@gothix said in Class for Uroadra:
Also Udoara has +3 and +1 on those attributes, while having -X on most others, this is why PER and CHA seems like the best option to create great support character (both in combat and out of combat).
Hi @Gothix you don't have +3 and +1 on those attributes only to the cap level (see ref[1] below). And spend points are less expensive to the Charisma stat (you use the affinity table only to this one... the key to understand it it's the highlighted in blue in the table of #4 ).
You say I focus on combat, so yes and no...
I answered @BloodLord key words :
- fighting with is companions
- buffing is companions,
- be able to be useful out of combat or supporter on combat
- using musicianship, illusion, stealth.
First one prop : STR(10) DEX(15) INT(13) CON(10) PER(15) CHA(20)
Focusing more on the full potential of the primary affinity stat. If it's like D&D or RPG D20/3d6 system - what I take to reference - you could also retire some points on STR to up INT because Damage would be more with DEX. But like we don't know enough information I prefer to not try this (ref [2]). In more, with a 20 in charisma he could have more interaction with NPC and Pets (it's what we read) Illusion and Musicianship are based on CHA so it would be wast to didn't try it. And like he want to be stealth support, PER and DEX at 15 could permit him to take assassination or markmanship schools when need-it. In more DEX 15 could be useful to up his speed (exploration...)
second prop : STR(10) DEX(18) INT(14) CON(10) PER(15) CHA(15)
Like CHA permit to have to spend less point to have a good stat, you could use those points to level up an another stat, here I though about DEX because is a central stat and yes it could more fun in combat, using illusion skills to strike at distance or in the back and could give a good defense with high evasion. More, with a full talent DEX branch he could win a +2 DEX on the attribute later (ref [3]). INT have 1 more point because is an essential attribute rather than CON and STR in this type of build
my third prop : STR(13) DEX(15) INT(15) CON(13) PER(13) CHA(15)
You put away a genuine attribute bonus or a latter branch bonus (to obtain a 20) to have more points to spend on other attribute (not a good way to do I think but why not). This way can permit to have some decent attribute to be a Multi-tool Elyseum Knife [4]. And you could probably hope to have 2 stats on +2 with 2 finished talent branch : so all (less 1) attribute in 15 or in max 2 attribute in 17. In fact @bloodlord could do what-ever he want but not at the highest potential of any attribute.
All of my stat/attribute are reflections based on post below and spotlights #3 #4 #5
Reference article/posts
[1] https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/post/16487
[2] https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/post/17184
[3] https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/post/29614
[4] swiss-knife joke