Weekly Drawings - Be Active & Win Foundation Points!
I wrote a short introductory post about Fractured on Steemit.
Some advice for anyone who thinks fiddling with markdown on a phone at 5 am might be a fun experience: don't. Just don't.
Save yourself.
Edit: 5 minutes later I discover that Steemit has a night mode. I'm going to stab someone.
Возможно ли русскоязычному участвовать? Или мне делать рассылки бесполезно? Допустим я один из GM среднего игрового сообщества, если я выложу то это будет считаться?
Вот сделал.
@quazar Of course you can participate.
nice one
really like the foundation system you guys have. It is an awesome and rewarding way to promote a healthy and talkative community!
Goodjob all, keep it up!
Надоели танцы с бубном .. я хочу поиграть )
Really nice foundation system guys. Thank you.
Foundation system allready starts working In CIS region,so gj guys.Keep doing this
hmmmmm... what kind of drawings?
@natelamoglia weekly and abassador. For both you don't have to draw. For the weekly just be active with constructive posts for the ambassador spread the voices.
Great idea with the drawings and the Foundation system in general. Seems like a very good way to keep the community interested and involves while the game is developed. Good luck to you!
How does one get foundation?
@remarkable You can find the Foundation here.
I really love how you guys are handling this community and all it's members.
I just hope it won't end up like the LoL community.
If it does, you'll have my full support to help restore it to it's former glory.
Good use of the system
Very nice, I like this idea.
I look forward to this game!!!!