Saying that you are not thinking critically is not an insult, is an observation of your perspective on things.
You are ignorant to everything, and the fact that you have degree in game design is even worse if that's your perspective on things, and you having a degree in game design doesn't say anything to me, or gives you any advantage in this discussion.
Because degrees say nothing, and degree in game design doesn't say nothing even more, because most of the games, that are designed by game designers fail miserably, just because those people are so arrogant with their " degree in game design" that they won't even listen to anybody else.
So to your whole arguments that the more there are people the more items are drown into the economy, Yep its true, and the fact that it took me 3 days to farm the materials is only to me is right also, but you are forgetting 1 thing, there is trade and marketplaces in this game, meaning if the market will be flooded with those materials there will be people like me buying it, and what does it mean? that i pay the Market fee which they will add for sure, and there you go, a money sink.
It is actually worse for the economy that i would spend the time farming the materials than i would buy them, because me buying those items actually helps the economy, and money gets deleted, meaning more people, more people buying stuff, more money is being eliminated, meaning the economy is rolling even more.
The thing that is funny to me, in your whole argument is you are not taking into consideration the PKing, the PvP that people will be doing.
You have a degree in game design but yet you are not considering the biggest feature that drives the economy in this game, and its PvP.
You will not be able to simply farm a spot, or even move in the map freely when the server will be full, you will have gankers, you will have people camping farm site to not let you farm the money you need.
And its all maybe comes from you never playing a full loot PvP game, but that how it works, and hearing this from someone with a degree in game design is so much worse, because you should've know how a system like that affects the game, But hey if they never thought you this in the University or whatever you went to, how can you know it eh?
That's just shows even more that you cannot think critically.
The 120K that i spent on the gear to make it +4, yes the money has been REMOVED from the game.
I do have a +4 gear, but you know what ? after playing with it for 2 days, half of the gear is already almost broken like 30/100 durability, and the sword is like 5/200 durability already.
So ye, my gear almost broke.
Or you forgot that there is a durability system in the game, and you cannot repair anything?
How could you miss that? You have a degree in game design, don't you?