Spread The Word & Win A Key!
Another try at winning a key for this upcoming alpha with steeds and wagons and harbors! Want to say I appreciate the way @Prometheus decided to have 3 shorter vids instead of a long one. Keeping them under 15m makes it WAY easier for me to get others to actually watch!
Hello everyone
Finally (for all the german-speaking freaks at least^^) I have prepared a new info video about the coming features of the cities and mountsAnd of course the new Alpha test will also be played and shared on Youtube
Is anyone able to win a key? Or only people who don't have the game.
@TrueCrimsonFTW Anyone. Those who already have access can simply give the key to someone else.
@Specter What do we have to do?
@TrueCrimsonFTW It's explained at the start of this thread. https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/8559/spread-the-word-win-an-alpha-key?page=1
Does recruitment count?
If you have some screenshots of the way you recruited people, yes
Basically it can be any way where you reach many people.
@AlcribLP i mean you can just look at my time stamps of recruitment
TrueCrimsonFTW TF#8 - GENERAL AMBASSADOR Oct 25, 2020, 4:48 PM last edited by TrueCrimsonFTW Oct 26, 2020, 1:36 AM
Genuinely excited about this game since I saw it in a youtube video about new MMO's heading our way. Hopefully the Alpha is out soon because I am in desperate need of a good MMO to play and stream!!
I even decided to tell everyone on discord about it so I can have some of my friends who love MMO's come join me.
@EyePvP I know this isn't the place to ask but I really need to know. Why is your twitter blue? I have never seen that.
First video of the new Alpha playtest is out
Second one is following today
I usually post the link to a different page, but ppl in this chat were griping about the new Game of Thrones game that took the place of the one we all loved, so I took the opportunity to spread my joy!
Gonna keep doing that and hoping to earn a key for the NEXT alpha.
Got another recruit out of that last one
And gamer-folks are generally interested to see the progress y'all are making. Looking forward to sharing each of the upcoming spotlights!