New spell Ideas

  • @Razvan I wouldn´t compare Albion to Fractured mainly because of saves - you may and you many NOT hit, depending partly on rng. And I think we will miss a lot 😄 ( you gotta have at least twice bigger hit chance than opponent´s saves to have quite reliable 85% to actually land ability ... so even then 1/7 hits will miss). So if character invests heavily in CON, CHA (for buffs like inspire) and at least little bit of INT, he might be safe.

  • @Gothix

    Yep, that added little bit of atmosphere into casting, you had to prepare everything manually but also got rewarded for the effort. Arx fatalis was also amazing - you had to draw the spells in real time with your mouse, alas it´s not as doable in isometric game as in 1st person.


    Fractured's exploration goals would fit perfectly into that.

    You would have to find the book for the spell first to actually know what to do. Then gather all the materials. And also find the magic room somewhere in game world to create your spell.

    Fractured could keep its original spells as it has now, but reserve one skill bar slot for your personalized spell that you would be creating manually and slotting there (could be CD connected with casting it as well if needed).

    Additionally, books would need to be kept somewhere, khm housing library expansion khm ...
    Additionally with sufficient (and rare) resource investment, you could create pentagram in your house so you can conjure magic there as well.

    And so on..

  • @Gothix Hmm, sounds pretty occult ❤ . Too bad there is so few gods and only one is "evil" and none is specialised in anything (all of them somewhat generalised as "god of magic" or "god of beastmen"... in ADaD every deity had at least favourite weapon - could be doable here too, just give some kind of bonus with flavour of deity - and some spells only gods could teach you. Not necesarilly gods, I´d worship any lesser demon, if he granted me some kind of deeper specialisation 😄 ).
    Would also be nice to have some casting offhand ... preferably heads of monsters from which you learnt some spell, so these would give you bonus to spell you learnt from them (example: stronger fireball, if you kept shrunken head of goblin shaman 🙂

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