I hope there wont be any gender-locked race. This thing disgust me...

Best posts made by memokal
RE: Gender of Heroes
A documenting system Book system
We can have some kind of books that max 10 pages can be written by players and some kind of bookstore inside the game so, people will make or buy the book item and write things and can sell them in a profit margin on any town city etc. I can hear you saying "whats the point?" There could be many many different types of books that written by players about combos, skills, bugs, guild rules of them and kinda stuff no limit. And i believe it may help new players or cause players inspire eachother or to invest some time in some fun books or interesting. That would be adding some rpg elements to the game. In addition we can have some kind of bookholding trophies that we put on anywhere on openworld so that would also have many different usage that depends on players imagination. Like guiding comers or threating people in some zone or putting some kind of rule set to the entering gate of a city or towns etc etc.
Map Notifications/Signals/Pins
Will there be map notifications? I mean pinning map for Guild, Party or For yourself.
It should be categorized for different groups(guild,party,friends or only for yourself).
Also there should be forever pins unless you remove them. And instant signals. Or maybe some notifications that when you press on them. A textarea shows the message of who puts it in there.
So just asking..
Guardians City (my future dream city)
My guild will be living in that city and be protectors of that city. We will build a good-aligned city and will try remove evil from this world. It will be a demon-hunters city. And this city will be the symbol of Goodness in fractured world. We will be ready for any evil ambush all the time.
My guild will be named "Kalengers" we will be hating demons and our job is killing demons and fight with them. No demon can enter this city and we are agressive to evil-aligned players.
Most will be humans.
why there never a power gap? some questions and suggestion to discuss
or will there be? do you mean that you can win against a veteran by better skill synergy with your character or some kind of lucky composition against their skill composition? or you just mean 0 power gap.
I mean its stupid for me. I am not against the idea that i write above but if you mean 0 power gap like scaling : lv1 skill damage -> 200 lv3 skill damage -> 205 it comes real bad to me. well i have no idea about details.
but i can say that playing long time this game should be having some kind of target. Otherwise i feel like it will be very empty gameplay. And lack of roleplay. What we will do? all the time fight others and walk and kill monsters for nothing? we should be focusing on some kind of things for our improvements or build.
Suggestion :
What would you think about mastering in one skill in the game? i mean we will be having a variety of skills as i read. But it would be also awesome to master on 1 of them. so all skills will have 3 different mastering type or kinda and when you mastered it will be your difference from others.For example : lets say we have lighning skill. i made it lv3 by learning. Now i want to master it. and i achieve that it has 3 different mastering type : 1) lighning now goes bolder and wider. 2) lighning now cant be focused on 1 direction and it turns into lighning explode around and now stun. 3) lighning now shields your body and increase movement speed / attack speed for 10 seconds after using..
Question : Will there be possible themed skills and compositions. Like i want to create a fire mage or fire natured mage.
Question2 : Will i be able to make mixed type of characters that themed and for crafting is it possible?
For example : I want to use a fire skinned weapon that burns when i attack and i want to use fire type spells(im afraid of variety about same type skills and options). And in addition i want to craft a different type of weapon that comes from the knowledge by my skills. Will it be possible or would you get it as a suggestion? -
Guild Types
I always imagined about something like that since Albion. Would you mind making that there some guild types and these guild types completes an alliance in different aspects.
for example, Trade Guilds(more trade focused players join), Race Guilds(missioner guilds), Imperial Guilds(open all races), Power Guilds(can be recuited by other guilds) and kinda.. If you make a good synergy between them i think it would be fine and rpg based fun... so this is just a thought. What you think?