population enough to build a city
activity enough to maintain the city
population enough to defend the city during the Siege window
organization to make best use of the city

Best posts made by OlivePit
RE: Guild ideas
RE: The current stats system is a turn off for the non dnd players.
TLDR; Stats are not what make your character unique or special so do not focus on them, instead start average and enjoy the process of growing your character as you play the game.
One big benefit to having few directly manipulatable stats which effect a number of derivative attributes all of which interact in variable ways is to decrease the ability, and desire, to min/max characters into dead ends and instead just build fun concept characters that all work about the same but have their own personality.
If players had direct access to each individual factor (crit chance, detection, each resistance and avoidance, hp, move speed, etc...) then there would be huge perceived reward in building some min/maxed monstrosity which seems great for single purposes but impotent at all else requiring more characters and more number crunching to create 'the best build for x' this week which will only be replaced by Y next week or worse; nerfed by devs. So while you may be able to get exactly what you -think- you want now, you are more likely to find it to be not what you want as the game play advances or new content arrives; at which point you have to go back to the drawing board and start all over with a new character.
The philosophy here, which I agree with, is that by making a more convoluted interacting stat system players are told that if they make an average character with one or two higher points then they will be able to have the most rounded and fun long term game play. Any deficits wont be significant and can be easily remedied by just one companion or investment in the talent tree. Yes people can still do some min/maxing but when compared to joe average their strengths still wont be all that much higher such that joe might not even notice the difference except over a long drawn out interaction.
The difference between characters is one more of ability, talent, and gear choices, (all of which are easily changeable in game) not of stats. So in that respect the stats are not as important in this game than they might be in others.
I entirely think that non-DnD players might actually have the most fun with the game as they are more likely to start with a balanced stat build and discover the joy in adapting their abilities, talents, and gear to the play style they want that day knowing that just about any choice they make will be well supported by their solid foundation of average stats.
TLDR; Stats are not what make your character unique or special so do not focus on them, instead start average and enjoy the process of growing your character as you play the game.
Respec bug
If you have a full ability load out -32 pts- and respec to a reduced intelligence your abilities memorized are not effected. This means you can do a 32 point build, then dump int points into something else - like str- and continue play so long as you do not want to change your build.
RE: Daily Message posting
Nah, theological currency, like what religions run off of. -
RE: Bounty Hunting & Jails - Official Feedback Thread
@mansair said in Bounty Hunting & Jails - Official Feedback Thread:
Simple: the bounty hunter needs to move the prisoner with a wagon jail to the jail.
Same gold, same time in prison, same karma system.
This is ok only if all pvp'ers also have to move their victim with wagon to their plot or city to get any of the equipment or items off of them. Even Steven. Or do you just want special treatment as a misunderstood murderer?
RE: unlimited gathering?
Yea, this is a known thing.
It has to do with overlapping zones or spawns.
You can find lots of this near and around the roped off residential plots.
Mostly it is just a minor annoyance and people shrug and move on to another bush. -
RE: Let's talk business! (And the lack of it)
Possible issues:
- There is no scarcity issue or resource restrictions.
I was told that in the last test nodes had to be secured by cities before they could be harvested, and then only by that cities citizens or residents.
This is certainly not the case now as anyone with a hammer or axe and time can get whatever resource they want.
Note: this is not true for farming resource nodes. Thus the ability to restrict nodes is possible, why is it only implemented for farm nodes and not ore/tree/rock nodes? - Cart theft not working.
I theorize that if cart theft was a thing then long distance resource gathering would be more risky and less done. There would be more trading in light processed materials instead. (still pvp issues but that is another post)
I agree that the tech tree is slow but that is mostly due to low player population. With a higher population more cities would be claimed and more diversity in tech picks would happen leading to specializations which would need trade to fill in gaps.
Right now each is trying to be self sustaining, the ones that work together are part of large groups who have claimed multiple cities close to each other. (way to go southern group guild)City building space would not be as much of an issue if we could place farming plots out side of the city but within the region. They are more inconvenient as packaging stations are only in the city but make up for it by freeing up space in the city for buildings that give prestige.
- There is no scarcity issue or resource restrictions.
Crop yield bug
I have been doing a lot of crop testing and discovered an issue.
One fertile land node was drained to 39% cereal nutrition and I expected it to have a low yield in comparison to its neighbor field which was at 120% cereal nutrition. Both had 150% fertility.
This was not the case.
The 39% nutrition field had a projected final yield of 164% and an actual yield of 411 wheat.
The 120% nutrition field had a projected final yield of 142% and an actual yield of 357 wheat.
Whatever is calculating the projected and actual yield of the crop is having some issues as there is no way that a crop with 1/3 of the nutrition level should out produce another.
Both fields had the same irrigation for their entire cycle (both were watered at the same time) and all variables other than nutrition were the same.Please fix this bug before the next test as currently it means that lower nutrition fields produce more grain than higher ones.
RE: Pulling the rug out from under new mage players.
That primitive warrior has access to inspire -aoe heal and buff- which mages do not (unless they are unarmed), you even have access to all of the heals available in game. as such warriors are better at healing and support than mages... and do more damage... and have better armor and resists... and do not have to switch out their entire build to go pve mob hunting targeting the mobs specific weaknesses... and have more and better armor/weapon material options...
What is the point of playing a light armor int based caster again?
tech unavalible in tech tree???
we have the rank, we have the points, we have the pre-requisite... so why cant we unlock advanced smelting?
RE: City Management Feedback Thread
@Ostaff @Kralith
Limited choices builds diversification and reliance on others to fill gaps which builds cooperation or at least quality interaction.
If this game had all the cities claimed then each city would try to compete for citizens/residents and tout their different tech choices. "we have a market, live here and you can trade your farmed mats for gold" sort of thing.
A single city was never meant to be self sustaining and should not be. build trade alliances, encourage diverse city neighbors. I focus on metal tech, you focus on leather and wood, or what not.
Only allowing governors to place farm plots within the city greatly effects the usable city area. I would like to see us able to place them outside the city at the cost of having to trek the harvest further to bag.
I agree that the city size should allow for enough space where if you only build prestige buildings and roads you can reach max rank. As a sacrifice you have to rely on other neighbors for resource storage and farming which otherwise would take up city space and not give prestige required to rank up.
I do not know if this is possible or not as I do not have those permissions.**For the alpha at least I would like to see cities able to re-spec their tech tree to allow for experimentation. To avoid abuse make buildings that are no longer unlocked simply not accessible (same with their crafting stations) and make a long cooling off period between re-specs.
If you give governors the ability to kick out residents then it needs to carry a heavy cost (like 10k gold -spit balling-) as that house takes a lot of time and effort to build, stock, supply.
RE: City Management Feedback Thread
I agree. any upgrade should immediately take the tiers grain/protein/veg upkeep, if not you are getting something for nothing and at the same time reducing the value of food stuffs which was supposed to be the major trading resource in game (the 'it will take two farming villages to feed one city' bit) but is a joke at the moment. Especially with the high fertility resource nodes.
Utabogg geography problem.
Utabogg has not been summoned for many many hours... and yet:
the geography is catching and holding the mobs.
we cant interact with them either.
Remove the ring of stones or something. -
RE: Meridian's Spring 2021 Alpha test feedback - OPEN DISCUSSION ENCOURAGED!
I am doing multiple experiments with field nutrition and crop rotations.
Currently there exist good 10 day rotations that keep the nutrients at or above 100% for each crop planted in the rotation. Beans are the most frustrating at the moment but I am confident that this will pass with the introduction of more crops.
There is yield reduction and crop health reduction if not kept above the listed irrigation numbers and crops can die or have reduced yields.I have concerns about the use of warehouses. They take up a significant amount of space, hold not all that much, and are tedious to load or unload. In contrast the marketplace has a huge capacity and is very easy to load and unload from. Further the City hall has infinite storage space and is very easy to load into. The fact that carts cannot be stolen in town and that they hold more bags per square foot than warehouses, and are mobile, and tradeable (via giving another permissions) makes them far far superior to warehouses in every regard other than that warehouses are open to all citizens. If warehouses are to be a necessary aspect of the game they need to hold a lot more, have added functionality, or something. I have built 4 warehouses in our city and the process of having to load a cart from the bagging station, move the cart, and unload the cart at the warehouse is just too ridiculous, why do the second step at all? At this moment I see absolutely no reason to build a warehouse when instead you can have a field of carts loaded and ready to trade or just pile it all in the marketplace.
Aerhen raids bugged.
So to recap:
some fireplaces are bugged, harbors in Aerhen get confused and think they are in Myr, and vice governors do not have all the permissions they are supposed to..
New wrinkle:
As the vice governor of Zenith I declared a raid against Coal Harbor.
I took a cart of wood to Coal harbor to build the siege tent... but there was no place to put it.
The town is definatly under threat as shown by the big flag in the middle of the town, the war chest and sign up book in the town hall.
But no place to put the siege tent.
So I go to Coal Harbors mirror town in Myr - Tasty Kaos.
And there I find the siege tent zone, a siege flag, war chest, signup book, and siege count down timer as if Tasty Kaos is also about to be raided.I find that when standing in the tent zone I still do not have the option to build a siege tent.
So... the game is happy to take my 20k but wont let me build the tent I need to actually do the raid, wont put the attacker tent zone in the right continent, or right city, and instead another totally innocent town in Myr is where I am allowed to attack (should my governor come back to the game and they put down the tent).
Oh, and multiple towns still cant place wall segments.
Please fix permissions.
And i'd like my 20k back if the bug cant be fixed in time. -
RE: Meridian's Spring 2021 Alpha test feedback - OPEN DISCUSSION ENCOURAGED!
One good money sink would be brining back it as a upkeep cost for cities.
This can mostly be mitigated by the cut cities get from residence upkeep costs, but still results in more gold going away.
The game could also impose a small use fee for each crafting station or market transaction. -slightly frustrating but manageable- -
A use for non-flawless gems = Enchanting !?
Currently there is no use for chipped or fine gemstones.
I understand that they will have -some- use in the future with jewelry.
But considering the frustrations with attempts to enchant elemental damage bonuses on to weapons (or arrows in the future) I think that they would be excellent candidates for enchanting materials.
They could give earth, energy and an element (air, fire, water, etc...)
and allow for more control over the enchanted element damage bonus given.
Having all of them be the exact same recipe is quite silly and frustrating.
Giving the chipped or fine gemstones a use while also allowing finer results of elemental damage bonusses would be solving two problems in one action. -
RE: Alternative to crafting and enchanting RNG headache.
Following your assertion that the majority of players like RNG in their crafting I have done a cursory review of the most popular MMO games and their crafting systems to see which have RNG attached to the quality of goods created or have the possibility of having goods destroyed.WoW- 2.2 million players - crafting RNG? -no- Crafting is money by another name and find the recipe with grind.
Loss of item possible due to enchanting? -no-WoW classic- 1.1 million players. as above.
FF 14- 2.4 million players- crafting RNG? yes - Higher quality materials increase probablity of higer quality gear.
Loss of item possible due to crafting/enchanting? only if player decides to push it to that point.
Ability to change RNG to make it more probable to get higher gear or extend destruction point? Yes and multiple.Old School Runescape - 1.4 million players. Crafting RNG? no- Crafting is money by another name
RNG enchanting item loss? no-Elder scrolls online - 1 million players. Crafting RNG? no - crafting is money by another name.
Enchanting item loss ? noDo I need to go on?
Of the top 5 MMO games - by population- only 1 has a crafting system similar to the one in fractured and even that one still has far more safeties built into it than fractured does and has many ways to continuously improve your odds.
So by population 5.7 million out of 8.1 million - or 70%- of gamers seem to prefer crafting systems with no RNG and all of them do not have systems of arbitrary item loss during the process.
I could continue my data collection but feel no need until you put forward some effort beyond just declaring you are right.
If you have some other, relevant, and referenced, data to provide in counter to this to back your assertion that RNG crafting is in the majority then please bring it out.
Otherwise it would appear that your opinion is in the minority of MMO gamers. Not the majority as you have repeatedly asserted with no backing.
Data on populations: https://mmo-population.com/
Data on crafting systems from each of the individual games wiki pages.Back to the actual topic.
Here is an interesting site comparing different crafting systems pros and cons:
https://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/articles/5-approaches-to-crafting-systems-in-games-and-where-to-use-them--cms-22628Working under the assumption that the devs included item loss and random chance to get excellent gear to increase the drain on resources for high quality/enchanted gear then surely a system that gives the desired results while at the same time producing the same -or greater- drain on crafting/enchanting resources would maintain the status quo.
Do people think that this is not the reason for having RNG in item creation and Item loss in enchanting?
Or do people think that my proposed ratios and exchange rate is not high enough to guarantee equivalent item scarcity?