Is it going to be F2P, B2P or P2W?
"will be purely cosmetic and on top of that, the items sold there won't be in-game items, but account/character unlocks"
Between Fractured and Ashes of Creation the bound cosmetic thing I think is going to gain some traction. If either (or both) of these projects are success its going to change the face of the cash shop
@jahlon well in a full loot game it's better to have skins than items
otherwise would be frustrating burning real money.
@finland Very True. I've seen full loot drop games where the items you buy actually do get dropped. Albion Online I think comes to mind.
We just w8 to discover hehehe
@opsyco Fractured will be buy to play with an optional VIP subscription and a cash shop, selling cosmetics only. No lootboxes.