@antero spagetttttttt

I'm Sean, I plan on streaming this game as soon as it comes out, I love everything about it and I'm really excited to take part in this gaming experience with my friends and my foes!
Best posts made by BerserkCactus
Latest posts made by BerserkCactus
Tempo, Recruiting Hell Demons' For a PvP Oriented Guild
Looking for PvP driven players interested in taking people to pound town.
https://fracturedmmo.com/guild-profile/id/3507/English Speaking only. Discord is required.
I'm a Twitch Streamer so If for some reason you don't want to be oriented with that kind of thing this guild won't be for you either.
I believe in building up a strong community instead of just personal gain, I want to be one of the well known, strong, and feared guilds. When people see our names, I want them to try and escape, If they can of course....(They Can't) ;).
The discord link is here, If you're interested in joining one of the first PvP guilds of Fractured!!!