New entry: hell-o :) from Italy
Ciao a tutti!
@ganesha Welcome. Here is all the information you may need
- How to use tags
- What is the reputation of the account
- Jobs Fund
- Common features
- Frequently asked questions
- All we know about the game
Review sections, what's what:
News & Announcements - this information on the forum about the news, they can also be viewed on the official website in the "news" section"
Development Updates - short reviews of game development, not advertised on the official website
Welcome to Fractured - here greet new arrivals
General Discussions - here we publish the ideas of the players (you can get a reward in the form of points Fund).
It is desirable to create topics in the section with discussions in two languages-in English and in your native language, so you will be able to understand more people
Questions & Answers - in principle, questions are asked, which try to answer as quickly as possible
Guild Recruitment - information about the existing guilds
Non-English Discussions - appeal of users to their language community
Off Topic - there is information about opportunities forum, theme with daily task and many
Also, if you posted a topic in the wrong section, you can write a moder with a request that it be rescheduled. In addition, you can ask him to remove your deleted post ( to make it disappear from the public, as there are comments and the link to the post).
Free alpha key will give the top 100-1000, or participants kickstarter
Kickstarter is in June!
The game at the time of release will cost somewhere around $20 - $30
The date is still unknown, we put on 2020+Pss, I have in profile there is interesting information
@ganesha welcome aboard new friend
Benvenuto nel forum!
Welcome here
Hello Ganesha!
Hey ciao, benvenuto!
Welcome bro
You can find all the news here and go see the foundation reward quest to get some nice gift !
Hello and welcome!