Posts made by Juan514
Armor & Beastmen
I was just wondering how will armor work for beastmen,i mean i can't think of a bear wearing the same armor that a human can wear,there will be specific race armor?or are you just gonna different models of the armors for each race?
RE: Idea: Ability that allows evil summoners to summon PC demons.
That will be amazing ,i feel like a child on the toy store just by reading suggestions like this ,it will really add to the player-driven story ,it will be like DF where you just tell great stories out of your gameplay
RE: Religions
@severinus Maybe that protection of the god can come as a player that it is the champion of the god,so instead of a "godly protection" that depends only in your faith/reputation with that god it will also be needed a champion to respond to his call(for that champion this will mean a reputation boost or a reward ),and boom out of nowhere in a blinding ray of light , Auberon ,champion of Tyros has heard your call , you will not be left alone against the death that should befall on you ,because you have believed faithfully in Tyros ,now i shall protect you ,for thy is his will.
Or something like that. -
RE: Fractured System Requirements
Yeah i know,i just use it for college, not real gaming ,i can run skyrim se on ultra but i have script lag
RE: Fractured System Requirements
@finland That left me out lol i use a laptop i3,6GB ram and its a normal disk not a SSD with a Intel HD 5500
Hey,maybe it's too early to ask this but i was wondering if the gods are just for lore purposes or if they are gonna be expanded, i would love to see my character being chosen as champion of Tyros or at least like a reputation system (e.g. Baldurs Gate ) where your actions define and alter how the npcs react to your character.
Just imagine out of nothing a voices booms through the skies ,and you are bestowed a quest to gain the favor of Tyros,of course before that happens you will need to be in line with what they represent. So what do you think? -
Heya all! I just wanted to say hi and that am really excited about Fractured.
RE: 💡 Suggestion | Extra Races?
Is there gonna be a dwarfy race, i mean stocky or with high constitution , great at crafting and more defense oriented ?