So would that also make them raidable? Otherwise there would be no real reason to store anywhere except for your own guild.
Also an auction system would mainly work if there were really rare items. Otherwise the time to set it up would not warrant the return. For anything more generic player run shops would probably be better. Guilds would still be able to corner a certain market with a steady supply.

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RE: Banks and auctions.
Hello Everyone
Guess I should also make an welcome post.
What's everyone looking forward to most? I'm waiting on the crafting spotlights.
RE: Feature Spotlight #4 - Skills Galore
I'm really curious how this will all tie in with the crafting side. Can we expect to see similar skill progression there? Will we be able to do both simultaneously or will mastery require focus on one side. Some of the descriptions already show links to effects in crafting, but will crafters be required to go into those few offensive trees?