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Posts made by Gofrit
RE: Let's talk about recipes
@Roccandil said in Let's talk about recipes:
Available recipes could be limited to research, meaning one city couldn't unlock all recipes. Crafting training could either provide direct exp (if there's a desire to reduce item spam), or an exp boost to actual crafting. The magnitude of training could also be gated by city level/research.
This is a good idea, but I think we need to limit the training, by irl day or in function of your own crafting time (Note at myself : better than irl day for sure, why i proposed that ?). It will be a good hole for gold but this building could be misused if not restrained.
Another problem to me is the couple : city+crafter, year ago (on Myr) I was crafting on another city because my city was focused on a branch that was not my priority. Is good for commerce and inter-city /inter-guild communication but bad for the legs of my horse and my purse.
RE: Let's talk about recipes
I think it will be ok to access of the tier2 (and tier3) only when the crafter attain the level max of the tier 1 :
example : Cloth Tier 1 ranked legend -> Cloth Tier 2 normal.
-> impact at the starting of game could be measured but to be sure of reducing the impact of mad's crafter i would put a 2nd condition (see after).
-> don't resolve the "trash item", but personally I put my craft in market at something like 1,20,50,100,1000 gold, and i destroy a lot green/blue (so a little recycling would be nice, and could be good to have the name of the crafter on it by the way) -
you revamped the quest system, use it ! The crafter to have full access to tier 2, need to do a specific quest like go to a specific zone to read a carved stones with schematics or kill boss (tier 1->tier 2 : on his own world, tier 2->tier 3 on another world). This quest need to be started when the character has maximized his tier 1 item.
-> maybe difficult to do it in solo, it will be not too early in game, good for group quest with objective, good for guild system. -
you could also improve the system tree based on the crafting to allow a player choice to develop the tier 2 branch like he want.
Example : As a crafter i meet the 2 condition above on cloth (legendary tier1 and quest) so now I need to choose on the 2 Tier 2, the one i'll develop. I choose the Scholar. So now I could craft this one with the components gathered. The subtlety is here : When I'll pass a level in the tier (white->green, green->blue), i could open an another branch.
->It's an another restriction on the crafting system and put the crafter in a situation of specialization (already the case by the way since gold and components are crazy to obtain to up tier 2 level without a guild), but in counterpart the crafter didn't have to count on luck or gold mountain to access of all the recipes
-> Could work on the weapon crafting system : I'll take the fire staff, and when fire staff will become green, I'll take energy staff, and so on until i unlock all the branch.
What do you think ?
RE: There should be 2 slots for Bandage and Food.
All you need is teammate to heal you in time. There are a lot of healing skill solo-target and area. in more find an alchemist to make some debuff/heal potion.
If you encounter a big lady or guy too strong, do the only things to do : run ! -
touching skill and unarmed wildfolk
Hello, it has been a long time, why we couldn't use the touching skill in the unarmed wildfolk form ?
RE: Town Wall Corner placement not working.
@LordSkykal We have same problem in LaRuche
No skill loaded in my skill bar nor my skill pool
Something strange happened to me right now.
My skill bar and my skill pool was empty at my connection tonight.
First time to see this.
RE: All blacksmith stuff disapear after the first forge was destroyed
@Kralith We destroyed a building without anything in it : no forge, no chest... all was previously moved with the moved function in an another blacksmith building.
=> All was destroyed in the two other building. Like they was linked with the first building Builded in the cities -
All blacksmith stuff disapear after the first forge was destroyed
@Kralith, @Prometheus, @LordSkykal I think we had encountered a big problem.
Last time I say that we had a lot of "not flat terrain", so we tryed to rebuild the cities, to have enough space to put all our building.
a) We had 2 blacksmith building (one with a forge T1 and one with T2 forge). We needed to destroy both to gain some space.
b) We build a third blacksmith structure. We moved all the T1 forge (and chest) from the first building to the 3rd building. And from the 2nd building to the 1st we moved the T2 forge only.
c) We destroyed the 2nd blacksmith building, and rebuilded it. nothing terrible happens
d) We moved the T2 Forge on the first blacksmith building created in the city to the new constructed building.
e) We destroyed the first blacksmith and the horror begins... We lost all the forge and all the chest (and all the stuff in, ingot, armor, weapons) present in the two other blacksmith building -
RE: Discussion Thread about the June 7 Patch
Thx for the patch. seems we have a bug on the inventory's chest or inventory's station. Impossible to open it twice in a row. You need to open an another inventory's chest or inventory's station (or mount/unmount) to have the possibility to reopen the inventory window. I think you are already in alert about that and we will have a hotfix soon :).
Since you have make some QOL about Role :
It would be nice to have some change on vice-governor role also :- promoting/unpromoting Citizen to Trusted Citizen or Trusted Citizen to Citizen
- deleting building (with a confirmation window)
In governor and vice-governor Role management :
- Could we have also a list of the Private Plot Cities claimed and free, the size of the plot, who is the owner, and the prestige given ?
Thx in advance.
Political management, Role distribution, and prestige focus, are what we working on in LaRuche actually. -
Pour les FR anglophobe: traduction du patch b.0.1h
Hello les aventuriers,
Le patch d'aujourd'hui apporte beaucoup de changement : QOL (mise à jour de la qualité de vie) et fix de bug.
Chat Upgrade
3 nouveaux canaux sont créés : Trade, Recruit and Help.
Il est possible de créer votre propre catégorie de canal et décider quels canaux vous recevrez dans les catégories.
Il faudra cliquer sur la catégorie et sur l'icÎne d'engrenage à cÎté de son nom6 categories par défaut :
General => recevra tous les canaux Local => canal Local Trade => canal Ăchange Help => canal Aide Party=> canal Groupe Guild => canal guilde
Trusted Citizen Role
Le "Citoyen de Confiance" est un nouveau rĂŽle qui se positionne directement sous celui de Vice-gouverneur.
Le but est de faciliter le recrutement de joueurs n'ayant pas encore la confiance et donc ne pas avoir à s'inquiéter du vol des contenus des coffresLes permissions accordées sont les suivantes :
Utiliser toutes les stations avec un inventaire interne (bassine de tannage, forges, station agricole)
Utiliser toutes les stations de ressources (minerais, pierres, bois...)
Utiliser les coffres
Paysannerie (planter, arroser, récolter)
Interagir avec les armes des siĂšge et l'atelier de siegeLe rĂŽle de citoyen devient :
- joindre une cité
- réclamer une parcelle dans la cité,
- utiliser une station de craft sans inventaire qui ne pourrait ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e si le âglobal access levelâ est sur "citoyen seul"
- une taxation différente des autres rÎles
K.O Popup Rework
La popup de KO est modifiĂ©e pour ĂȘtre plus clair.
Le timer de 30second est désormais d'une autre couleur et inclus le bouton "suicide".
Si vous cliquez sur suicide et que vous confirmez, vous mourrez et vous aurez le choix du lieu de résurrection.
(le but est d'Ă©viter que les nouveaux joueurs qui ne lisent pas les textes se tuent oO)Poison and bleed Rework
Les mécaniques Poison et Saignement ont été revu, ainsi que les compétences et sorts.
Les effets sont maintenant basé sur des compteurs (stack).
Le compteur va jusqu'Ă 100 et diminue Ă un rapport de 2 par secondes.
C'est beaucoup plus lent que les compteurs de GĂšle, Chaleur, ĂlectrifiĂ©, CorrodĂ© (acide) qui eux diminuent de 5 par secondes.Le saignement fait dĂ©sormais entre 2% jusqu'Ă 8% des HP max de la cible toutes les 4 secondes, comme dĂ©gĂąts directs. Si la cible bouge, elle prend en plus la moitĂ© de ses dĂ©gĂąts toutes les 0,5 secondes.
Le poison fait désormais entre 5% jusqu'à 30% des HP max de la cible toutes les 3 secondes.Stealth Rework
L'invisibilité n'est désormais plus un statut permanent qui dure jusqu'à ce que la créature soit révélée ou se révÚle.
Elle a désormais une durée maximum, déterminée par la compétence utilisée pour l'activation et les bonus/malus des modificateurs de la statistique "invisibilité/discrétions" des personnages.
Le reste de la mécanique reste inchangée.Multi-Loot QOL Update
Cliquer sur une pile de cadavre permet dĂ©sormais d'ouvrir toutes les fenĂȘtres des cadavres. Il n'est pas possible de passer un item d'un cadavre Ă un autre.
Balance Update
En complément des changements ci-dessus, il y a d'autres points pour l'équilibre du jeu
A) (en contradiction avec la traduction faite plus haut, n'hésitez pas à me corriger dans le fil de discution) ralentissement des compteurs de gÚle, chaleur, électrifié et passe de 0,1s a 0,2s.
B) armure du mage de bataille :
Avant : cet effet est cumulatif et s'ajoute jusqu'à un bonus de 300 dégùts d'énergie
Maintenant : Cet effet est cumulatif et s'ajoute jusqu'Ă 2 fois le bonus de base de votre arme actuelle.C) "Silence" empĂȘche dĂ©sormais de lancer des sorts magiques et n'arrĂȘte plus les sorts dĂ©jĂ actif sur la victime de "silence". Un futur effet "Atrophy" deviendra l'Ă©quivalent de silence pour les capacitĂ©s non magiques "warfare, assassination, hunting, leadership school"
D) Armure de l'érudit : le bonus de dégùt a été augmenté de 2% à 3% et le maximum de bonus a été augmenté de 20% à 30%.
E) "Bonus Augmentation des dégùts"
DĂ©sormais le bonus ne se cumule plus avec le bonus critique pour les attaques Ă l'arme
Exemple : votre base de dégùts est 200. Votre bonus de dégùts est de +50%. Votre bonus de dégùts critique est de +100%.
Avant : 200 x 1.5 x 2 = 600
Maintenant : 200 x 1.5 + 200 x 1 = 500F) Les compétences "Globe of Spell Protection" et "Absorb Elements" sont désormais disponible en armure légÚre et moyenne.
G) Armure du Sorcier :
Le "Cooldown Reduction" passe de 80% Ă 70%.H) "Tir guidĂ©/ciblĂ©" ne peux plus ĂȘtre Critique, mais bĂ©nĂ©ficie dĂ©sormais de PER30 de dommage en plus au lieu de PER25.
New Sound Effects
Tout les élémentaires d'Aerhen ont désormais des sons et ne réutilise plus ceux des élémentaires de terre de Myr.
Les Totems jouent désormais un effet sonore à leur mort.
Différents effets sonores ont été ajoutés à une douzaine de sorts qui était silencieux.Bug Fixes
Cobweb applique désormais correctement Snare sur toutes les créatures et a "friendly fire"
Les monstres attaqueront désormais les cibles qu'ils auront révélés.
Les points d'intĂ©rĂȘt fonctionneront dĂ©sormais correctement.
Le talent peau épaisse "Thick-Skinned" réduit désormais normalement les dégùt physique seulement.
Le son de la mort du monstre n'est désormais plus rejoué si un joueur vois apparaßtre le cadavre dans son champ de vision.
La couleur des dégùts sont désormais correctes : Rouge et Jaune pour Physique et Pourpre, Violet pour Magique -
City - a lot of "not enough flat"
Hi @Prometheus, and hi at the dev.
We have a big problem of terrain not buildable with "not enough flat" in La Ruche (the one in north under Northguard, could you wipe the 0 hamlet town by the way ? why the cities not disapear ?).Here you have the map of city in 1x1 square. NF is the "Not enough flat" zone that I have detected. We have a big space lost in the upper right quarter and we have some problem in the middle left part. We could accommodate with the down left corner.
Could you do something about it ? actually we try to find some space to project the siege workshop and the prison and the housing and it's a headache with this situation.
Thanks a lot
RE: Stockpile in town, could we delete them ?
Edit : Ok seems only the governor could delete. I'm Vice-governor and we don't have access at the building operation... Why ?
Stockpile in town, could we delete them ?
I wana reorganize some terrain in our town since we have a lot of "terrain not flat enough".
I didn't found how to remove stockpile (stones, ore, wood,...). Is it possible ? If yes how ? -
RE: Queen Xeretrixx - some bug ?
@OlivePit I have a decent int (full branch+full stat+T2) I know for the cure limitation, but here the poison dot didn't even disappear after the countdown go to 0s. And the other boss's dot are the same.
More than that, I could spam the cure and at this point you could think a x% luck to clean but nothing happen, so to me there some bug hidden here. Have you fight her ? -
Queen Xeretrixx - some bug ?
Hello @Prometheus, We have killed 3 time in a row Queen Xeretrixx and we confirmed something bugged with her.
when you have dot on your character and you are down, you can't revive. The counter is blocked on 1s and you need to logout/login to be able to take action.
2 Melee player in the group one on cleric armor, other one in T1 heavy classic couldn't launch there skill & capacities (like they was blocked) and the dot's boss counter was blocked at 0.
The "cure poison" spell wasn't be able to cure the poison on them.
Only possibility to remove this status was to logout/login. -
the heavy warrior was also put under "encumbrance" but with 72% of encumbrance. Only possibility to remove this status was to logout/login.
We think we have probably here some problem :
- on the timing of the queen's dots,
- on the ability to dispel/cure the queen dots
- on the queen's skill like some not showing the right effect (or the icon ?).
Thanks to this epic moment when 20-30 spiders pop and repop at the third invocation on us... it was an hell to heal and to kill but we survived