Campfires should not allow you to respec
@grofire said in Campfires should not allow you to respec:
@Ulfnaor last test there was no respec and it was a sh*t show, the all exploration part of the game is worth nothing if you can't respec.
please do not offer stuff that you do not understand about them, and didn't do a good research on forum beforehand.Totally agree
This is another balancing point between an easy to use game that can be picked up and left off as players schedules dictate, and a game that is immersive, realistic and challenging.
While something in the middle is the usual go to response, and there are points to be made for all three arguments, I think that there can be no real middle ground; one party always loses out.
That being said, and I think it goes for both sides of the argument, a major point is that we are arguing for a possible change. Were the game released, I don't think that, on the whole, most players would be too disappointed with the decisions made. I think both parties would settle for what they get because what is, is, and what isn't can be worked around.
That being the case, as a player that really wants the most challenging, immersive aspects that Fractured has ever contemplated; animal migration, monster 'learning' based on players previous actions, no respeccing (or at least only infrequent and costly/difficult) only 'heal' in towns etc (See my other posts about hunger/food/weather/resting etc.) yet a player who also has very little time to actually play the game, I would ask the developers to put in the best things, despite their difficulty and time consumption, because those things can be worked around, while you can't work around something that doesn't exist.
I always encourage possible over easy; add the annoying interesting things because players will love those things, and they will make it work, no matter how clunky it is (Old games are the best! and worst) but if you don't put things in the game to make it worthwhile, then does it really matter how fun or ergonomic the game is? (ignoring economics for a second) I would argue that it is better to play a really good game not often enough, than to waste time playing a game with no meaning, at least if what there is, is brilliant, then you have something to dream about.
However, I am not the one making the game, so I will settle for whatever the developers release (which is why I like playing the pre-launch; I get to see things that might only exist for a short time, that other players will never know existed.)
I do not have a strong opinion on this topic but I would approach this from UX and QoL point of view. I think it is a good thing if you have this possibility to respec during exploration or farming or what ever you are doing and you do not need to interrupt your activities because you need or want to use different build. I am also thinking that why I should care if someone wants to respec somewhere in the wilderness if it makes his / her gaming experience better. If this system can be abused or exploit somehow then I am ready to change my opinion.
Despite what I said previously, for this specific instance, i think that @spoletta has the right idea; if you can select presets at a campfire, but not create them or unlock things, merely switch between presets you have already made at a tavern.
I don't think that being able to switch at campfires will make the game too easy, because even specific areas have a variety of enemies, so a preset for a specific enemy that you are farming may not be much good for the other enemies in the area.
Another point is that I personally and I imagine other players do to, (used to, before campfire respec) would make my preset for the area I was heading to, and then ride my horse to that point, ignoring enemies along the way. Because this method allows you to ignore other enemies, the only difference being able to change presets would make would be that you don't need to ride to and from the nearest city, everything else you would do the same.
In my opinion it is no problem to come back to town and change skills if you want to be effective against another mobs. Bigger probles exist if you have PvE skills and you saw some gankers. If we want game was fun we have to have possibility to change our Talents and Abilities between PvE and PvP sets. This way have possibility to choose between ready sets is minimum what we should have. Situation, that we must run away if we see gankers, because we have no chance against them with PvE sets is absurd. Compering FO to AO - in AO we can change our set in 5 sec event without any special place and this system works correctly. In my opinion fast changig Talents and Abilities sets - this is only way to be able fight to defence our spot.