Patch Log - r.0.0c2 - Bug Fixes

  • DymStudios - CEO

    Hi everyone,

    we have more bug fixes today and some balance changes to Trials!

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an ancient bug that made status effect disappear from time to time when changing area of the world. This caused a ton of different issues you likely never connected to the same root cause. The effects of potions disappering "after using the harbor" was likely the worst issue of all, but there were others too. They are gone!
    • Corrupted Divine Rewards now drop 50% more than normal DR, as intended, instead of as much as normal DR.
    • The rewards obtained from Heroic and Epic Corrupted Divine Rewards were inverted. They are now fixed.


    • The Trial of Galvanos now features 5 legends active at the same time instead of 10, and these legends have way more HP than before. This event was way too rewarding compared to the other PvP events. This is a temporary change pending a rework of the concept of the event itself, which didn't receive good feedback.
    • Some rewards obtained from Coins of Fate have been rebalanced.
    • Added a variable VFX when using a Coin of Fate.

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