Most productive and feedback since i've been on the forums. Good stuff all. I appreciate the comments and thoughtful feedback!

Posts made by BitterLoD
RE: Few In-Game Suggestions
*Bug / ISSUE
Is making a guild locked or something? Why can't i create a guild?
RE: Cart handling improvement
The original intent of the developers was for this to be annoying, but i like your idea better. Thank you.
Few In-Game Suggestions
- Health bars should be about double their size. Its really kinda hard to see when your health is going down because its so small. Length i mean. Increase it from left to right about double size or allow them to be moved to other parts of the screen and increased in size or both.
- Knowledge points should take 4 to 5 times longer to acquire. After playing the game for 2 days I already have all the skills I need to have a complete character. Thats just way to short. MMO's should always have some type of grind.
If you want to see an MMO that had no grind that was a complete failure go check out crowfall. - New players constantly ask why they can't make certain products at the work benches. Its a really dumb dynamic to limit people from making items to just being in a city or part of a city. What if instead of restrictions you just charge them a traveler or visitor fee for using the bench that a portion of the tax goes to the city governor or is a gold sink?
- You should be able to transfer and or sell your house. Not just abandon it.
- How bout some lockable front doors? Cause when i'm carrying my 10 ingots doing my crafting i dont want to get butt stuffed by some pk.
Thats it for now all. Hope these recommendations make sense. Also i should note. I dont give a flying monkey what the "Original intent" of the developers was. I want creative solutions to stupid issues.
-Bitter -
RE: what will VIP consist of?
Usually it includes quicker access when in line. Sometimes bottle service and a premium behind the scenes view of what happens in the club. Some illegal activities are encouraged and sometimes you leave without your pants. I'd highly recommend the $10 investment in VIP.
RE: Player vs Player: Two Questions
@GamerSeuss I suppose thats a fair point. However whats so wrong with restricting them to lost tails only?
Sounds like you where most of the pk's would be hanging out correct?
I dont like the idea of tossing people in jail forever, but people wouldn't they would be forced to pay a bail, and when your playing an mmo you dont like to give up your gold. So therefore they would have to seriously consider if pking is worth it. I'd bet it would cut out at least 75 percent of the reds right off the bat. And if you have aggressive bounty hunters it would continue to limit them. -
RE: One totally wrong assumption by developers:
@spoletta Oh interesting i actually didnt know that. Thank you for sharing.
I am eager to see how it all levels out. I hope they shy away from the random dropped item idea as well. It just reminds me of every other mmo's response which i think is a weak one.Have a good weekend!
One totally wrong assumption by developers:
You know what yall? I've been thinking about this sorta heavily.
It was stated that the amount of players that went red and player killed last alpha was to many and it didnt seem to discourage people from player killing.
However I really think that thats a very incorrect and inaccurate way to gauge red penalties working or not.When you have a server that is going to be wiped after say a few months... then it would obviously be everyone's attempt to go red and player kill prior to the server wiping. I believe that if the game was fully launched and there were gold penalties and or knowledge point penalties people would actually consider long term if they wanted to go red on their character.
I think if the developers applied a penalty that they could scale up. EXAMPLE the bail system then players would seriously consider their red status at launch.
It just isnt realistic to gauge this issue in alpha when the server will be wiped and everyone gets to start over.
-Bitter -
RE: Markets and Merchant Guilds - A Reimagining of the Current System
@GamerSeuss Totally agree that the SOLO experience is what makes or breaks an MMO.
If i want to jump online and play the game. I dont want to have to convince 45 of my friends to have to join me just to have a good experience. In fact in ultima online nearly EVERYTHING you did could be done and enjoyed as a solo experience. Even guild events you could simply join on the fly. -
RE: Player vs Player: Two Questions
Well written post and question:
Yes i will play a player killer AND a bounty hunter on launch. Considering I paid for 3 total character slots at nearly the most expensive package i believe i deserve these options.
I disagree with a permanent health loss. To me i think that a scale of Player Kills should scale on a bail penalty. Such as 1-10 kills is 2 days in jail or 5000 gold. 11-20 kills is an entire week in jail or 20,000 gold. Something like that.
The other idea i had which to me also seems totally appropriate is a loss of knowledge points. Which would some what cripple the character until they built the points back up.
Its nice to see a post where people are actually sharing their ideas instead of spending a half hour writing up every single counter point to your original post and sounding like a bunch of know it all d-bags.
Player Killer Penalties
I read the most recent ideas regarding how to better balance player killing within the human world of Fractured.
Full loot to me is one of the reasons that I enjoy games like fractured.
I believe that random loot drops, or reduction of loot drops to me is not a realistic way to address this issue.
I also don't like how this system mirrors other mmo's.There are so many ways to penalize a player killing character. Here are some of my thoughts/ideas:
-Knowledge Loss. A player killer upon resurrection could loose some of their overall knowledge base upon resurrection.
-Heavier Bounty Hunter bail. More player kills by a player could dramatically increase their time in jail and bail.
-Penalty on account for using city forges increased by 25% or sliding scale by how bad their reputation is.
-Allow bounty hunters to know the Player Killers last kill location in global chat.
-Increase housing taxes by 50% due to poor neighborhood reputation.
-Player Killers remain dead and cannot be ressed for a few days.Any of these are better to me than mirroring other MMO's and for no logical reason having a victim drop random loot. Just doesn't seem to make sense to me.
RE: "Few Days"
All is forgiven the road map has been posted. Thank you Developers.
RE: "Few Days"
"the Discord updates can't just be copied and pasted as NEWS or Kickstarter updates, because these carry a level of official obligation to them that requires that the be professionally formatted, edited, and scrutinized prior to release for public consumption. Where a discord post might be done in 5 mins, by 1 developer, a decent NEWS or Kickstarter update can take several hours to become suitable for release, and generally involves a minimum of 2 sets of eyes, if not more go over it to make sure they aren't making promises or predictions they have no intention of keeping. "
I am not sure how you think you know that exactly? Prometheus wildly lobbed out a random 2 day comment on discord. So why couldn't he have just copied paste it? He's the main guy in charge. Im pretty sure he could do whatever he wants. Which is basically what he did. So i can see you saying "Nothing official "should" ever go out in a game blah blah, but i dont find you the authority on the matter.
So i call bullcrap. He can provide any update he wants on any platform he wants as often or as absent as he likes. Which is basically what he's done. -
RE: We are coming for Blood and Glory!
Thordin has clearly been drinking today. He's actingly wildly and stiring the pot with his judgement hammer. Watch where you are whipping that thing around brah.
RE: Where's my title
We will be glad to give you a title in the absence of your reward.
RE: "Few Days"
@Logain Totally agree yup. Hopefully we hear something soon. I've been chomping at the bit to hear something. I'd also like to see any and all updates simply displayed across all platforms but at the minimum any correspondence posted on their website and forum here.