Pretty scary news at first, but to be honest I'm still kinda worried if they don't bring back support.

Posts made by Jarvis
RE: Unity has blocked SpatialOS - What's up and what it means for us
RE: What about "events" ?
It would be pretty cool if each race or planet had it's own holiday similar to what Hanukkah is to Christmas. If it were to play literally into the 1 month=1 year system maybe consider a server that runs off of real life times of the day and even global sun pattern system that matches.
RE: State Of The Game #1 - A Gallop To Alpha
Can't wait to see in-game screenshots!
RE: Forum Downtime 2017 Dec 13-14
Didn't notice, but thank you! Free gifts and transparent business model are always a good sign.
RE: Questing system
I hope they create interesting and engaging quests. The typical gather 15 of this and kill 15 of that can become quite repetitive, I am interested in how they will decide to break-up the monotony. Adding to that I hope there will also be voiced npc's and storylines.
RE: July Feature Spotlight: Cosmology & Races - List your questions!
Q1: Like others have pointed out will travel be instantaneous? (In some situations travelling by mounts enhances the open world experience.)
Q2: Will teleport scrolls be implemented? (In my opinion if they are added they should be coveted and or cost a pretty penny. Territorial disputes can be difficult to overcome when a massive horde suddenly appears out of thin air.)
Q3: Will auto-pathing be added? (Takes away from the game in my opinion.)
How will the harvest system work exactly?
As stated in the above subject line, how will the harvesting system work? In Monster Hunter you can harvest a monster only a certain number of times with severed limbs adding to the harvest. Will this be similar if not identical?
Sorry if this topic has already been covered.