Weekly Drawings
Ok. Not to offend the artist out there, but the ability to draw is earning the right to play the game?!
Can all the fans and the developers work together for a solution where our mmo abilities in combat and knowledge, also in community, give the minority of players a chance to balance those points?
@neves The drawings are a way for fans to earn more Foundation Points, and pre-alpha access is the reward at the top. The drawing has nothing to do with being an artist, that's probably just your translation program giving you the wrong translation.
Translate the word "raffle" instead, that's what we mean with "drawing". Also, if you want to play the game, you will have to purchase it.
@neves said in Weekly Drawings:
Ok. Not to offend the artist out there, but the ability to draw is earning the right to play the game?!
Can all the fans and the developers work together for a solution where our mmo abilities in combat and knowledge, also in community, give the minority of players a chance to balance those points?
weekly drawings and not weekly drawings. I was confused at the beginning as well.
Can I get some points now?@edit
"Also, if you want to play the game, you will have to purchase it. ;)"
This is very offensive actually, are you just being mean or is it your way to say you don't want me playing the game?
I'll gladly buy the game!! Once it is released of course. Now? Following the story of mmo we should unity to provide the best data for the developers. You might be moderator, but I bet I beat you in amount of bugs reported in alpha's and beta's in my hole life. So don't teach me making fun. Teach with respect.I'm a player. I can make fun
@neves The raffles have nothing to do with art.
@neves just be active weekly on forum with good comments/reply/feedback and you will join automatically the weekly drawing ;). You are better than me with paint so you are way more artist than me
Lol, this was funny. I got my rank without making a single picture. If i show my awesome paint skills, I'll be rank 1 in a week or so
@benseine actually, you can combine the two.
You make a drawing, you post it at a forum or something, you get into the "AMBASSADOR WEEKLY DRAWING", each week, you win 2k points each/most week(s).
@phaethonas Well, he would have to advertise the game in order to qualify for the ambassador drawing. Simply posting art somewhere without context doesn't count.