I think the question was about the pace of the game. ARPGs are usually much faster than MMORPGs.
So far it seems to me more on the MMORPG side.

Posts made by DCCCXIX
RE: ARPG versus MMO?
RE: Crafting and Gathering - What's the plan?
And I'd like to know what's the point to kill creatures apart from "quests" for new abilities. If everything is crafted from resources gathered, what exactly do we get from monsters? If we, say, kill some treants, what would they drop? Wood? So we'll have to carry a cart around at all times?
I know it was probably said that they'll drop something that players can gather and carry around while fighting, but it would be interesting to know what would it be exactly.
So far it seems like you can craft a "Basic Sword", a "Sword", "Quality Sword", etc., if it's the case then crafting system sure seems a bit boring, but I think they have something in their sleeve on this.
RE: Gear cost of PvP
I wonder if horizontal progression will include actual gear progression.
I don't see how you can make an itemization system that will make sense economy-wise unless there are atleast some bonuses to some gear pieces. But if they'll be equal in power and only differ in different features they provide, then probably those pieces that require materials from the least populated spots will cost more. But on average I think gear will be fairly cheap to replace and it can be a problem IMO. If basic and most advanced gear will barely differ it their stats, it's unlikely that they'll differ in their cost too much, apart from the best items possible.It comes down to fine tuning the balance of resource, currency and item flow into the game and removing it all from the game. There were no details on how it all works even approximately, so I think we won't get to know that until the game hits beta or even further, when it will have atleast a decently populated world and established ingame economy.
RE: would be a D&D-like lvling be bad thing here?
Of course as it goes against the core concepts of the game. Besides, there is no point to have leveling in the game if levels are easily achievable
RE: Dungeon master tool
Very unlikely, as those kinds of generators require resources guys won't have for quite some time. As a minimum - created dungeons, if they can be filled by mobs at player's will, must be premoderated. Otherwise, this system will be abused like it was in the Neverwinter.
RE: Power gap between r1 and r3 spells is too big (POLL)
It's ok. This way it's worth learning, and at the same time you're still useful from the get-go. This game is not actually that huge.
RE: What’s the difference of Fractured with Diablo 3?
@jetah said in What’s the difference of Fractured with Diablo 3?:
level to 70, bounties, rift for gear while running grifts for leg gems.i don't see that as a theme park. you can skip bounties (if your build doesn't need the royal ring).
It doesn't matter, you don't affect the world and you have no freedom. You just walk through fancy corridors until the game storyline is over, after that you grind rifts until your fingers fall off.
RE: Is the skill info
@natsha10 I can assure you that it will be nowhere close to Path of Exile for variety of reasons.
First, PoE-like node tree and general building system requires insane amount of balancing work, and I think so, lots of lines of code, so building process in Fractured will be much more simple, even if guys will decide to add something to their current vision of builing process (Which I'd support, as I'm always for variety and complex character building).And, in PoE people don't just run cookie cutter builds, there are variety of builds that can work about equally well, which I think is a great success and tells alot about PoE gamedesigner's abilities.
But for Fractured, because of it's relatively simple system, it may seem that cookie cutter builds will arise like 3 months after the start of alpha, changing to new fotm-builds at every few next patches.
However, what Fractured is unique with - is it's dynamic combat involving surroundings, weather conditions, day/night cycles, etc. Of course I don't know how deep it goes and I didn't get any answers in my threads, but I think it's safe to assume that even the strongest fotm build will be vulnerable against other builds in certain conditions.
Say, you have a very strong fotm-warrior build, to say in known terms. And you'd destroy a generic frost mage. But what if he's fighting in cold weather conditions? If there is water nearby? Maybe some of his abilities benefits from day/night cycle? And what abilities will he actually use? It's not known until you're deep in the fight, and it all may change the flow of combat.
There were also statements that not all mobs are to be beaten with all types of damage. I think something was said about rock golems of some sort, which won't die to simple arrows, but maybe they'll be vulnerable to something else. As people are expected to kill mobs for resources, it's safe to say that they'll likely chose more efficient builds to do so, which means they'll differ from one area to another, depending on biomes and player activity, so the chance to be constantly meeting players that you hardcounter, even with fotm-build, reduces drastically.
In such a plesant balancing environment, one has to be completely retarded to let fotm-build appear, with so many tools to prevent their existance. And I think Uriel knows what he's doing, which is seen from the game's concept alone.
RE: Suggestions
@jetah it's still a bad compromise because information is money, and you get information for free this way. Of course it's to be looked at because even if such system won't exist in the game, it will be made on 3rd party sites.
But if, say, we have a player who's traveling between towns to buy something he's looking for, than free access to such information will decrease the amount he has to walk drastically, which will reduce the amount of people in the open world if we'll extrapolate it on others.
And for one more example, let's say that we have a merchant type of player who's ready to conduct researches on the market prices for different items and different towns. Without such access to this information - he'll have to walk to other towns on foot and look the prices up himself, or, atleast, he'll have to communicate with others to get this info. In one case - same as before, number of players in the world increases, in the second case - socialization is encouraged, which is generally a good thing for an MMORPG game.
Plus, if said guy will have access to all the info on prices, people will just look it up, and prices will be much more equal between various towns, and it will almost entirely remove a chance for someone to find an opportunity to sell something for 10's the price he's bought this stuff, as people will see those price gaps and equalize them asap. Thus almost removing an entire type of activity in the game, discouraging travel and reducing amount of players in the open world.
As a general rule, if you make a niche game which is MMORPG (and Fractured is an MMORPG, not just an MMO), you just take the most popular approach and do the opposite with no compromise.
With this wow-like auction house - to any game it will never bring anything good, same as LFG and many more features. It will just turn the game from an actual MMORPG into a session-based game where open world will be essentially empty and useless.
RE: What’s the difference of Fractured with Diablo 3?
@jetah It's textbook theme park with various predefined scripted events driving the gameplay.
Even if lategame is nothing but paragon masturbation, concept still stays.@warlunhardt said in What’s the difference of Fractured with Diablo 3?:
Atm I just started playing D3 while Fractured comes out any pros and cons there?
Those are two completely different games, isometric view being the only thing that they share.
RE: Why Magic users will be OP compared to physical users
It really comes down to mechanic details tho, it's hard to say what will be overpowered and what will be not so far.
And don't forget, that one day you can get all abilities you want without having any int. -
RE: How is the Development Team going to solve...
@warlunhardt said in How is the Development Team going to solve...:
The issue that by 2021 when the game has it’s Full Release the Game Engine most likely will be obsolete since the advancement in graphics and PCs are going so fast that in 3 years most likely the game will feel like your playing Old School Everquest. Might have FPS and lagging issues as well, hopefully they have a plan for this.
Very simple - by putting priority on the game's gameplay features instead of visuals. Visuals must be "ok", not better, nor worse. This way it will be possible to run the game on slow machines, and will lure more players overall.
Talking about graphics, correct me if I'm wrong, but Crysis came out in 2007 and it's still the best game graphics-wise, so if there was any progress in the last 11~ years - it's not noticable, which brings us to the conlusion that gameplay features are more important than high-end visuals, which is anknowledged both by large-AAA-making companies, and small companies alike.
RE: A set of questions and suggestions/proposals.
To my understanding so far, besides humans, the other 2 races have several different branches, in the form of classes or physically similar bodies to known classes in other MMORPGs. Will these "classes" be limited to their stereotypes, or will we see some more variation to them ? e.g. the Hellfire Demon, will he have access to different weapons, such as Gloves and Claws for a brawling type of character, or a combination of Shield with Swords, Whips, Maces, Hammers and Axes, or perhaps 2 handed great weapons like a Great Sword, Great Axe, Great Hammer, Staff, Great Mace, perhaps even a Gundao would be juicy. Will all or part of these examples actually make it into the game/be viable for characters to equip and have skills for ?
Nope, different "branches" have different bonuses/flaws in their stats, and some unique passive and active abilities. Not sure about active ones tho.
Considering this game will be full-loot, will there be implemented game mechanics between a merchant and a player for escorting ? Or will there be just an agreement between players, not locked and dependent on a game mechanic. Because without one, there will be room for trickery and lies in this particular scenario, unless that's what the Developers are aiming for. ( I'm cool with it, if that's the case ).
Trickery is a part of social aspect in every game. It should be there. And I think no forced mechanics of this sort has been announced.
Precisely how many Lifeskills will players have at their disposal ? Besides the common Gathering, Mining, Hunting, etc.
Seems like all of them -
RE: Suggestions
@warlunhardt said in Suggestions:
An AH similar to WoW as basic as that one
No Bank System like in Albion Online, that system was a pain, just a bank system in which we have a Bank on every town and can access it everywhere without having to transfer items between towns. It was a real drawback on Albion, We are fine with the Weight limit on Bags but lets leave the bank as its been on most mmorpgs.
No, this will kill the game.
RE: Confused
As devs are pretty open about the development process, and you can even see some gameplay from prealpha stage, it's safe to assume that you'll have plenty of time and plenty of materials to decide. However, you're not going to throw moni anytime soon, unless you want to buy one of kickstarter packs. In this case, no one knows how the game is going to turn out, we just have our hopes and dreams.
RE: Toon Colouring.
@tulukaruk I know that, but it's just as important to stay true to your vision. It's possible that loads of bad people will ask for acid colored paints and skins, and some absurd stuff like cake shaped hat or whatever, as it may bring alot of money, or it may seem to bring alot of money, because of forum activity or whatever, and devs may consider and/or implement it. For their personal gain, or for the sake of improving the game, doesn't matter. So, I just wanted to hint that this should never happen, as short term money inflow from dildo-shaped hats won't compensate the long term playerbase decrease, which will happen because people won't feel like playing an MLP-colored clusterf??? of a game.
RE: Toon Colouring.
Pretty sure it should be even in the most basic customatization options. I hope guys will keep to their mild color scheme and won't go overboard with coloring options, otherwise I'd start to gather people to kill acid-colored characters to force them to repaint.
RE: A quick recap about the foundation and its future
@specter sad thing is that those who've entered it earlier can get all the newsletter points, for example, and daily posting was a bad idea IMO. It seems like it was something that should've motivated players to communicate via forums more, creating an active and lively community, but amouts of details about the game is so scarse that people barely have anything to talk about. There could be more details, even for prealpha. Not ready decisions, but some thoughts devs have in mind on different aspects of the game maybe. "We're thinking if we'll add a rubber duck mount or not" will spark discussions much better than current "daily posting" does. It's pretty much degraded to "daily post" type of posts in the specific thread.
So those who've entered earlier only have to write daily posts to stay in the top-100, and they'll have a headstart with 3200 more points for reading newsletters earlier before, which will never be sent again. To catch up with this 3200 penalty you've got, you have to bring 22(*150 points) people who'll reach level 10 - so they show some interest in the game, and this is pretty much the only way to catch up at the moment, and there is also no community contests to be seen (or maybe there was none while I'm here) to win or anything else of this sort.
Despite it's disadvantages, it should live forever I think so, just to promote good forum activity, which is the "face" of the game community. Like, if you don't see any forum activity, you might think the game itself is dead aswell.
Just make sure all activily will not be contained in one "Daily posting" thread. -
RE: Controller Support?
Why would anyone want to play with a controller? Do people hate themselves that much that they want to suffer constantly?
And so far it seems that fractured won't support controllers, and oh I hope so. This was one of the reason Tree of Savior died.