Just a quick heads-up about unanswered questions
I have forwarded the following questions to Prometheus. I cannot guarantee you're going to get an answer, especially as Prometheus is on vacation right now. I just wanted to let you all know we haven't forgotten about these questions.
@Frost had two unanswered questions, one about the number of slots on the action bar and one about whether or not some abilities are tied to specific weapons.
https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/245/weapon-and-spells-related@Knulp had two questions, one about the cash shop and one about VIP services.
https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/298/buy-to-play-but@Vengu had a question about authenticators.
https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/297/authenticator@Kris wanted to know whether or not attribute points can be reset after character creation. Also, he/she asked if it's possible to get a night mode or darker theme for the forum.