Crafting questions
So I watched the video that came out last year about some of the crafting and the hours it will take for making metal bars and all that. Has there been an update on recipes or anything so we can see the exchange rate and all that? Or is there a crafting list available on a wiki that I could look over?
RE: when must be download the game
@Ostaff Thanks! I will keep an eye out! Cant wait until the 31st
RE: when must be download the game
where do you go to download the game? I might be overlooking it
RE: Tame monsters and make them accompany you
I love taming in games like this. In LoA I was a tamer and it was awesome until they nerfed it pretty hard and I just ended up playing something else. I am beyond stoked to see their take on it. I would love the idea of being like a stealth tamer you know hiding in the shadows with a pet and then just pounce on your enemy.
RE: Calling in sick to work for gameday
I was already thinking about it. Just to get a couple days of play but im on call that week so it was declined!! I was sad. Did they say how long this test will be? 30 days?
We are coming for Blood and Glory!
The Knights of Mjolnir is more than just a gaming community. We are a family! Made up of people who have one goal in mind. Having fun while being best. We are an semi-hardcore guild where we push end game content and PvP but understand people have things they need to take care of IRL. Once you join our ranks you will have the benefit of having a group of people willing to defend you and what we stand for across all the games we play.
Majority of our members started playing MMO's around 2005 and still play them today, We are looking forward to planting our flag here in this game and take advantage of every possible aspect this game has to offer. If you join us prepare for glory on the battlefield knowing you will have your brothers and sisters by your side, and for those who do not join us and dare to cross our path and prevent us from achieving our goal. Prepare to face the hammer of judgment for you will be deemed unworthy and will pay the price with your blood.
If you are interested in joining or have any questions please reply to this thread or DM me!
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RE: Hello and goodbye
@Steini Its sad to see someone leave a game that has the potiential to be even better than what it is now. Games like this take time and its Alpha, i feel you just need to be a little more patient and understand the devs are doing what they can. At least the devs to communicate with the community. A lot of devs don't and push the voices of the people aside and do not take into consideration the ideas of the community but these devs are different. Yeah its sad we cant play it all the time and when dates can pushed but again its Alpha. Anyone who has an understanding on the game design process knows a lot os subject to change and testing is limited in Alpha.
Just stay patient and I think you will see your investment has paid off, dont get discouraged and more testing will come up and soon the server will be up for constant testing and then we can hunt and kill each other all the time. MMO's are a big investment on the devs as well and im just happy to see them still earning money and wanting to put in actual content. Other games in this genre like this are flopping due to devs not working on the game and I feel these are doing that and we can see the improvements each update and test.