A cool down timer for switching alignments would also help.
Posts made by OlivePit
RE: Neutral alignment needs a change
Potential problem with the market -mail notification system...
Currently when an item is sold in the market you instantly get a nice message saying person XXXXX bought item YYYYY at location ZZZZZ.
This is nice and convenient as you can mentally fist pump over the sale and make a note that location ZZZZ might need more YYYY.
However this also can lead to a nasty form of victimization.
Lets say I am a criminal.
I get a nice shiny thing (say dragon soul) and put it up for sale cheaper than market value in a location where it cannot be used immediately (say a starter town or any town without the necessary tech).
I then hang out in that area and when it gets sold I am told who I should be hunting and where they are.
I kill them and now I have the item back and the money they spent on it.
And they very well could be none the wiser as pk'ing and reds just are part of the game and they think they just got unlucky.
This would be fishing for suckers with a lure so to speak.This could be avoided by delaying the message or simply removing the name from the message.
While it could be nice to build a trading relationship with a frequent buyer... it also allows the creation of serial victimization.Thoughts?
RE: Bug Collection ! :)
Drop rates need to increase all accross the board. They were much higher last alpha, this time they clearly over corrected in the opposite direction and made things too rare.. hope for an adjustment before too long.
RE: Dexxers suck and are not viable right now.
try bare hands talent (use dex instead of str for punching damage) + elemental damage hand ability + shield. lots of dodge, block, and modest damage.
Cities and a better Prestige system?
Ok, over the past numerous alpha tests we have had constantly shifting requirements for ranking up cities.
Prestige from buildings in town or out of town, number of citizens, number of residents, high food/gold costs, etc...
The goal behind these systems seems to be encouraging the inclusion of many people into a greater project and thus creating a community.
I greatly support this goal, but the methods of achieving it seem to have issues.
Some factors are logistical - you cant see who is taking what from where and so citizens steal = anti social and community behavior.
Some are informational- citizens/residents/visitors cant see the cities tech progression, and so have no idea what they are joining.
and there are plenty of other factors as well.I would encourage people to post what systems they think are necessary for making towns locations for community building (the supposed goal) and how those systems would work.
Personally I feel that buildings built by residents should add to the cities prestige and use prestige as a gate for ranking up.
This would allow for cities to encourage residents to build houses and supply them with supplementary services in town, or to focus on prestige buildings in town instead which would allow residents to make manufacturing plots.
While this may encourage duplication of some buildings, that is a choice of the town to be monotonous and boring. It could also be moderated with minor balancing of building prestige being related to how much space it takes up.What are other peoples thoughts?
Magnetize Bugged?
The displayed stats for the ability do not appear to be correct... I have 20 int but it is saying that Int*2 = 10...
RE: On the matter of economy (durability, masteries, gear drops, imbuing)
I also see a market crash coming.
The cost to make vs length of use is just too absurd.
The coin sinks are not working either, as such gold coin acquisition is far far in excess of use, which makes prices constantly climb.
This is a huge turn off for any newer players.
While I very much like the scarcity of recipes allowing for traveling merchants to sell their rare wears or do custom crafting for a fee, this is purely an artefact of the new system just now dropping recipes and later market saturation will return it to a state similar to previous alphas, thus not a very sustainable system.I believe we should go back to the imbuing gems and item socket system.
It provided a way to pre-fabricate enchantments to quickly update equipment instead of having to go through multiple chests of reagents, looking up a recipe, and enchanting each piece of equipment multiple times.The only problem with the Imbuing gems system that I saw was the high cost of entering the system at the T1 level (chipped gems)
Sadly now there is yet again no use for non-flawless gems. -
RE: Town siege - yesterday
That is horrible. I am very sad to hear that the attackers can be inside the city when the war starts. My sympathies.
RE: Master Crafters not Recipe Junkies
I am very happy with how there are traveling salesmen who go around offering their skills to craft things for a fee. It gives craft persons value and demand thus enabling those who want to be crafters/traders. There will be people who want the recipes for their own convenience or to be the designated crafter for the guild, but wont go to the effort to share the effect with the greater population. I would hope that this niche remains in order to provide a valuable service to players without recipes and enjoyable outlet for people who like trading/crafting and helping out others.
RE: Any people here also here to try out farming mechanics?
New bad news:
The third crop (leafy greens) is not implimented and farming crops is so easy that there is no market for it and any town can be self sustaining. -
RE: Crop theft WHY?
I agree that crops should be lieutenant governor+ only feature due to the extreme value and time sink that is crops.
Being super critical of who you allow in as a citizen is simply hard to do in a social game. Not so with your lieutenant governors.Everyone should note that Myr is a eden compared to Aerhen where any crops you want to plant have to be planted inside the city ! there is no outside fields ! so even the 50% fertility spots on Myr are super in comparison.
Locations with invisible walls.
Just a list of screen caps of where there are invisible walls that are impassible except with Battle jump.
tech unavalible in tech tree???
we have the rank, we have the points, we have the pre-requisite... so why cant we unlock advanced smelting?
Charcoal pile permissions or boundary error?
I am lieutenant governor and have co-ownership permissions for the neighboring plot but cant access the charcoal pile.
I am thinking it is a boundary error issue? -
RE: blocked area in aerhen in game Near volcano?
A team with me found the invisible wall at that point
it was possible to get over with the battle jump, but other movement abilities did not work.
to get un stuck move laterally with dashes. -
Attributes not working correctly?
Disconnect between stats and figured characteristics (from a friend who actually got to go into game)
The negative cool down reduction, attack speed, is totally bizarre