To build a city you should think like city :3
Posts made by Einhar
RE: Roadmap To Alpha 2 - Test 4
RE: Roadmap To Alpha 2 - Test 3
Finally the cities!
PS: I'm not very fast i know :3 -
RE: Что происходит с персонажем и его пожитками после смерти?
@33Hp релакс, FAQ-и для того и нужны нужны, чтобы их читали по ссылке или пинку с форума, спросили - выдай, не хочешь отвечать - проходи мимо. Нет ведь нужно высказать своё веское и потыкать в человека веточкой "ая-яй, вопросы он тут задаёт") Будь добрее и люди к тебе потянутся, товарищ торговец.
RE: Bugs from test alpha 2
@maze i found this with few tests, but yes its sound userfull
RE: Feedback & Ideas
Nice ideas, i can also suggest:
[Map tools]
- Search for free spots, just push the button and u got a marker on global map and arrow-dirrection on minimap, to the nearest spot.
- Coordinates search, insert coordinates and get a marker on global map where is it.
- Recall or something like Heart Stone with big CD, but WE NEED IT, i dont want to wait till i die to come back to home.
All of this is easy to realise and we really need it.
RE: Enchanting Table Chart (Alpha 2 - February Open Playtest)
There is no movement speed....Damn, running is 90% of current gameplay time :<
RE: Bugs from test alpha 2
Nice report
@maze said in Bugs from test alpha 2:
randomly die'ing with full energy+full food+full green bar but 1hp; when hit by "Spider Lich"About this one, by the game logic your character die'ing if your HP <1
Spider Lich have 'Blight" skill wich change your HP regeneration to negative, that's why you die. -
The first taste of Alpha2
The experience of first 8 hrs in Alpha 2
Enchanting, crafting and armor durability....but what about repair?
How much time do you think we need for equipment DUR down to 0 in Goblin Hils, for example?
1.5hrs for my "Hide armor" till the moment when i throwing it out of my inventory. (i always solo in melee build)
Aaaand how much time do we need to craft Leather armor?
The answer is 16hrs!
Reason to craft it? Reason to chant it? To make and put it back in a chest? Or i need to craft and chant 3 or 4 sets at once and always running with it? -
No advanced weapon, and no chants for Tier1. You also cut stats from beast's helmets and nerfed necklaces(even this have durability x_X). I always use bows, because it's never miss and this is the only weapon wich work with poison right this moment.
Shields did't work (no visual stats on character's screen, no defence)
i mean you add it in alpha feature list and dont even look how its work?:(
- In general: If you call this a hardcore, please give us opportunities, otherwise it is boring routine without real tests. Our time in alpha is Limited, but we still don't have that simple things like chat folders, private message, prty system or even markers on global map to set coordinates and find other players in a world with it. Do you have admin's panel for easy of use? How about "basic tools" for players?
[FRAC-2073] Poisoning Strike doesn't work!!!
What to do:
- Use any "Poison Paste" with any bladed melee weapon
- The number of charges on this weapon should change
- Use Poisoning Strike with poisoned weapon on any target
- Ability doesn't apply poison's DoT to target
- Poisoning Strike's icon never going to CD
- I test all type of paste, and only with Bow its work well
- very sad Einhar's noises
RE: One can get stuck at 23'26'' W 11'40'' N [a.2.1.2d]
The second option is a "teleport to home" or "instant death", not so good as your suggestion, but easy to realise.
PS: right now you can also teleport with Relocate (if you have) -
[A.2.1.1c] 35 Skills Feedback
Hi there!
At this moment I finished with "book of knowledge" (23 different foes) but...only 35 abilities. Is rabbit a foe? Maybe i don't know something? Anyway here is a short feedback of the acquired abilities
- 14 skills for mages only
- 4 skills is for handsome and charismatic characters
- 2 skills is for all, but with 45 CD
- 4 skills is broken
- 11 skills is for warriors for all different type of weapons what we have
DoTs each separately, because deservedly:
Using them all the time, most userfull skills in game due that the half of all monsters have hight Evasion rating and other half have tough armor/resists.-
"Bleeding strike"
Very useful against heavy targets like golems/wargs , due the poison immunity of last ones. Pure damage wich scale with target's endurance. -
"Poisoning Strike"
Tons of DMG wich scale with target's endurance, the bane of Goblins. I spent several hours, but made a large reserves of strong poison. -
"Concussive Strike"
Description say that it use 100 mana for once, but... IT IS NOT! Most powerful DoT in game with pure damage. When i get it i stopped to care about my accuracy. Anyway you shall fix the description something can't be read.
Summoning skill:
"Totem of Wildfire"
Well, its the best skill in whole game, 33-34 shots for 40 sec, 3000 of fire damage and just for 500 mana! Necros and Treants have a weakness to fire, so +30% more!:) The output damage does not depend on the level of INT of character and this is wonderful!
Movement skills:
"Enrage" and "Relocate"
But why only two? You make such a big world like "Myr" and give US only 2 movement skills?! The saddest part that "Relocate" can be used only in light armor. If u make it special for mages, so what about warriors? Where is our "leap slam"? It is not very fun to go around hill for half an hour, and....i suggest to think about more ramps.
Finishing skills
"Assassination" and "WordOfPower:Kill"
I admit that both skill is very userfull, i was using Aassasination from the start of my game and change this skill only when i found "WordOfPower: Kill". A 30% of Endurance Of any mob, 3800 - the hightest damage i was make with it to Treant. Also its the best skill for hunting on dears, stug and wolfs (they have 1500 or less Endurance), so its oneshot.
PS: CD for "WordOfPower: Kill" is 30 sec, not 45 sec as in description.
A bunch of magic missiles
"Magic Missiles"
Fancy, but useless in real fight without mana pots. The conversion of mana to DMG is too low.
Self Buffs:
"Strike Wounds", "Inspire", "Mage Shield", "Fire Shield"
The "Strike Wounds" is good addition to "Bleeding strike", sad that we can't use spear with it. The "inspire" require high Charisma to work well, but i use it with my 6 CHA because there are no other options:(
The last 2 buffs is broken, i already reported about this bugs. (and again, this buff it only for mages -_-)
"The Second Wind", "WordOfPower: Heal"
"The Second Wind" is for stronk characters, i also used it in my build to kill Greater Earth Elementals because bandages and Herbal Remedy was on CD
"Word Power: Heal" only for healing others once per 45 sec, sad.
"Warcry", "Blight", "Death Mark"
"Warcry" one of 4 skills in game which use CHA in formula, not worth it if you not a handsome Commander~
"Blight", The ability to change a life regeneration of target from positive to negative, which absolutely does not harm the monsters. But a player with low stamina can be teleported to home. Bewaaare the Lich Spiders! (skill is broken or its only for monsters?)
"Death mark" is broken and reducing your damage by half, lol.
Control skills:
- Bunch of it
"The Bash" and "Heavy blow" is one of few skills wich add a minor boost damage to blunt weapons , the moderate stun can also reduce incoming damage from mobs, so it can be userfull.
"Crippling Strike" is not very useful due that we moving faster than any mob.
"Blinding Strike" is broken
"Words Of Power: Silience" and "Words Of Power:Stun" have a big CD timers and useless for PvE.
"Net Trap" and "Spider's Web" is helpfull when you need need to catch deer or stug (For Mages)
"The Chilling and Paralazing Touches" can be use ONLY with unarmed hands(description is lie to us) (For Mages)
"The tectonic Outburst" and "The EarthQuake" is pretty userfull to play in team, but you shoud kill 20 Greater Earth Elementals like a warrior before using of thit magic skills ^^ , also 300 and 500 mana for usage. (For Mages)
PS:I noticed that i have only 6 active slots(2 reserved for healing supplies) and i can't change build from PvE to PvP when i need. Output: most of this skills is a waste of memory, especially "Slow", it costs 8 points! And again its only For Mages.
RE: [Alpha2.1.1c] Einhar's Lazy Bug Report #4
4. Relocate ability Griffering
- As we see from description this ability can teleport us on a short distance. A very userfull thing and timesaver(we can teleport to the top of hill yey). But we also can do a teleport inside and outside of any house, its also mean that we can took any cart in our hands and block a way to inside of house.
PS: dude which live in StarLeaf Dale I brought your cart back, don’t worry! I took it only for screenshot ahahaha
- As we see from description this ability can teleport us on a short distance. A very userfull thing and timesaver(we can teleport to the top of hill yey). But we also can do a teleport inside and outside of any house, its also mean that we can took any cart in our hands and block a way to inside of house.
RE: Bear freezes/ stuckes/ does not move any more
I saw that the stun effect fixing this problem
[Alpha2.1.1c] Einhar's Lazy Bug Report #4
The short report about few abilities bugs
1. Totem of WildFire bugs:
a. incorrect description https://prnt.sc/q5nf7a
b. the summoned totem is recognized as an foe, also i can attack it.https://prnt.sc/q5nm7v
c. when totem is summoned i can make a relogin and summon another totem(after relogin CD is reseted) https://prnt.sc/q5nni7
d. mobs don't care about totem even if totem shots them
e. mobs killed by my totem dosn't counted in the progress of the "Book of knowledge" and this is sad because i use it to kill many of damned wisps
"Enrage skill" negative bonuses nerfs positive bonus to evasion from "Inspire"Im not sure how this skills should work in tandem due the lack of information. https://prnt.sc/q5ny69
3. Protection from Fire
- Ingame description says that this skill also should add the bonuses to armor and increase magic resistance, but it is only add a fire immunity
RE: Short feedback
Well, "save-throw" In the description of abilities is soudns quite definitely. Becomes obvious that the game will have exactly RNG combat. Doubtful decision and "back to the past". Perhaps the developers felt that they could not implement the action combat:(
In most Games Leather is in the light Category with Cloth/Padded.
Not in the most... otherwise we wouldn't see so many magicians in a rags. Anyway now i know, thx:)
RE: Short feedback
Wait but isn't the leather armor belongs to the medium armor class?
Short feedback
Ok, i think i play enought to draw some conclusions from my short game expirience:
First point: i was a little bit dissapointed with TTK(time to kill) for mobs while i using melee weapon. I noticed that the evasion mechanics work weird, because...rly, 17-20 strikes(5-10 dodges) to each simple wolf or Goblin before i kill it? Even if my accuracy rating is 370(equal to evasion rating of this mobs)?
I have 270 Evasion rating, and wolf have 240 accuracy rating, so why i dodge only 5-6 times from 50 wolf's hits ???
Is that just annoying.
The best part is that a lot of mobs have Evasion rating near or more than 300. I rly want to play like a brutal barbarian before, but ...better to get a bow because i never miss with shots, and i also use the poison because it can't miss too. -
Second point: many spells wich i found require to use 1-H weapon or unarmed, and i can understand it, but why do we also must use only Cloth armor? Due that the Mage Armor isn't work right this moment and we can't make advanced cloth armor... the mages is a little bit suck, arent it?
PS: and again, im sorry for my English
[Alpha2.1.1c] Einhar's Bug Report #3
1.Character Bow-shooting problem 1
Step1: Start to shooting from bow in one direction, RMB is holded.
Step2: while RMB is holded, we should change the angle of shooting many times
Result: at some moment, the character stops shooting and the shooting animation goes in cycles.
Video: https://drive.google.com/open?id=12UFaaai7FkykjVdxRXylFHdSmAquy8e
2.Character Bow-shooting problem 2
Our character very often interrupts and misses one or two shots while shooting even in only 1 direction. That's very annoying and reducing bow's DPS.
Video: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qmn5syBT_Eomr6ihbyhzHT-0Qrgy0D4s
3. Net_Trap Ability problems:
a. Net_Trap Missed
if we try to use net trap while shooting the Net may disappear without any effect
Video: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ethmi-SPwriirhTs4cL_KY90RwI2W5_7 -
b. Net_Trap Mob Stuck
sometimes mobs get stuck or stop moving even when the effect of the trap is over
Video: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NS9e_zKQ9WGX5lL9HQBNtznqqawLbtvQ -
c. Net_Trap and the Giant Spider
looks like that Net trap dosn't affect to gian spider (mabye the effect does not appear immediately)btw i did't see any "resist" or "dodge"
Video: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1y0nvEqsu8qPShTK4MJgeC97hWdMTsIjh -
d. Net_Trap working range
im not sure that is a bug, but its weird that character should automaticaly come closer due to the trap's work distance(it would be nice if you write about it in the description for the ability)
Video: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1d4dUPAHvPFNojAwMU5n8zS4I4TpMc1kc
4. Poisoning_Strike incorrect poison effect replacing priority
- the problem with the "Simple poison" , this poison has a stronger effect than "Weak poison" but i can't replace "Weak poison" effect with "Simple poison", . Also a "Weak poison" replacing effect of "Simple poison". "Strong poison" work well
Simple poison <Weak poison < Strong poison
Video: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aMqmm0LXzLOKy6a8Bg6_VkNYcG5vIzIt
5.Totem of wildfire ability can be "discovered" as a monster
- After i destrode it i get notification like "You are just discovered the totem of wild fire" and no information in book of knowledge. Anyway, it's strange because a totem is a skill.
6.Totem of wildfire affect to poison
- yep it affecting to any poison from poisoning strike
7.Blinding strike dosn't applied silince effect on Goblin Shaman
i use it with axe on Goblin shaman, twice. The silence effect dosn't work because shaman still using of Firebolts and totems.
video: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jMXDyxkgNfUinIpnJc_b0_7jby5IOC6V
8. Armor's Evasion reducing parameter dosn't work
- Hits from wolf to my character in different armor:
50 hits 7 Dodges "Leather Armor" 270 Evasion
50 hits 6 Dodges "Without Armor" 270 Evasion
50 hits 6 Dodges "Hide Armor and Bear helm" 130 Evasion
bows, spears, daggers and a lot of mobs have pierce DMG, hide armor give us 155 pierce armor, but Leather Armor give us only 37 pierce armor in summ(16hrs of waiting CARL), and its totally dos't worth it to use.
9. Strange work of evasion mechanics:
Example 1:
My character have 270 evasion and a wolf have 240 accuracy
(I divide 50 hits wich my character get on 5 stages to show):
1 dodges for 10 hits
0 dodges for 10 hits
2 dodges for 10 hits (2 dodges one by one)
0 dodges for 10 hits
3 dodges for 10 hits (2 dodges through one at the beginning Of "10" and 1 in the end of "10") -
Example 2:
I have 370 accuracy with the Stag helmet but Wolfs or Golin Trappers with its 370 and 375 evasion still dodges my hits
the average value is 5-10 dodges for each mob. How the heck is it even work?
Just think about TTK pls, its too much despite the fact that we never miss with bow.
RE: [Alpha2.1.1c] Einhar's Bug Report #2
11. UI_Icon of Simple Bandages dissapear aftrer ill try move it in to the action bar- If i try to move full stack of simple bandages(x100) to active bar, and its a ONLY stack of bandages in my inventory, than the icon of stack will dissaper.Also the numeric value of Herbal Remedy is dissapearing too(if you have).
Screen: https://prnt.sc/q4kn60
- If i try to move full stack of simple bandages(x100) to active bar, and its a ONLY stack of bandages in my inventory, than the icon of stack will dissaper.Also the numeric value of Herbal Remedy is dissapearing too(if you have).
RE: [Alpha2.1.1c] Einhar's Bug Report #2
10. Assassinate's Ability missing CD timer
If i swap weapon (for example Spear to Axe) and quickly make a doble tap on hotkey button to activate Assassinate, than a "CD timer" doesn't appear.
Conditionally the ability works and provide DMG but I do not see the CD timer.Video: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kk3VuuxXXp7rCOF0C1MlM_hG9HrCTDDq