The latest spotlight mentioned that weather will be implemented shortly after the start of beta.
This raises the question of what weather will be in the game. Cosmetic? Stacks? Damage? Debuff?
Putting parts of a discussion that happened on discord here for a record:
Topic: Weather effects and mechanics.
Spoletta noted previous mentions of various armors being more common on different worlds (leathers on Tartaros and fibers on Arboreus) and connected that with other descriptions of Tartaros being hot to come to the conclusion that different armor types will be required to survive different environmental conditions and associated weather.
I pointed out that adding some new mechanic and limitation on equipment choice would be excessively complex when all mobs, players, and equipment already have elemental resistance stats and a elemental stacking mechanic in place. I pointed out that having environmental effects simply causing stacks of cold/warm/shock/corrosion/etc to accumulate at a rate of 1/sec during storms to all in an areas would be simpler especially if also paired with the elemental resistances having an effect on the decay time of stacks.
Notable example is the sea trolls which have 2080 shock resistance (85%). They are not immune to shock damage but would be totally vulnerable to the stun that triggers on applying shock stacks... unless elemental resistance affected the decay rate of said stacks. Normally stacks decay at a rate of 1 per 1.5 seconds, if elemental resistance had an effect then sea trolls would have shock stacks decay 1 per .25 seconds instead which would mean that they -could- be stunned, but would require a lot more than just one source to overwhelm their resistances.
This example was then mirrored to the proposed Mamoth mob where I hypothesized that were it to have 2080 cold resistance you would expect it to be very resistant to cold attacks and not be frozen in an ice block at 10 stacks.
This system could easily incorporate the existing elemental resistances in place for various armor materials and imbued gem elemental resistances such that a simple 200 resist (35%) would be sufficient to protect against weather stacks.
While this would also be reducing the effectiveness of mages who apply stacks the simple answer there is to increase the number of stacks that the abilities apply or just remember that most of them reduce the associated resistances and thus in this system increase the time for a stack to decay.
I hope that the reason that weather effects will not be avalible right away in the coming beta is because they are working out this system because they want weather to be more than just a cosmetic effect.
Other thoughts?