Cool features to the game?
think there should be a execution animation like after you defeat someone say your a demon killing a human and you have an option to rip out his heart and eat it or cut his throat open and pullout his tongue or a head crush idk think that be cool option.
@pogmothoinhek And suddenly there will be mass fights and after each animation you will be able to kill. I believe that this is not necessary. You can simply enter the game system of emotions, when you click on the corresponding emotion, the hero will perform certain actions. Your idea does not fit into the balance.
ok lol just an idea and idk think it be cool demons have hate so seeing a animation like that with an overhead camera view be pretty cool
@muker why doesn't it fit? GW2 has it in WvW massive fights. Age of Conan has it, also in sieging. It's just an animation, wich can be very short. Doesn't have to be mortal combat style
excatly I would wanna play this game even more if they had an animation like that it be badass lol
@pogmothoinhek yeah, here is a video from Age of Conan wich is pretty much one long chain of fatalities put together. Isn't breaking the gameplay at all:
@benseine that be badass if they added it to fractured
@pogmothoinhek yeah will be totaly awesome if you have a change to trigger a fatality
It would be cool, but pragmatically would the cost be worth the benefit, especially with a smaller studio. For me that is the ultimate question.
I would like to see that on overkills, would be a great use of skills to get the ultimate kill shot.