@PeachMcD there will however, always be people that just started playing the game, and, particularly for this game, where guilds/parties/cities are so important, these people will need something to go on as to how to find those, and not everyone wants to just ask a question of the entire world, some people like to know things without having to ask, so perhaps a guild register or something in the starting cities, that the tutorial directs you to when you finish it? or something like the militias? i dont actually know how those work, do you need to go to the starter cities to join them? or can you join anywhere?

Best posts made by Mirgannel12
RE: Guilds and new players
RE: Nokes Folly
@Ostaff well, at least i've got something going for me, no such thing as bad publicity and all that
RE: Tales from Elysium entry thread
Beleaguered Fools
Night lay on the face of Syndesia; a bitter, white cold in the north; a black, stifling heat to the south; and a gentle, cool change from a day of pleasant warmth in the lands of Myr.
In the midst of Myr, among the wide plains, there rises a great upswelling of the earth; the last bastion of mountains that once had pressed inland from the sea, their outflung spurs driving like spears into the lowlands. But long and long ago they were beaten back by that most relentless foe, ranging now in misty lines of stone across a distant sky.
Alone this mountain stands, undefeated, though bowed beneath the long green cloak of time, with no friend about him but the graves of the slain; the laying dead of an army in retreat, in row upon row of rolling hills that stretch from here to the far off marching peaks. And across their sinking bones, like the ceaseless waves of a verdant sea, moaning and howling among the grass, The Wind drives his unseen herds to storm the horizon.
A river winds about his feet, and on its shores, between the mountain and the water, stands a city. Its walls are built of stone hewn from him; its houses of timbers cut from the forest that cloaks him, and its people are fed on the food that his body gives them; crops that grow on the floodplains about him, herds and flocks that graze on his grassy flanks.
The city stands muffled in the folds of a thick cloaking fog; masts rising from out of a cloudy sea, piers and jetties stretching over nothing amidst its pale drifts, and where the shifting white parts for a moment, glimpses of a black liquid sky. The banks of pale stuff pile themselves against the water gate and pool around the walls; rising up and falling back like waves, wisps floating over the parapets, through the cracks in the timbers to stray down cobbled thoroughfares and winding alley ways like ragged ghosts, their silent passage unheeded by the living, for the living are no longer there to see them.
The sun rises and the darkness begins to lighten, but shadows still lie deep over the city, for night lingers here, in the shadow of the mountain. The golden tide of sunlight flows by on either side, parting about the mighty sheltering shoulders and the high proud peak. The encroaching day shows the land bare all about the city; nothing but stubble stands in the fields, and the pastures on the mountains long, green sides hold neither flock nor herd, and the air is still and silent but for birds that quarrel over the empty fields.
Now comes the dawn in truth, and Morning races upon a freshening wind to catch at the banners hanging low and dark upon the spires of the city; snapping them out like whips until they flash and crack like fire: tongues of fire in every hue.
Then the light upon its breezy charger, turns and courses back again towards the the mountain, washing over the plain before the city to break upon the walls and foam about the knights there drawn up like the ranks of Faery; all in glittering mail and helms that flame with the dawn.
Their lances rise like a forest, the points tipped with the beaten fires of a new day. Their shields shine like the scales of great and wondrous fish, and the morning dances about them, pulling at their capes and the tossing the manes of their horses, until the sight of them, arrayed so boldly before that fair city, took on the seeming of a dream; some memory of childhood that brings to the hearts of men the ache of a nameless longing.
Now falls once more the night; darkness blotting out the land as the shadow of Tartaros catches the sun from the sky and devours the day.
Silence covers the land; deep, and dark, and waiting. Then a sound like metal torn and shrieking; like thunder breaking all to pieces, and a doorway flares in the darkness; the flaming hellish mouth yawning ever wider and lighting the field with a bloody light. The waiting army turns, it seems, to stone, all dull and lifeless while the shadows crawl around them.
Into that benighted world comes a creature like a dragon; crawling across the earth with a thousand heads and ten thousand feet that scratch and claw the green, green grass still wet with the mornings dew.
The beast draws itself up before the city; a dark and twisted mirror to that fair host which stood but a little time before, now gone grey and crumbling in the face of a mighty foe, and there it stops. Writhing and rustling like a forest of iron, a thousand thousand red and hungry eyes, all turned upon the city like a serpent before a nest of eggs, whose fearful stare has turned to stone the beak and claws poised to defend it.
The field stood so, poised for battle, but caught in an endless moment.Story continues Here:
https://1drv.ms:443/w/s!BMOC4Gv9sGQ2gTMEHCqhDK1DnsIZ?e=KDpPvCx-fUON4-z7DMbNpg&at=9P.S. I'm not sure if this will work, but my story is too long to be posted here so I hope it does.
Alternatively: https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/15105/mythopoeia-beleaguered-fools -
RE: Would tents be a viable inclusion?
I like this idea.
Personally, I really miss the individual plots of land out in the wilderness, and this would allow for that same feeling without messing with 'The Economy' or anything -
The city lay in darkness still, though all about the land was waking, for night lingered in the shadow of the mountain; protector and sustainer of the people who dwelt at its feet.
Once, the mountain had been clothed in trees; tall, straight pines and good strong oak, fine wood for the building of a city, and stone to set it firm. Now, the long green slopes were finest pasture where fed the herds and flocks. The shoulders of the mountain held back the storms, its flanks a living wall against attack. Its wide, strong, roots gripping the river, forcing it to flow quietly; deep, and clear, providing water for the fields, fish for the tables and passage for the trade ships.On either side of the city crept slowly by the golden tide, but the jetties and piers rose out of a river blanketed in fog, great white drifts piling up against the sea-wall, whisps and tendrils of vapour drifting along the empty streets.
As the night began to lighten, the gloom left the fields and with it the illusion of crops growing high and thick; naught but stubble stood in the fields, and birds that flocked and squabbled over their own harvest, now that the city had taken what it wished. The grass on the mountain rippled gently, untouched by biting tooth or crushing hoof.Caught by the smothering folds of the rivers ghostly shroud were the muffled cries of sheep and cows kept from their fields, and shadowy figures drifted from pen to pen on green and park and market court carrying feed for the imprisoned beasts.
Now broke the dawn in truth, and Morning raced upon a freshening wind to catch at the banners hanging low and dark upon the spires of the city; snapping them out like whips until they flashed and crackled like fire: tongues of fire in every hue.
Then the light, upon its breezy charger, turned and coursed back again to the feet of the mountain, washing over the field before the city to break upon the walls and foam about the knights there drawn up like the ranks of faery; all in glittering mail and helms that flamed with the dawn.
Their lances rose like a forest, the points tipped with the beaten fires of a new day. Their shields shone like the scales of some great fish, and the morning danced about them, pulling at their capes and the tossing the manes of their horses, until the sight of them, arrayed so boldly before that fair city, took on the seeming of a dream; some memory of childhood that brings to the hearts of men the ache of a nameless longing.Then fell once more the night; darkness blotting out the land as the shadow of Tartaros caught the sun from the sky and devoured the day.
Silence covered the land, deep and dark and waiting. Then a sound like tearing and burning; like thunder breaking all to pieces and a doorway flared in the darkness; the flaming mouth of hell growing wider and lighting the field with a bloody light, the waiting army turned, it seemed, to stone, all dull and lifeless while the shadows crawled around them.
Into that benighted world came a creature like a dragon crawling across the earth with a thousand heads and ten thousand feet that scratched and clawed the green, green grass still wet with the dew of morning.
The beast drew itself up before the city; a dark mirror of the memory of that fairy tale army that stood there mere moments before, now gray and crumbling in the face of its foe, and there it stopped writhing and rustling like a forest of iron its eyes red and hungry glaring balefully at the city like a serpent eyeing an egg with hardly a glance at the beak and claws poised to defend it.
The field stood so, poised for battle caught in an endless moment.Then one of the statues moved; raising a hand in which was gripped a banner, the field of which was dark and the sign thereon concealed by its own rippling shadows, but it billowed bravely in the wind that the darkness had not stilled and behind him, with a sound like the ringing of a thousand bells, the swords of his knights rose aloft shining in the darkness as though the sun shone still on those silvery blades, and there stood once more an army of living men, but grim now and fell where the morning had shown them fair.
The war-chief of that black host raised up his mighty weapon, and even as he does so, a bright light, as though the dawn had come a second time, and from the mountains peak where sat the sun enthroned ere its darkening, up rose a bolt like lightning that rose and plunged to the earth before the black captain, striking with a sound like thunder and the shock of it caused many of his underlings to fall and cry out, though he himself stood firm.
There stood a man; of no great height or stature, clad simply and bearing no metal, neither weapon nor shield nor mail. With a laugh and a flashing of teeth the demon lord let fall his weapon and the man but raised his hand as though in surrender. With a flashing of sparks the black metal struck his hand and was thrown back, a shimmering light arcing outward from the hand, unhurt like a ripple in the surface of a pool flowing away and up as though the sun glanced at a wall of glass between them.
The black one spoke
“You are but one man, however mighty your magicks, and you cannot stand against us forever.”
“Indeed, I could not. And so I counselled the others of this place; we are few and of no great strength. But I did not summon this magic that protects me; look there, atop the wall, there stand the telling of us that have such arts, though even they must let it fall eventually.”
“Hah! Then you wish to plead for your lives? You think to defend yourselves with talk? What could you offer me for your lives that I could not take? “
“I do indeed wish to persuade you against this course of war, but not with talk of surrender: for myself I would give my life into your hands; I and all which lies before you, that you might let live the people who dwell within, and none need perish. But yet I say to you: leave this place or Perish.“Haha! Truly you must be great to speak such threats; to stand before the Dragon and to pull at his beard, what courage! You I shall not kill until you have seen your fellows fall weeping into death”
“I have said that which my own heart would have me do, but I am not alone, and these that array themselves before you would not have it so.”
“Though they call me leader, and heed my wisdom in many things, they are not sheep to be told “Go there” and “Do this” nor am I their master to say what they will do. But I tell you this; They will not fall easily, for they have naught to lose by defeat, and those at your back have little, each for himself, to gain by victory. Many will fall of yours for each of theirs, and even yourself may be slain. But you do not fear this; your pride is great, and you care nothing for the deaths of those about you.”“I have said that my companions are more warlike than I, and now I tell you this: they are not alone.”
“Truly? Then there shall be the more for us to slay, and the greater spoils to take, for what men might stand against us? The shadow of our Goddess protects us, and the gods of men cower in fear of Her, Tyros himself cannot stop us from taking your lives, nor do those that inhabit Elysiums corpse care for this world of men. what is the knowledge of Galvanos to our steel? The favour of Iridia to the strength of Babilis?”
The lone man bowed his head and seemed to shrink before the great armoured Demon Lord.
Slowly he shook his head and sighed.
A light seemed to settle on his brow, dim at first but growing brighter as he raised his head and began to speak.“What are gods but the blowing of the wind? What is their power but the changing of the seasons; their blessing but the passing of winter to spring?
These things that you call gods are bound to the stones of these fractured worlds, but there is One that fills the darkness behind the stars and the space between moments. And though these worlds do not know him, there are those among their children that have seen his way, though they do not know it, and they are of all kinds; of men, and of the beast folk, and even of your own peoples, and they will not suffer their kindred to be slain by you. I say again: Begone, or Perish!”And as he spoke these last words the shimmering of light flared before him and faded, but the weapon of his enemy hung at his side, for in that moment there appeared two great doors of light between the facing armies; one to either side, and from each strode a host of creatures; Bear-Kin, Elk-Kin, Tiger and Wolf. Demons of Hellfire, Shadow and Blood.
At the heads of each of these armies stood a warrior greater than the rest; the one bright and fair, the other dark and grim: An Angel and An Abomination.
The Demon Lord watched unbelieving as his army was surrounded on three sides by armies of every race, the portal at their back the only escape.
He looked down at the man before him, fury blazing in his eyes and he raised high his weapon to cleave that pitiful skull; a skull now bare of flesh, the teeth grinning up at him.“I think you had better run”
RE: Tales from Elysium entry thread
@spoletta Brilliant! I particularly loved the bit about the improbable way the bank works
RE: "Fight the good fight!"
@GamerSeuss In the system I mentioned where it is only ordinary attacks that are automatic, you would have a hard time winning on autopilot because for most fights you still need to use skills. I was also assuming that clicking anywhere else with the mouse would disable the automatic systems. you would still need to select your next target as well.
Torchlight had a real problem with ranged combat because you had to click on the target for every single attack, and with enemy movement that was hard enough, when you add other enemies that you don't want to target yet (prioritising targets) that makes it even harder, and you cant move while attacking, so a miss is very bad. Add lag to the mix and you have an un-playable game (no lag in Torchlight because it's single-player, but Fractured has lag)
The Fractured system is better because you can hold right button to attack and then hold left to run, so kiting is not too bad, but with any lag you might as well logout; you wont hit, you cant time skills, nothing. At least with melee you can still just swing your weapon around and hope. Also, objects; if the enemy is behind a tree ( which is often) you can't hit them with ranged, but you can with melee (Does toggling combat mode fix this? I keep forgetting to use it :/)
All this system would do is give ranged combat the same ability that melee has; namely to hit your enemy (with ordinary attacks) I get that ranged has an advantage in that it can hit without being hit, but (I believe) that the damage is already adjusted to compensate for that, and the view distance is incredibly limited anyway.
The city of many names
Due to the changes made to the requirements for cities, most importantly the requirement of 20 citizens to claim a city, many smaller guilds, such as my guild, Mythopoeia, will no longer be able to claim a city for themselves.
Some guilds will likely take up residence in or around the city of a larger guild, and not mind much how that city is run, but I am sure there are other guilds, or even solo players, who would like to have the things a city can offer, but to also have a more weighty say in the affairs of that city than a mere squatter would have.My suggestion is that some of the smaller guilds band together in a democratic union of guilds to appoint a governor and claim a city.
My first thought was that guilds of like interest might do this, but it occurred to me that such a union might in fact be better served from guilds with different, but not opposing, focuses; namely that one guild might primarily be in charge of farming, or crafting or PVE or PVP, and the other guilds prioritise the others, which would allow all guilds involved to pursue their foremost purpose, but be able to engage in the other aspects of the game at any time, as the other guilds have 'set them up'
RE: Harbours
Is the travel instantaneous? are ships controllable like the wagons? or is it a scripted passage? do you have to stop? are there storms? currents? pirates? winds? can you travel directly from a harbour on one side of the continent to the other side, or do you need to stop at the ports on the way?
If anyone has played mount and blade viking conquest, in that game it is often most economical to buy materials in a particular port, and travel to the port most suited for selling at a profit, but also to buy and sell lesser amounts for less of a profit at ports on the way, this results in a 'scheduled' journey where certain stops are made and others bypassed. If merchants do something similar in fractured, which seems likely, might passengers seek transport even if the ship would not be going directly to their desired port? Skyrim allows a player to travel directly to a location, which seems uneconomical; simply taking a single passenger directly to a single location, so it would be nice to have passenger ships that would need to wait for enough passengers, and would make stops along the way, or merchant ships that trade as they go, rather than the usual instant and direct travel -
Prospective members
I really think, and I've said this before, that there needs to be a way for people to join guild/party/settler groups, well, perhaps not settler groups, but certainly the other two, without direct contact.
Couldn't there be a place in the starting cities that, like the citizen 'book' allows players to request membership of a guild or settler group?
Otherwise the only real recruitment methods are through the forum, discord or by someone seeing a player in game with a guild name above their head. -
RE: Mythopoeia (modified)
@Xzait Thanks, probably wont happen this test, but hopefully soemday
RE: New Layout
too bad, I liked the idea of just being a hermit in the middle of nowhere
RE: New Layout
@PeachMcD (I dont know how to do the thing you people do where you put the quote you are referencing in its own little spot)
Are these land parcels as of the new city layout? or the old one?I did come across a few such habitations myself, and was likewise grateful, which does bring up another point; unlike 'real life', where a band of adventurers might happen on a hermits dwelling (hypothetically) avail themselves of fire and shelter, and be on their way either after destroying the place or doing some chores and tidying up after themselves, depending on what sort of adventurers they are, the hermit, upon returning home, assuming he had not been there at the time, would notice something, and realise people had been there, in the game however, aside from destroying the place, which i assume will be possible, there is no way for the hermit to know anyone had been there, or for a weary traveller to express their thanks, other than leaving some gift which might be taken by another adventurer.
I do like your idea of 'give a little take a little' but am likewise sceptical, then again, Fractured does have a criminal system that might be able to make it work; the main problem is that in games, unlike real life, there is little or no reason NOT to just take stuff, kill people etc. and players tend to do things they would never do in real life, or even if other players were around, and it doesn't look like the criminal system will be able to counter that
Then again, because items are all(?) player made in Fractured, and there is a criminal system, perhaps items could be 'tagged' as belonging to a certain player? so if an item is stolen, it might be tracked down. -
RE: Non-Forum Players
I guess, and I'm not saying that guilds would let randoms in un-checked, but, particularly with a small guild, if the members of that guild aren't on very often, and all at more or less the same time, then firstly, they have zero recruiting power with non-forum players, because they would have to be seen by prospective members, and secondly a player wanting to join them would have to wait and hope that they came on at the same time. I mean, there isn't even a chat 'log' is there?
my point is; there is zero in-game communication between players that log in at different times, and in an online game like this any group of players, city, guild whatever, that intend to protect a community need to have players on, ideally a substantial amount at all times.
What about Guild Halls?
'Legolas Quiver'
Just curious what led to arrows being removed? I don't really mind, it hardly makes a difference, arrows were so easy to make, I just feel silly pulling arrows out of thin air
I liked that you needed arrows, they were already so unrealistic; easy to make, carry massive amounts, all it really meant was that you occasionally ran out mid-fight if you didn't keep track; not a big deal, but a little thing that you had to keep in mind. -
RE: 'Legolas Quiver'
@Vortech It would be cool to have different arrow types and stats for different materials, but that would of course be something that non-archers don't have.
Personally I dislike that games need to 'balance' weapons; even if you suck with a bow, there is no disadvantage to taking a few shots at the guy before he gets into melee range, and even the worst archer can kill the best warrior, archery is inherently unbalanced.
I like the idea of having different weapons as situational/strategic, where you can start with a long ranged weapon, then go to melee, but thats starting to get off topic.I do see what you mean about 'crafting progression' stones are heavier but dont require anything to aquire, where bones are lighter and you can carry more for future arrows, once you manage to kill something to get them (though I believe the stone/bone arrow heads weighed the same?) and without different stats its really not so interesting.
That being said, and this could be applied to lots of other things in the game; if done correctly weight can be a very good balancing mechanic; more powerful but heavier and more expensive VS lighter, less powerful but cheaper (Morrowind did this brilliantly)