[Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill


    @Retias Malacath walks over to retias takes the joint off him and takes a long drag "thats how you deal with cocky demons i should of told him about the major demon i killed to escape their horrid land when i was just hitting adult age"

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    Esher kept his smile, but a little flame passed through his eyes.

    "We'll see if if it keep you warm without your bottom, dear wolf", says him, whipering in his glass before taking a sip. "I hope for you, my blades are pretty cold."


    @esher "We will meet on the battle field one day lets not cause trouble for the inn"

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    @chise Azhidal, happier than usual, was getting prepared to listen the rules of this game that he never played, until suddenly, a young woman with black hair and green eyes approaches their table, with a smile and a confidence in her spirit, "Maybe she is some kind of trickster that want to make some easy coin, or is just good at such game" thought Azhidal, before addressing the woman.

    "I don't mind another player, even though a stranger one. I am Azhidal, and you are?

    Saying that, he extends his arm to the woman to shake her hand.


    Telwath shakes his head to Malacath lightly. "Not the time, not yet. But the day'll come, sooner or later." He smiles ruefully. "It always does."

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    "You're ears are way too big, if you heared me, maybe you should shorten them..." says Esher to Malacath. "And I've never think to fight here, tavern's fights are not my type."

    Hearing Telwath, Esher has a little smile. For some, maybe it will be too soon tought him.

    He finished his drink, and fought against the temptation to order a new one. This inn had the best drink of the country, it was sure. He turned his back to the bar and he scanned the room, looking a group or another, a half-smile on his face

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    Malyvern produces a deck of cards. It’s a regular old deck, with 52 cards. The design on each is incredibly intricate, and depict actual lords, princes and kings from the surrounding lands. They look to be hand carved from wood. The mage sets the scene while Azhidal introduces himself to Chise. He motions to join him once they have spoken.

    Malyvern places the drink Azhidal had given him earlier in the middle of a round table and above it, he conjures a single, solitary flame. The light burns, and the mage invites people to gather round as he begins to demonstrate how to play the game.

    0_1528488943515_malyvern tavern.jpg


    "What a strange name, I'm Chise" she said with the same confident smile on her lips as she shook his hand. Looking over to the second man in their company. Both of the men before her seemed interesting yet she knew that she had to be careful as not many people in this world was worth trusting.

    "And you are?" she asked as she leaned forward to look at the cards as she whistled, almost spilling her dark beer in the process.
    "Impressive collection you got there" she continued before another grin spread on her lips. It had been far too long since Chise played any kind of drinking games, let alone had alcohol in her system. Making the young womans tolerance rather low compared to previous years.

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    Azhidal, after introducing to Chise, starts to pay attention to the game his fellow mage is preparing, so he cannot be fooled by a ilusion spell or anything related, and before even starting the game, Azhidal gave a big yawn, streched his thin backs and gave a clap, all to distract a clever and subtle summoning of a small raven on the top of the tavern, attently looking at the side of the clever mage and his cards.

    Looking at Chise, he says "So, Chise, are you from this gorgeuos town or, like me, is just passing through?"


    @esher Malacath Grins "My ears aren't big im a beast kin our animal side gives us sublime hearing, till the day we meet in the glory of battle for tonight we are all friends"


    @docbilbo "Aye, we've always room for another set of hands." Glim says enthusiastically, extending his hand in beast kin welcome.
    "We look forward to having your skill set available to us."

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    With one smooth motion, Malyvern spreads the cards face down in a perfect circle around the glass and the dancing flame. The wooden table is dark, and the lights in the tavern are dim. The cards can only be seen by the light of the flame Malyvern has conjured. Almost as though the mage is about to begin a seance, the mage carefully spreads his hand along the circle.

    “The trouble,” says Malyvern to the various patrons who have gathered to take a look, “is that you’ll all have to trust me when I say the cards are all correct and in their proper order.” In truth, he’s not entirely sure they are himself, and he may have to pull a trick or two to avoid the game coming down entirely to luck.


    @whoatethecat Malacath walks over and extends his forearm to introduce himself to Glim "I'm Malacath Sir nice to meet you if you don't mind me asking wheres this caravan of yours headed?

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    Lost to what to do in the game, Azhidal looks at the cards perfectly setted by Malyvern, that did not made any type of spell in any form, at least through his eyes, and say:

    "So, what should we do, my friend? Should we get the cards or leave it there, and should any of the players put some coin in the table for the game?"

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    Malyvern places the single coin left in his coin pouch on the table and motions for all others to do the same. He smiles at the mage, forgetting that he is new to Kuasrine. “This is a game we used to play long ago at the Academy,” says Malyvern, “it used to ruffle a few feathers with the professors there.” He moves his hand around the circle of cards once more. “The aim for all is to pick the Jack of Blades. At each player’s turn, they are to draw a card. The winner takes the spoils. Take the wrong card, however, and something terrible of my choosing happens.”

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    Azhidal, already understanding how the game can be manipulated, looks at Malyvern, and puts a coin on the table, next to the one his friend putted, and to have a better perspective of his contenders, takes off his hood from his face, revealing a man in his thirties, dark brown hair and really dark green eyes, with a beard that would go in his chin and his cheeks.

    Then, he waits patienlty to Chise to put her coin at the table, while he stares at every card, trying to observe if Malyvern will attempt to have some easy coin by cheating.

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    Malyvern looks around. and orders two new glasses of Scoltail Liquor from the bartender. He opens a tab, promising to pay at the end of the night. The mage returns to the table and as he waits for the other players, he turns to Azhidal. "So tell me," says the mage, "what schools of magic do you study?" Although seemingly a friendly gesture, Malyvern needs to know what this mage is capable of. As a conjurer, he has only a basic knowledge in other disciplines.

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    Azhidal looks at Malyvern and thinks to himself "This man knows magic, so I can't give him a unclear explanation of my capabilities, but do I trust him enough?"

    After thinking for a second, he looks at Malyvern again, and with a big gulp, drink all of the liquor, and then he gets the cup, close it with both hand and chant to himself some words, after he gets some ingredients from his handbag and put on the cup, and when he opens his hands, a group of butterflies leave his hands and fly off to the tavern, to then go out through a window. Looking with a serious face to his friend, Azhidal says:

    "I am a student of the transmutation school, and a experient one. And you Malyvern, what do you bring to this table in the arcane arts subject?"


    Glim shakes the Udoadra's hand.
    "I'm afraid I can't tell you that. Hopefully you can understand." He says, somewhat apologetically.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    Esher giggled while turning his head to Malacath.

    "Beautiful ears. They are beautiful in a necklace", and for himself, " and a demon doesn't have friends."

    Noticing the three humans beggining to play a card game, he stood up and he approached the table.

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