For sure the mail system could be used for that. We should also receive a balance update on our house money every time we pay.
Best posts made by spoletta
RE: Housing upkeep shouldn't lead to instant deletion
RE: Mage abilities and equipment needs a change
In the previous test, mage staffs provided a cooldown reduction. That is the correct way to go IMO. Have staffs provide mana cost reduction and cooldown reduction.
On the matter of warrior skills, I don't care how the issue is solved, as long as it is solved. Currently we can all agree that skills like Cleave Armor that are instant, base damage and STR*30 on top of it are a mistake. Either the skills do not take the base damage in consideration or they all become Ready On Attack type.
RE: Neutral alignment needs a change
Neutral alignment is meant to be the alignment of competitive guilds.
Right now it isn't, so it needs some kind of incentive
RE: Patch Log - b.0.1e (Crafting Taxes, Harbor Protection & Bug Fixes)
1500 gold is nothing compared to getting those t2 reagents. You will probably get around 10k just while trying to find them.
On the contrary, this could actually make life easier for casual gamers.
Right now buying something is very hard if you are not "Rich", since the value of gold is incredibly low and the prices very high as a consequence. With enough gold sinks, the value of the gold rises, and the prices go down, allowing less active players to afford the prices of buying stuff from the market.
RE: Patch Log - b.0.1e (Crafting Taxes, Harbor Protection & Bug Fixes)
I don't want to come off as rude, but if devs go in a certain direction, and multiple veteran players tell you that it is indeed a good direction, maybe you should reflect on the fact that you are possibly not considering something and you should spend some time looking for possible mistakes in your arguments instead of telling people that they are clueless about what they are doing.
RE: New Players & Tutorial Island
This was discussed by the devs already.
They fear that if you add even more stuff to the tutorial, players will simply skip it.
Instead they were considering adding some pages to the knowledge book which explained additional topics.
RE: PvE & PvP Balancing Feedback Thread
Ok, I guess I will be the first one.
I will try to list all the skills that right now never get used, and why:
Acid Shell/Fireball: These spells cost 3 memory points and they feel like weaker versions of their memory 1 equivalents. A fireball inflicts pretty much the same damage as a firebolt, but cannot crit, can be halved, costs a lot more mana, has a huge cooldown and has a longer casting time. The only advantage of the fireball is the higher amount of stacks and the area effect, but honestly even if both fireball and firebolt were memory 1 spells I would struggle to believe many players would go for fireball. Similarly for acid shell. Both of these spells need a bit of a push. Fireball for example could easily be a spell with an INT*30 damage and 60 stacks that decrease with the distance from the center, to make it more interesting.
Cloak of whatever: Cool idea, but for the amount of damage and stacks they inflict, 40 mana per second is really too much. It could be lowered, but IMO these skills would be far more interesting if they were a bit more dynamic. Very low activation cost, like 50 mana, short cooldown (4 secs) and instant activation. Keep the 40 mana per second. This turns them into something that you need to activate and de activate as needed, at which point they become very interesting skills.
Acid Arrows/Burning Arrows/Chilling Arrows: Yeah, it feels weird to put them on the "UP skills" list, because they are used by pretty much 100% of the archer builds. But let's be honest. Would we still use them if it wasn't to circumvent the strike wounds bug? Is an INT*2 additional damage really worth the 50 mana of the arrow? Maybe the chilling arrow because the chill stacks are indeed useful, but the burning one? I feel like they could easily be moved to 30 mana per arrow.
Elemental touches: Same as arrows. Really too much mana required to be used effectively. Fists have also an higher attack speed than arrows, so they will drain you really fast. Ideally, I think that both arrow and fist skills should be changed in the way they work, they should be a cast which provides your next [INT] arrows/ [INT*1.5] punches with the effect. Too many toggles are boring, and they don't interact with the "casting a spell" effects. But that would actually require reworking the skills, so just reducing the mana cost would be a faster fix.
Ricochet: This skill has simply no application or purpose. It costs mana, is used in niche situations, has not so interesting effects and the arrows don't carry any of the base attack effect. They can't even crit. I can't see a situation where an archer would put this on his bar. A possible way to change this skill, is by making the projectile stronger the more it bounces. 50% damage increase on each bounce? Auto crit on bounces? Adds 50% of the damage to the first target as pure damage? There are many possible ways to make this an interesting skill, and they mostly depend on making it an attack that you aim at someone which isn't your primary target, so that the bounce hits your primary target for additional effects.
Volley: Similar applications and issues of Ricochet. It doesn't have a real application. It can technically be used in some particular builds as a shotgun shell, but in reality it is just never used. It should probably get an additional effect on those projectiles. Fear? Confusion? Strip buffs? Lower armor? Lower evasion?
Energy blast: Useless in pvp due to the long charge time and equally useless in pve since in 4 seconds I can do more than INT*32 and for surely less than 400 mana. Cool idea, but the channeling time should be halved (and it would be nice if there was a visual effect where the blast is charging).
Static discharge: Worse version of energy blast. This one is even player centered, 3 memory points and can hurt your allies. This skill can't be easily fixed with numbers alone. It should probably become a spell like explosion, just self centered. You activate it, and 4 seconds later you release the discharge. No need to channel.
These are the skills that currently really feel like they need some help.
There's a lot of other skills which are very rarely used right now, but they are mostly tiered to big fights which we have not seen yet, so we can't judge them properly.
As for actual UP builds, I don't want to speak about that yet, but I can for sure name one. Bleed and poison builds. Really nice effects and potentially strong, but as long as the remedies work like they do and as long as they can be used from inventory, these builds will never have a place in pvp.
RE: Legends need to change
I agree with this, but more than removing the material cost, it should be rescaled to the new drops.
These summoning costs were fine with the old drops, when a spark of like or a Crystallized magic were common drops. With this beta, all drops have been remade, but the summoning costs have remained the same. This results in some very easily summoned legends like the queen spider, and some impossibly hard ones like the mountain troll.
IMO, I would propose something like the following:
Death Shaman: 50 goblin tongue, 10 shadow essence (instead of 10 crystallized magic)
Queen Spider: 20 spider gland (instead of 10), 30 beast blood (instead of 10)
Mountain Troll: 50 primordial dust (instead of 10), 20 primal blood (instead of the hardened troll skin)
Wisp: 50 Primordial dust, 20 mandrake roots (instead of 10 spark of life)
Earth elemental: 50 fertile dirt, 10 earth essence
Treant: 50 dark splinter, 20 callous bark
Ghoul: 25 plagued remains, 15 ghoul saliva
...And so on.
In general they must be easier, and should not use the T2 armor materials or very rare drops like hardened troll skins.
For the gems also, it would be nice if the altar provided 3 different possibilities in the UI. One combination which ends with 5 flawless gems, one which ends with 12 fine gems and one which ends with 25 chipped gems.
This would increase accessibility to this content.
RE: City Research Visibility
The vulnerability window of a city can give info on the timezone of the occupants, so that could be shown too.
RE: Wagon and Carr
Not having the cart/storage close with each movement would already help a lot.
RE: Coins mint
I can't tell you why they did it, but I can tell why I think it was a good idea to remove it.
Coin mint created a direct correlation between the gold ingot item and a certain amount of gold you could mint with it.
In practice, this meant that the value of the gold ingot was set. It wasn't allowed to float as the player driven economy would want it to. No offer/demand, just a single hard coded price. -
RE: PvE & PvP Balancing Feedback Thread
@Cellticlink said in PvE & PvP Balancing Feedback Thread:
The Ability "Assassinate" seems pretty weak compared "word of Power:Kill and a couple other abilities and even regular critical hits and some normal hits from some of the weapons in the game. Even with high dex and low hp of the enemy, this three point ability that is designed to be used at the end of a fight is kind of useless when it deal only about 700 to 950 flat damage at 85% 90% target health. Which at that point why bother any when you can have an ability that you can use through the fight? when say a crit hit gets 1200 at any hp level and word of power:Kill is all hp under 20% no matter how much that is and it is ranged, lower mp cost and faster cool down I Think. I am sure they do not want it to be "OP" butaaa..
I Love the game and wish I could fuse it with Mortal online 2. Sorry for the bad grammar and scatteredness. I just wanted to be heard. Keep up the great work.This is true.
The assassinate skill feels quite lacking for 3 memory points and that mana and CD, but it is also a skill to be wary of. It is very easy to make game breaking OP with just small changes.Right now, assuming a DEX value of 20, it inflicts 600 pure damage on a target with 50% health. In pvp it becomes lethal on targets around 25% HP (900 pure damage), if the target does not have health enchants. Indeed it doesn't feel worth it.
Assume though that the DEX modifier is increased to 0.8.
It would now inflicts 800 pure damage on targets with 50% health, and be lethal around 33% HP. Now, this would be a powerful but acceptable skill if it was specific to some builds that have to sacrifice something in order to get it.
The problem is that assassinate is a very easy skill to "Soup" into other builds, since it requires only one commonly used attribute (DEX) and is quite relaxed in other requirements (Light/Medium weapon and Light/Medium armor).
Adding to so many builds the possibility to right out kill a 33% health target would be an issue for balance.IMO, the solution here is to indeed buff Assassinate, but make it also more restricted to "Assassin" builds. So I would make it depend on 2 attributes and have its modifiers be (DEX+PER)*0.45. This would result in a slight assassinate buff for those with an high DEX value and average PER value (assuming 20 DEX, 12 PER it would be equivalent to a DEX modifier of around 0.7), but would allow the assassinate skill of someone with the dedicated build for it to truly be build defining.
RE: PvE & PvP Balancing Feedback Thread
Detection and stealth surely need something.
They are currently used just for ONE skill. -
RE: On Raids, a collection of observations.
Some of those issues depend on the fact that getting killed carries no drawbacks. You respawn and are back in the fight without even a respawn timer.
The fact that enemy siege weapons are prime objectives for the defenders is perfectly fine. What is not fine is that the defenders can suicide rush onto them.Getting killed should have consequences.
One possible change is to set a limited amount of instant respawns per side. Something like 100. After those, to respawn that side has a 30 sec timer.You can even tie this number to a certain amount of gold that you have to deposit into the attacker tent. Reduce the raid cost, but have them pay for the amount of lives the attackers will have. The defenders instead will have an amount of lives depending on a city tech, since they are already risking their gold. At the end of the fight, if the defenders win, they get the gold spent in lives by the attackers (half is sinked, as usual). This way, you give a reward for succesfully defending.
RE: Gathered Feedback: Weapon selection feedback
I hide that just cause I didn't ask for the person permission
Gathered Feedback: Durability of walls and catapults
Welcome to the another feedback discussion thread!.
Usual introduction and disclaimer:
Each of these threads is related to a specific feedback/idea that the game's GM and Mods have collected in DIscord or in game and that has been forwarded to the developers. The aim of these threads is to discuss this feedback, to better understand how much interest the community shows toward it, if it has any critics or alternative ideas. So let us know what you think about it! Even just a +1 or -1 to the thread will be enough to understand how many players are for it or against it.
Note: The fact that a feedback is presented in this thread does not mean that it will be implemented, it could be refused by devs for mutiple reasons (technical feasibility, excessive effort, against the game's vision...), but the amount of support that a feedback receives will surely be a factor.
Today's Topic
The topic today is an hot one, which has seen a lot of discussions in the past weeks.
And many many many more.
So the topic today is this one.
Assuming that everything else works and the bugs we all know are fixed, what would be in your opinion the correct durability of a wooden wall and of a stone wall? For how long a catapult should fire on a section of wall to bring it down?At the same time, how sturdy should a catapult be?
This is a point where devs could surely benefit from our input.
RE: Gathered Feedback: Weapon selection feedback
The longbow for sure has some issues compared to the shortbow.
The damage difference between the two is not enough to justify losing the use of the spells, especially the elemental arrows.
To make them a bit more distinct I would remove the blocking trait from the longbow, and replace it with a 25% armor piercing. This would increase the damage inflicted by the longbow auto attacks and hunting skills by around 20%, depending on the armor of the target. This would give a specific role to the longbow. Still not as good as the shortbow for 1v1, but a very good damage dealer in group situations.
Gathered Feedback: Viability of Leather materials
Welcome to the another feedback discussion thread!.
Usual introduction and disclaimer:
Each of these threads is related to a specific feedback/idea that the game's GM and Mods have collected in DIscord or in game and that has been forwarded to the developers. The aim of these threads is to discuss this feedback, to better understand how much interest the community shows toward it, if it has any critics or alternative ideas. So let us know what you think about it! Even just a +1 or -1 to the thread will be enough to understand how many players are for it or against it.
Note: The fact that a feedback is presented in this thread does not mean that it will be implemented, it could be refused by devs for mutiple reasons (technical feasibility, excessive effort, against the game's vision...), but the amount of support that a feedback receives will surely be a factor.
Today's Topic
Today is the second part of the topic started from this thread.
and wants to create a discussion around the various materials that our crafting system features. In particular, which ones are lacking a niche of use and which ones instead are too good and overshadow other choices.We will discuss this over multiple threads, one for each category. Today is the turn of Leather materials.
Just to remind everyone which are the current effects of those materials and how they are procured, I will give a summary here:
- Light Animal Leather: Found on most wild animals of Myr, it lowers the armor encumbrance by 10 and increases by 5 the heat insulation.
- Direwolf Leather: Obtained from the direwolves, it does absolutely nothing.
- Warg Leather: Obtained from the wargs trained by goblins, it increases physical armor by 60, heat insulation by 5 and magical resistance by 360.
- Ghoul Leather: Obtained from the Ghouls of Myr, it increases willpower by 100, magical armor by 60, reduced encumbrance by 10 and increases cold insulation by 5.
- Forest Troll Leather: Obtained from the forest trolls of Myr, it increases health regeneration by 5, acid damage by 10, acid resistance by 320 but lowers poison resistance by 60.
- Mountain Troll Leather: Obtained from the mountain trolls of Myr, it increases crush armor by 120, physical armor by 100, provides 20% physical damage reflection but lowers poison resistance by 60.
- Sea Troll Leather: Obtained from the sea trolls of Myr, it increases mana regeneration by 5, shock damage by 10, shock resistance by 320 but lowers poison resistance by 60.
- Though animal leather: Obtained from the black bears of Aerhen, it increases physical armor by 60 but also increases the encumbrance by 10.
- Grizzly leather: Obtained from the Grizzly bears, it increases physical armor by 80 and slashing damage by 10%, but it also increases armor encumbrance by 10.
- Mammoth leather: Obtained from the the Mammoths of Aerhen, it increases physical armor by 60, pierce armor by 220 and fortitude by 100, but it also increases armor encumbrance by 15.
Given this list and your experience, what would you change?
Feedback on Legends
Feedback from user AceOfSpades which at the moment can't use the forum:
People donβt do legends, why:
- Loot worth less than cost of summoning (most of them)
- Time consuming, not worth time invested.
- Factor the cost of being ganked and losing it all.
- Rare material not as important as you think.
- People donβt even use the materials for enchants because they only have 1-2 and they keep it.
THE ONLY GOOD LEGEND: (only solo, not worth in a group)
Fenris, is the only ββsemi decentββ legend. You get back all the rare materials to summon it, you trade 10/20 minutes and some common material for a boss drop and some change.
I promise itβs not even worth it as solo, if you have to bring 10 people for protectionβ¦PLS:
Factor time spent doing the boss, chance of getting ganked AND the number of people doing it. The price needs to go down MASSIVELY.
only 6 Legends ever done by people that arenβt friends of us.
Make them cheaper, remove gold drop, we donβt do them for gold anyway.
Those price reduction are CONSERVATIVE, I would lower them further even, but Prometeus is greedy and want us to suffer so he wouldnβt accept it
Myr Legendary Altars
Crimson Claw (Bear - Easy) 200x Animal Bone β 50x 20X Bear Claw β 5x 20x Beast Blood β 10x 5x Bear Heads β 5x Black Chief Utabogg (Goblin - Easy) 100x Goblin Tongue β 50x 10x Shadow Essence β 10x 1x Crystalized Magic β 0x 1x Death Crystal β 1x Queen Xeretrixx (Spider? - Medium) 200x Spider Eyes β 70x 40x Spider Glands β 20x 2x Soul Shards β1x Malakar The Devourer (Ghoul - Medium) 80x Ghoul Saliva β 30x 40x Plagued Remains β 20x 2x Shard Corruption β 1x Lord Eoronn (Treant - Medium) 100x Living Wood β 40x 20x Mandrake Root β 10x 5x Treant Sap β 1x Zephyr, Spirit Of The Forest (Wisp - Medium) 200x Primordial Dust β 70x 10x Chipped Emerald β 10x 2x Spark Of Life β 1x 2x Crystalized Magic β 1x 1x Flawless Topaz β 1x Groove, Shaker Of Worlds (Earth Elemental - Hard) 200x Earth Essence β 70x 100x Primordial Dust β 40x 5x Pulsating Geode β 2x 1x Flawless Emerald β 1x Elder Mountain Troll (Troll - Hard) 40x Hardened Skin β 5x 10x Primordial Dust β 100x 5x Flawless Ruby β 5x Axfitmithiss, Frozen Plague (Spider Lich - Hard) 200x Spell Residue β 100x 20x Chipped Diamond β 10x 20x Chipped Amethyst β 10x 20x Chipped Sapphire β 10x 5x Orb Of Insanity β 2x
Aerhen Legendary Altars
Fenris β Lady of the Frozen Waste (Arctic Wolf β Easy) 100x Animal Bones β 50x 20x Beast Blood β 10x 20x Wolf Teeth β 5x 1x Glacial Breath β 1x Syr β Impaler of Giants (Mammoth β Medium) 400x Mammoth Meat β 150x 40x Beast Blood β 20x 5x Hardened Tusk Fragment β 2x Argadr the Stormcaller (Jotunn β Hard) 100x Jotunn Blood β 70x 80x Frost Essence β 30x 80x Storm Essence β 30x 20x Giantβs Heart β 40x Giantβs Heart 4x Seer Stone β 2x Seer Stone Colossal Fire Construct (Unique β Medium) 200x Fire Essence β 100x 50x Primordial Dust β 50x 5x Cinder Pearl β 2x 1x Flawless Ruby β1x Colossal Ice Construct (Unique β Medium) 200x Frost Essence β 100x 50x Primordial Dust β 50x 5x Frozen Pearl β 2x 1x Flawless Topaz β 1x Colossal Storm Construct (Unique β Medium) 200x Storm Essence β 100x 50x Primordial Dust β 50x 5x Magnetic Gravel β 2x 1x Flawless Sapphire β 1x Colossal Crystalline Construct (Unique β Hard) 200x Spell Residue β 150x 50x Primordial Dust β 50x 5x Crystallized Magic β 1x 1x Primal Flame Shard β1x 1x Primal Frost Shard β1x 1x Primal Storm Shard β1x
This one is trash even if you reduce all the materials down to 1, costing 3 boss drops is crazy. It needs to drop some serious Crystalized magic to be worth it.
Bugs and issues:
Too many corpses stack, and you canβt cast/interact, make corspes dispawn faster.
Hard Bosses:
If you want to keep bosses being ββRareββ just make hard bosses , expensive and increase their drops ALOT
RE: Feedback on Legends
Yeah, I did propose similar alternatives.
I actually proposed to have 2 different reagent combinations on the altar.
Easy mode and hard mode. Easy mode is the current one. Hard more requires more reagents and the legend is harder, but there is no announcement.
I.E. pvp mode and pve mode.