@riccardoric randomly? Regions got biomes like IRL and seasons are cycled like real life. I don t see the point to have them random. Ageing has been discussed somewhere and I do not remember the answer.
Posts made by Finland
RE: Dynamic Nature
RE: domanda fazioni
@mattdaniel hahaha un servo di LordVicious. Chi lo sa dove finirò si vedrà in release e se il gioco sarà friendly. Se sarà una merda alla albion non ci giocherò piuttosto resto sui moba almeno richiedono un po' di skill e non devi preoccuparti degli scammer o di grindare gear e soldi.
RE: Teams
@agaton I really hope to see a party and raid system like in the most common games
RE: Newbie!
@artistbynature welcome aboard new friend
I think the best one is the knowledge system
RE: When is the Alpha Key out?
@ironfeld alpha key is only buyable from KS (end of june) or subsequently from the website. The game will be testable since this fall.
RE: How broad will the customization of characters be like are qe talking perfect world level customizations or world of warcraft level?
@balruuk we need to wait the next spotlight to understand something about the housing/citybuilding. If you are just wondering about character well I hope that they will not loose too much time there. It's an isometric so the details will be low like playing a moba.
RE: What's on the Menu?
well "meat" is too generic. Like say "mushrooms". They could add alot variety that way you can say a bllod demon can't eat the mushroom C. The bearkin can not eat the mushroom F and so on.
RE: domanda su fractured
@sieich no hai due possibilità o scalare la classifica di The foundation. O cercare di vincere un contest (weekly drawings) in questo caso se riesci a vincerne qualcuno avrai la possibilità di essere sorteggiato al momento id dare le chiavi.
RE: Suggestion; Sellsword/Hiring Board System
@jetah That's no sense. In real life bounites are made for a reson. This reason is not just stupid things like " I don't like xyz".
RE: Suggestion / Boats?
@jetah Initially I was thinking that he wanted to use boats to travel from planet A to planet B.
RE: Dynamic Nature
@riccardoric Biomes have a cycle we are going to have seasons.
RE: Suggestion / Boats?
@d1shwasher you can use stargates to move on the 3 planets. If you mean travel inside a planet has been talked already and the navigation will not be there. Neither swim.
RE: What's on the Menu?
@kralith yeah but not only I mean like specific sub races could have foods that the others could not eat. I really dislike the idea that every race can eat everything.