Trying to Declare Conquest
With my guild I am trying to declare Conquest at a nearby City. I have the 50 000 Gold in inventory and I see this image.
When I click on Proceed, nothing happens and money is still in my inventory. Its probably a bug, thanks for your support !
What's the level of the City your trying to Attack. If the town is over level 5, then you have to attack as a competing town, Guild groups can conquest Hamlets (level 5) or less, as I understand it.
Other than that, I can't say why it isn't working. Might need a bug report then.
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they were trying to attack Northguard as it says in the picture. Which is a rank 0 town...
they were a new guild wanting to conquest it as a guild...
Which is supposed to be allowed.
@GamerSeuss Like OlivePit said, City was level 0 and was abandonned since april. We were only two in guild and in my group when trying to declare siege but I dont think its an issue.
@CaMeCo First, Northguard was abandoned about a month ago, otherwise it would have been long gone. Also, I do believe you would need at least a group of 20 as it is basically the same thing as claiming a town. Also, the first conquest would cost 200k gold and would only drop the loyalty by 30%, meaning you would have to to this multiple times.