Definitely a good idea to have a better forum but isn't it quite hard to keep making actually meaningful contributiouns when the journals come this slow? They do come often when you look at them in a development way but I don't think it's fast enough to a point where we can keep doing the things in this engagement drawings. It will get to a state where people just say random stuff that seem like a contribution but is actually not which is the opposite of the goal of the engagement drawings.

Best posts made by Deity
RE: Weekly Drawings - Be Active & Win Foundation Points!
RE: July 16th Crafting & Building Q&A: List Your Questions
How big can the buildings be?
How close can another player build something next to my building?
RE: Lore
i don't think there is anything about it currently other than some clues on the news but i would like to know too. being invested in the lore of a game is definitely my favorite thing.
RE: Feature Spotlight #5 - Character Creation, Attributes And Resting
it's like you took every good thing in dnd and put it in this game. my overall hope is that the health regain in the game is limited so that resting feels even more necessary since it helps people get together. one thing i don't fully understand is why did you go for only perception instead of having a wistom stat? was it that accuracy is much stronger of a thing to have compared to other stats? can't wait for the next spotlight.
RE: What dungeons and dragons class would you like to see implemented?
Dominate Monster, most of the "wall of" spells and most of the conjuration spells would be really cool to see.
Other than that, whatever spell that gives the player a sense of achievement when you use it in a smart way rather than going through the same rotation of spells without even thinking is going to be good. -
RE: Rotatable Camera?
i would actually prefer a locked camera. if the game's combat system is going to be like an arpg like they have said before, the camera should be similar too. being in locked camera would also give the player a better immersive experience.
RE: Feature Spotlight #6 - PvP, Alignment & Crime
really seeing what i hoped to see from this spotlight. although i have some concerns.Depending on your Alignment and your victim’s, attacking, knocking unconscious, looting or executing a player triggers a Karma gain or loss.
is there going to be a big difference of karma gain or loss between executing, knocking unconscious or just attacking or looting since that would point to support type players falling behind just because of their choice of skillset.
Coherently to the spirit of the game, the Alignment of your character is not set in stone – you’re free to choose it any time you take a Resting phase
it would definitely be better if we weren't allowed to change our alignments but the things we did changed our alignments and we had to live the consequences of it. "alignment" is not a thing that you can control by just saying you belong to one. i believe the reason for this alignment system is basically for what kind of players you want to be able to attack to but even then assuming the karma system was set in stone, putting everyone between maybe 1500 to -1500 in neutral and the good and evil on their positive and negative karma points would be far better in my opinion.
RE: Daily Message posting
“Go back to the abyss! Fall into nothingness that awaits you and your master!”
RE: [Discuss] The Sandbox you wish to have.
Being able to give quests to other players with an in-game addition thing other than doing it myself throughout the chat (which I sure am planning to) would be amazing like give me a "Adventurer's Board" type of deal where I can say "Bring me this amount of this thing and I'll pay you this" where I get to choose the number of people that can have accepted or completed the quest I have given is the one thing I wish to have. This would also free the chat from this spam, help with the reach of your messages and if people are looking to get some quests from it they have easy access.
RE: Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs
- Seems fair enough, although of course I would have liked the base game to be cheaper as the converted value cost is not looking very good for the currency that I am under.
- Don't think I can afford more than Recruit.
- Additional character slots being rewards for higher tiers is concerning if it is going to be a big problem for players that don't have them.
Guild Crest customization is something that mostly every guild wants so it is kind of bad to put it under 1k in my opinion. - I do not think foundation points should be given as rewards as your whole purpose of having foundation points is to get people to be and stay in the community.
RE: Daily Message posting
"So it can access a mind? Then the seals shall break before its blade."
RE: Instanced Dungeons/Raids
I agree with Frost. Planning to do a dungeon/kill a boss, gathering enough equipment for it, putting it into a schedule to have your allies with you, going for it just to wait for it to respawn / get killed while tying to do it would be the worst feeling as a player and make the game less likable for newer players.
edit - i then realized this is 6 months old still a topic to talk about i guess. -
RE: Daily Message posting
"Better to reign in the Burning Hells than serve in the High Heavens."
RE: PK punishment
@miffi said in PK punishment:
@tulukaruk I'm a faction versus faction kinda player. I like PvP but I dont like a gankfest either. Thats just boring when you cant move two inches without someone wanting to kill me.
I couldn't agree more. This is the biggest problem with these kind of games.
RE: Daily Message posting
"What does it mean to escape, if the escape fails to unchain the bonds that shackle us in the first place? What purpose could this empty world possibly hold for us, a handful of damaged goods?"
RE: What's your favorite End-Game?
being able to farm cosmetics and achievements. gives another cool reason to continue playing the game other than all the other classic end games where you do dailies or keep farming the same stuff.
RE: Daily Message posting
"All right, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these?! Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am?! I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"
RE: Suggestion ingame pub
i already have high expectations of people having their own taverns, if people can have their own taverns, a neutral building with easy access would kill all the traffic for the taverns.
i would enjoy it more if i could get to a tavern owned and built by another player in the game.
most of the events you listed seem pretty cool though. -
RE: Daily Message posting
"You're like a cat. If I get close, you'll ignore me and go far away. If I get hurt, you'll play around to share the pain."
RE: Role play?
Roleplaying is the reason why I am looking forward to this game. I also chose a demon, instead of putting myself right into the other worlds because that would be too easy, being a demon makes it challenging but no I will admit mostly chose this for how a demon looked and the kind of a character I wanted to put.
What I would like to experience is, people being able to have their own structures so that I may get in some taverns, tell my tales to those who ask in them as the blood demon bard I am.
One of the things I want a lot that I have mentioned before -I think- is being able to give my own quests to the players. It's not even that I want others to do the heavy job for me, I want it to be like "Huh this guy wants 40 dead rabbits? Why would he need that? Well, he pays enough to keep my mouth shut" kind of stuff. Doing this with a game mechanic rather than me yelling around. Or maybe someone makes a building and calls it "Beginner Adventurer Quests".
This is why you sir @Darian are one of the people that I am looking forward to meet in the game world the most. I hope you run that tavern in game too. I will make sure to fund it in any way I can.
I want to talk to people and learn about the characters they are in the world, and tell their stories to other people in other places with a good tune that I came up with on the way.