Patch Log - r.0.0b - Hotfixes

  • DymStudios - CEO

    Hi everyone,

    we've just dropped a patch with some hotfixes to yesterday's release, namely:

    • A fix to a major issue with the Divine Trial of Galvanos that could cause server instability.
    • A fix to the attacks and spells of Aggressive players sometimes not colliding with other Aggressive players.
    • The two "bosses" of the tutorial are now regular CR4 mobs both in terms of loot and strength, just with increased HP and a nice one-time quest reward for killing them.
    • In general, the loot of tutorial monsters has been revised.
    • Tutorial resources now regen in 60 seconds instead of 10. Small stones and flax plants still regen in 10 seconds.
    • Most tutorial mobs now respawn in 60 seconds instead of 30.
    • Horses caught in the tutorial island always have 1/5 stat points (the minimum).

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