I think the isometric view plays a large role in it. You can't have a dense forest while still being able to see anything else on the screen. You'd be eaten by a group of snapping turtles without even seeing where they are. And if you make the canopy see through, then...well, it doesn't feel like a dense forest anymore.

Best posts made by Mindark
RE: Empty World
RE: Concerns related to the attributes
@Farlander Hey Farlander, thanks for taking the time to respond.
Your first bullet point brings up an issue that isn't related to the actual topic, but my assumptions (and I can easily be wrong in these) would be that altoholics will not be the main demographic that is advocating for rerolling. I've addressed the meat of your objection, that nerfs our character build to the point that your toon is shot, with my second point in my post that this variance as a result of your choice shouldn't have too much impact to overall balance. I would push that no reasonable attribute allocation should destroy any build. Attributes should not carry that level of power over our characters.
I don't believe that it would take long for a new characters to hit "end game" here. Not from what I've seen so far. I definitely don't think it will take weeks to unlock a handful of abilities. Also, regarding the fact that my character would get nerfed to the point they are no fun to play. This sounds to me like an entirely different problem you have than with attribution points - which have a minimal impact on the current game.
I've also addressed that respecing being available to everyone CAN have bearing on ALL other players. It shapes the world we play in. The biggest thing that comes to mind is the economy. I'm not entirely against respecs, but there should be a cost (of something, time, money, etc) to it. And it shouldn't exist on the fly.
It's in the best interests to the devs to keep players around and enjoying the game... Absolutely agree here! But keep in mind that there are multiple viewpoints to satisfy than the single one you're pushing - which we don't even know to be true at this point or not. I think we should have a good balance of it. I don't think everyone should be able to respec freely at any time. I think that is the purpose of alts - to have a different experience.
@Tuoni Having an option to respec attributes does not offer advantage over other players so it does not have negative impacts. Avoiding player frustration is also somethig what developers should taken account when planning QoL things. Isn't the whole argument of having respecs is because it DOES offer advantages? And the fact that it does offer advantages ("disadvantages" can balance this - any cost) would imply that one would be disadvantaged by NOT doing it. This can frustrate players that now feel more compelled to respec - especially if there is a cost, which there should be.
Every design decision may affect on everyone but the effects are usually positive so why would that be a problem. Disagree. Every design decision is usually positive?
A feature like 'possibility to reroll attributes' will be a huge QoL thing. I agree. It is a huge QoL thing. I might end up doing it dozens of times a day. Please let there be a cooldown cost on this if respecs are a thing.
Everyone has this chance but it is still optional if someone decides not to use that for any reasons. At the moment the reason looks like to be a character identity. You've missed the point here. Maintaining character identity is an argument against allowing (frequent/costless) respecs. Maintaining character identity would not be a reason to not respec. If it's in game, people will be compelled to do it.
At the moment the reason looks like to be a character identity which is quite small roleplaying feature tbh. Identity is a lot more important, I think, than you realize it is. Maybe not to you, though. But you shouldn't dismiss it as a concern from the community because you don't personally care for it. Identity is crucial for any characters, be it in any game, TV show, or movie.
Hey guys, new here!
Hi all,
I'm Mindark. I like games! I can't wait for this one, it looks exciting.
RE: Would love to see mob loot drops tied to knowledge
I like the idea of a knowledge-based loot system. It got me thinking, what kind of loot would I like to see? Should everything drop loot? Is farming creatures for loot (random or otherwise) what we would like to see in this game?
I think little loot in the game is better. I don't want to farm things to get money, I want to do more meaningful things (what that is, I have no idea). I like the idea increasing the drop rates based off knowledge (including adding loot to the table/increasing beyond 0% chance to drop). But I would prefer all drops to be meaningful. Let everything be used for something.
RE: Concerns related to the attributes
@Razvan I think we share a lot of the same opinions here.
For the end game thing, I think it really matters what there is to do in end game vs the journey there. Do I think we should be a top ganker within a day or two? Is that reasonable with the systems in place? Maybe? Maybe not. I think that being competitive in the ganking scene can be pretty likely - all depending on your main.
From what we know, these things make our end game:
EnchantsGear and enchants can, essentially, be traded between characters. Knowledge is the only thing that will really take time. And that you can be carried with friends/guildies.
As I understand it, the plans are to offer different modifications to abilities later? Like if Diablo 3's rune system had ranks. That could change the amount of time it takes to get an alt to end game. But as it is now, it seems very easy to hit that end game. It really depends how much of a role knowledge plays.
RE: So, what is the plan for "fun"?
PVP, collecting everything to get, achievements? Possibly, if they're in that. Collecting more things. Higher numbers on a sheet somewhere. Building bigger. But none of this matters if I do it solo. As long as I'm doing something with friends.
RE: Concerns related to the attributes
@Tuoni said in Concerns related to the attributes:
If I am e.g. a master crafter of swords and a bounty hunter who tries to catch criminals, I bet those determines my characters identity much more rather than attribute points in the background.
Thanks for the thought out reply. I like the detailed explanation behind your rationale. I think we share similar viewpoints here. I wanted to quote this small section of it to follow up on, not to discard or dismiss the rest of your post, which I largely agree with.
My big thing about identity goes as follows, hopefully I present it well enough. If your (collective, not you you) mastercrafter of swords and bounty hunter is your character's identity, would you not distribute attributes in a way that aligns and ties in with that character? That is an assumption I would make and I would assume others make. I am likely wrong in my assumptions, and I'm sure there is some sort of bias there. Given that assumption (and if I'm wrong with that assumption, none of the rest of this matters), severely changing your attributes will, likely, severely change who your character is.
Ignoring attributes, what I don't want to see is mastercrafter of swords and bounty hunter by day, BATTLEMAGE BY NIGHT! What I would rather see is mastercrafter of swords and bounty hunter by day, hold my beer, I wanna try something by night! To expand on this, let's add attributes to this scenario. Our attributes would be "locked" (remember, I've conceded that attribute respecs can exist with a cost/cooldown associated to it) to our mastercrafter of the swords and bounty hunter character, but it doesn't stop him from using any other ability that he wants to. Him and his battlemage roommate can go around casting magic missile into the darkness. Builds are still available to him, but Gandalf's magic will still be a little stronger than Boba Fett's.
One man's opinion...
RE: Your favorite Dailies, or what you would like to see them as.
I love Orna's daily system. Basically, they're a bunch of "random" kill quests. Kill x amount of things, get y. Except there are dozens of them. I don't even know if it's the same for everyone or not...but they're just little bonuses you get as collateral for just playing the game. I would much rather a system like that. Throw more dailies at me than I can handle, but let it be so that I will finish them without even trying.
I've rarely seen daily systems that I liked. I don't like feeling punished for not logging in, but I do like getting a little extra something (even if it's just a popup, yay, dopamines!). I want to do the things that I want to do. I prefer not to be told what to do.
RE: Travelling is "complicated" to be mild
@PedroBillyMattos If you don't have 3 hours to play, don't make a trek that takes 3 hours. Do something within the constraints of the time you have. So, if you think that heartwood to shadows should be 15 minutes while mounted and on the roads, then perfect. Once roads and mounts are working, then we might actually be somewhere at that place. In that case, my "proposal" of 2-3 hours to traverse all of Myr is close to accurate as your heartwood to shadows.
It sounds like you want travel to be quicker, and not the size of the map. Making things smaller (either by physical size or time) carries implications in a large world like this. Physically, resources will have to be more limited, so players will have a more difficult time doing things. Did you play in the last open test? After a while, there were no additional plots to claim. A smaller map will make that problem worse. As far as making travel speed faster, already we can see that the world isn't keeping up with our current travel speed. If we moved four times faster, then things might not spawn in at all (hunting for certain animals? good luck!).
Also, the devs might want the game to be played based off time vs distance. Maybe they want you to spend an hour getting somewhere from a popular hub. Then, even if travel speed were four times faster than it is now, things will be spaced out four times as much. It would be naive to think that travel time is not considered in game design.
Side note: my opinion and your opinion ultimately don't matter how the devs want to build their game. They should build the game how they see fit and not be swayed by a bunch of players that don't know what they want.
RE: Spoilers: Gameplay narrative is working for me!
It's really fun finding the right abilities that work against the other mobs. As the warrior role, I did the same thing you did after the wisps were wrecking me. I found a mage with fireball and arcane missile to kill them for me