@mereni That's not right, the map will not be generated procedurally. It will be static. Font here: https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/828/world-size-changing-world/5

Posts made by Lango
RE: How big is the game realm?
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
As Lango aproached Rikki and Glim, he could smell their prejudice. Their faces, their eyes. It was evident. He hate it. Why so much resentment? Why past mistakes condemned him? An inner flame flow from his core and into his eyes, and the little fire he was holding in his hand sparkled in fury.
"This is not your fight. Stop.", said his head. Like an angel and a demon, his feelings fought in his inside, and trying to calm his inner fire Lango recalled his canteen, left in the bar, with an imperceptible finger move. After all, drinking was his salvation. A sip. Two sips. The third was a large one. Recomforting for sure."Hey best-kin, want some?".
RE: A compilation of everything we know about Fractured.
@Vengu May I translate this to spanish? I think it could be easier with the font code so every link is already there.
RE: Demons will rule this game!
I have a similar feeling about this.
If Demons PvP all day, maybe they will loot more and maybe they get better rewards for it since PvP is sometimes more complex than PvE. Then Demons for sure will be stronger in PvP against other races. Then if you have an interracial event like a tournament arena, demons will for sure have an advantage, but there is when developers magic and balance come to play. -
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
As the woman said 'surprise me', the demon saw a chance of making new friends. Looking to calm his instincts, he offered a sip from his canteen with a cheerful stil drunk smile, but at the same time his inner voice told him that some fresh air may help.
He stood up, throwing the stool in a clumsy way and falling in the floor. In four legs he made his way to the door and hear Rikki talking to Glim, and stepped out the bar.
The cold wind hit throught his bones and with a finger he started a small fire in his hand. "Still easy even drunk", said his mental companion. He aproached the beast-kin. -
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
Trying to keep his balance, Lango took a look a panoramic view to the bar, and saw all the customers eyes looking at him. The drunk demon smiled as he can and murmured well they are not friendly.
As the glass was broken, his demon feelings wanted to take a bottle and start a mess, but his mind again stopped him. Instead, he brings up a canteen from his pocket, take a shot and put it on the table. Want a drink?, Offered calmly to Rikki. No one is going to get hurt, aside from my liver.
((Sorry my bad english too, Argentinian here))
Suddendly, a wild spanish tittle apperead.
I'm from Argentina, looking forward to this game (Already read all new). It looks great! -
RE: Feature Spotlight #3 - The Knowledge System
I think a Fractured wiki is going to cut the experience. Of course its everyone intention of enjoying the game or not, but just when someone realizes how to get a skill, then everyone else would just replicate this. It's interesting anyway, looking forward on how this develops.
RE: Monopoly
@gothix Im not quite sure this is the only way. Imagine this situation:
Some high power players wants to monopolyze a certain type of manufactur, lets supose axes (Just an example). Then they start purchasing Iron in high values so everyone wants to sell them. Then, with no other competitor buying in that prices, they can manage to produce axes at the cost they want.
I mean, for sure this is not going to happen with axes an iron, but if there is some not-common resource that is used to produce just a little amount of items I think this is posible. -
RE: Average age and countries
20, Argentina. One week for 21 so everyone is invited to the party ?)
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
Resting in a corner since no one knows, Lango was sitting in a chair watching all Arcanist Mill's customers. When he sees a demon drinking with a human, he tries to stand up but as we all know, it's hard when you already drank too much.
Never is too much, Lango replied to his own head. And with a new effort, he started walking towards the bar.
Standing beside the demon, He ordered a pint of a strong Thornroot Ale and took a look to Malyvern whit the corner of his eye.
((Lango is a Blood Demon, with more ages than anyone can count. He don't have any noticeable war mark but far more weird, it seems like he has some human flesh in his neck and head. He wears a white shirt and black throusers, a purple coat tied in the neck with golden details. His hood covers part of his head, his foots are naked and just one glove in the right hand, but it doesn't cover his fingers))