I'd like to participate! thanks for the giveaway

Posts made by Mehwar
RE: Adept Founder's Pack Giveaway!
RE: PVP Rewards?
@yumramens they have actually created a verry interesting system
if you kill a player you will get a "crimimal tag" or something like this and the this "tag" stays for more than 24 hours of real time . And if in this time if another player kill you he doesent get the criminal tag , so in short u have to think twice before killing someone!
RE: when is this game going to realize?
1st I suggest you to read this: https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/2421/frequently-asked-questions then talking about the game obviously, as spector said, the release date is not decided yet, but you can still make some (SUPPOSITIONS) that the game will be released around 2020 and the alpha 1 at the end of the year
RE: Storage question
I hope we will be able to use bigger carts than those shown in the video! (
)And it would seem to me that the wagon was moved by the player ... not from an animal. But of course it would be cool to be able to train one! -
RE: I Want To Play A Game | The Arboreus Swamp Hunt
@prometheus im loving the game style!
RE: What unusual weapon types would you like to see?
@dagimir i would like to see a gun that shoots magic enchantments
RE: Weekly drawing contest
@bessworth at the beginning i also think that i have to draw a picture
but you just have to stay active in the community buddy (thats what i understood)
RE: When will the Kickstarter campaign start?
@cystematic no you havent missed it ! It can start at the end of this month but no certain dates
Hi devs I'm one of those users who mostly use mobile phones to keep track of foundry and forum! so I was thinking that in the FUTURE it would not be bad to have a fractured app
RE: I saw this game on an Instagram ad and I think it looks awesome. I'm still trying to figure out the gods as well as more about the nature race and Demon race, any help about them would be great. Thanks
@manhb2 you can find every info about races here: https://fracturedmmo.com/feature-spotlight-1-three-races-three-gameplays/
Have fun ! -
RE: Alpha Key
@dolphin at the end of the month probably the kickstarter will start !
You can look the prices here: https://fracturedmmo.com/kickstarter-update-pledge-packs/ -
RE: Dove scaricare il gioco
@pepix ok aspe
Ci sono un po di cose da sapere...- devi aspettare la fine di sto mese xke parta il kickstarter :https://fracturedmmo.com/kickstarter-update-pledge-packs/
La chiave per il alpha 1 (quello che si avra al piu presto) costa 200€ (con un sacco di altri vantaggi!
2)puoi vincere una chiave pre-alpha semplicemente rimanendo attivo nella community (è un po difficile)
- devi aspettare la fine di sto mese xke parta il kickstarter :https://fracturedmmo.com/kickstarter-update-pledge-packs/